20 Dollar Mode, This mode allows you to play Ron Browz's $20 song while you look at Slender, To change, go to Settings > Change Mode. This is unlocked by beating Slender while on Daytime mode

When the Slender Fortress game-mode was in its infancy, it had a different model and static effects from the original boss, the Slender Man. This boss incorporates these two traits of the original Slender Man and is considered a joke boss, mainly because of being a reskin and its theme song.

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If the player manages to collect all the pages, they will be forced to continue trying to escape, but will inevitably be taken. If playing on a version higher than 0.9.3, the player can unlock a mode where they can play during the daytime. The forest is illuminated, but avoiding the Slender Man is very hard. It also plays with one's mind since the Slender Man is now always visibly stalking the player. Although you don't have a Flashlight to care about Slender will be able to see you easier as it's daytime.

From version 0.9.5 on, successfully completing the game for the first time unlocks "MH mode" (which is based on the Slender Man mythos based web series Marble Hornets). In this mode, the game is portrayed as a video tape which is found by the player. Changes in this mode include a static border on both the top and bottom of the screen, decreased visibility, and a removal of both the page count and audio cues (only the static interference remains).

"Stuck Inside but it's slenderman's verse"Basic informationRip linkYouTube PlaylistUploads from SiIvaGunner, But Something's Wrong.... ()Upload dateApril 2, 2024EventApril Fools' Day 2024Length2:20Ripper(s)Albert Softie, minindo (visuals), Myeauxyoozi (chorus lyrics)[1]Descriptionoriginal song: "Stuck Inside but it's slenderman's verse" is a high quality rip of a fanmade verse for "Stuck Inside" that's sung from the perspective of the Slender Man.

The rip plays an edit of "20 Dollars" by Ron Browz, with its instrumental elements arranged to "Stuck Inside". Additionally, an AI Ron Browz voice performs the lyrics to "Stuck Inside" in the verses and lyrics based on "20 Dollars" (to "Stuck Inside"'s melody) in the choruses. The "Yikes!" sound effect is replaced with the same phrase as heard in the "slenderman cooking hotdogs on the stove" clip from Butchy Kid's "SHOCKING SLENDER MAN VIDEOS" series.

1. This is a great story. I have a hard time finding stories involving Slender Man on this site for some reason, but your's satisfied me.

2. There are different modes to Slender?

3. Gimme twenty dollars.

slendy: gimme 20 dollars

rake: im broke sorry.....

slendy: fine....-walks to next person- gimme 20 dollars

chuthulu: I just gambled away the last of my money....

slendy: -gorans- ok..-goes to next room and its filled with money- yay 20 dollars! -touches-

please note I write horror involving the above characters for this site...zalgo is a fun subject for me I decided to give him more character.the next part of my series will be heavy on slendermane/slenderpony/slendermare/slenderman/slendey/slendykins....yea I got names lol

This song was used in the older versions of the game in a hidden mode that replaced the static sound with Ron Browz' Gimme 20 Dollars whenever Slenderman was nearby. Although it was removed in v0.9.7, it can still be found in the newer version of the game.

Throughout the game, players must avoid being captured by the Slender Man, a tall, faceless man who stalks and hunts them down.[4] Players are alerted to the Slender Man's presence by audio cues and visual distortions.[2] He can appear at any time and does not move when in the player's line of sight.[5][6] Looking at him for too long causes a game over,[5] and the only way not to lose is to run away from him and hide.[4] However, as they collect more pages, they encounter the Slender Man more frequently and are given less time to escape his vicinity before losing.[2] After completing the game, players unlock additional options such as a daylight game mode.[1]

Hadley drew inspiration from how his favorite horror game Amnesia: The Dark Descent (2010) built suspense through its atmosphere and imagery rather than jump scares. Hadley added a degree of randomness to Slender Man's appearances as he felt Amnesia's scriptedness negated its horror. The Eight Pages' atmosphere carries the game. For example, players cannot take in Slender Man's low-quality model, something which Hadley blamed on time constraints, because they have to actively look away from it to survive and are too scared to care. Since most of the models were free assets, the graphics were of poor quality. Hadley made the music "repetitive and droning" to accentuate the atmosphere.[8][9]

Will try to polish it out, made of soft copper it probably will turn out fine, but I hope TS10 will not be a victim of the success. I rather spent a few dollar more to give the workers and QC a bit more time and keep the quality level ok.

With the 3C changing the tint modes, can the LT1S be changed to ramping mode from stepped mode? If so, what is the button press sequence. I did check to find this info, including the tiny flow chart that came with the light.

This game provides examples of: Abandoned Area: The woods show signs of human activity through some of the randomly placed objects, though their purpose is unclear. An abandoned building is one such place. It looks like a shower house, but there are no pipes, water nozzles, or even a pool or lake nearby, so who knows. Either way, try to make this the first place you collect a page from, since it's unlikely you will get cornered in there if you do. A handful of parked trucks. A tool shed with the door barred shut. Some giant gas tanks lined up. Some lined up trees with their upper halves sawed up to perfect height. A pile of stones that resemble Stonehenge. A great big concrete tunnel. A large, cylindrical silo (similar to the one featured in Marble Hornets) without any entrances, and more. The other version of the game take place in an abandoned area, a hospice note a care site for sick people who don't have much time left, a sanatorium, prison, a carnival... Ascended Meme: The 20 Dollars mode that references a meme stating that if you give the Slender Man 20 dollars while he's currently out and about and chasing you, he'll leave you alone immediately thereafter. Adaptation Distillation: Basically every freaky Slender Man encounter from Marble Hornets can be reenacted here. Always Night: To keep your range of vision limited and also you feeling appropriately sandwiched in. Apocalyptic Log: The notebook pages that intell a previous between the Slender Man and one of his other potential victims. Backing into Danger: This is a good way to crash into Slendy's shins if he wasn't in your field of vision already. Badass in a Nice Suit: This is exactly what the Slender Man himself is if we really have to tell you at this point.... Being Watched: After about the first or second page anyway which is exactly when the Slender Man starts chasing you. Bittersweet Ending: In later versions of the game, if you got all eight pages, the Slender Man would still find the Player Character, but she would wake up in the forest the following morning, so it's ambiguous as to whether or not she's really in the clear, though. Slender: The Arrival makes it clear that the protagonist did make it out of the forest alive, but only because Slender Man let her. He had other plans for her. The Blank: See Badass in a Nice Suit above for further information. Cheat Code: Two of them in fact: Daylight mode: Slender Man chases you during the day. Once you collect all 8 pages, you wake up at night, and you get this by completing the normal mode. 20 Dollars mode: Plays the song "Gimme 20 Dollars" whenever you get close to Slender, and you get this when you complete Daylight Mode, but sadly, though, this mode has been removed from recent releases due to copyright issues. Claustrophobia: The bathhouse as the halls are very narrow and the roof not particularly high, and one particular hallway seems to absorb whatever light you beam on it, so the entire experience leaves you feeling like there could be anything waiting around the corner, and in fact, there actually oftentimes is. Combat Tentacles: Have been added to Slendy since the initial release where he more specifically deploys four of these at once whenever you look at him. Creepypasta: The game originated from the Creepypasta story that was originally posted onto the internet by Eric Knudson aka Victor Surge back on June 10, 2009. Difficulty Levels: The production blog says the randomness and frequency of the Big Bad's teleportations is based on these, with a max level of 7. The difficulty goes up with each page you collect or for every four minutes that you go without getting a new page, and Slendy gets less random and more frequent the higher that it goes, and this can seriously trip up new players who take too long to find the pages because they don't know their way around just yet, and it's entirely possible that Slender Man can get to the difficulty level where he can turn you around and make you look at him if he gets too close behind you after pages one and two if you take too long because of this. Don't Go in the Woods: Zigzagged depending on your strategy where more specifically for players who prefer to keep the Slender Man out of sight and run away from him whenever he gets too close, it's played straight, but for players who prefer to lock him in place by facing him while using the trees to block their line of sight, this trope is inverted. Enemy-Detecting Radar: Your camera will go crackly and fuzzy whenever Slendy's getting close. Failure Is the Only Option: Collect pages? Slendy gets you. Do nothing? Slendy gets you. Find all pages? Slendy gets you, but you wake up the next morning realizing that you're now officially forever trapped within the woods of the game-world and likewise doomed to run for the whole rest of your life away from the Slender Man. Featureless Protagonist: You learn nothing about who it is that you're playing as. Foreboding Architecture: Pretty much everything in this game that isn't a tree or Slendy is this, and even then, those sawed-off trees mentioned above are pretty unnerving to say the very least. Foreshadowing: The first page you find will warn of Slendy's coming, and by the second or third page, you'll probably already have had seen him for the first time. Hell Is That Noise: The ominous drumming sound heard upon collecting page one. The Ominous Pipe Organ heard upon collecting page three. The loud wind heard upon collecting page five. The mysterious and unnerving beeping sound heard upon collecting page seven. Hope Spot: Get all eight pages, and the ominous music stops. Congratulations, you beat the game and survived a close encounter with the Slender Man! Except that a few seconds later, he appears right before you once more, and this time around, there's absolutely no escape whatsoever, and even as you wake up the next day seemingly alright, just the very fact that you're still trapped within the woods afterwards easily makes for a rather horrifying Double Subversion of this trope. Infinite Flashlight/Ten-Second Flashlight: This game actually horrifyingly subverts both of these tropes at once in that the flashlight should easily last you long enough for an entire playthrough assuming both that you don't ever backtrack to any one single location that you've already visited earlier on within said playthrough and that you turn the flashlight off whenever its usage isn't absolutely necessary at a given moment in time, but it's by no means unlimited since the general gameplay mechanics make it to where its battery life lasts for exactly 15 minutes more specifically. Invincible Boogeymen: The Slender Man pursues you for the entire game, and you can't fight back against him directly due to the total absence of any man-made weapons from the general gameplay mechanics, hinder him except by backing away from him with anything that's opaque currently placed in between you and him and also turning off the flashlight to reduce the on-screen static build-up rate by 50%, or even look at him or else he'll kill you within a rather short period of time, and so your one other defense's to run from him while collecting the 8 pages scattered throughout the game-map with each page collected making him more aggressive, but the real kicker's that even when you complete the sole objective of the game, Slender Man still catches you anyway shortly afterwards. Jump Scare: Yep. Literally every single time that Slendy pops out of freaking nowhere, and in the newer versions, if you get 5 or more, Slendy can teleport right in front of you, but fortunately, though, he only ever does so very rarely, so you needn't worry too much about that happening until you're close to completing your one and only page-collecting objective. Lean and Mean: The Slender Man is an easy example of this trope in that he's both ungodly thin and also horrifyingly mean on top of that. Lost Woods: The game in its entirety is set within one single location at night with literally nothing more than a camera, a flashlight, and of course, the Slender Man. Luck-Based Mission: The pages' locations are all generated randomly and you won't know where they are until you stumble upon them. Meanwhile, the Slender Man's movements are unpredictable, and sometimes he'll come in so close outside your cone of vision that you won't realize that he's there until it's already too late to do anything about it at all! On top of that, though, the closest things that this game has to any skill-based elements would easily be both one's ability to plan out a good route before ever even starting up their horrifying journey at all and also one's ability to react to Slender Man's unpredictable movements. Madness Mantra: A few of these appear on some of the cryptic pages that you find, and they include messages such as "ALWAYS WATCHES, NO EYES" and "DON'T LOOK, OR IT TAKES YOU" just to name a couple of specific examples of such. Meaningful Background Event: At the very least up until he starts getting right up in your face. Minimalism: So, so much. There's not much to this game aside from some simple pants-wetting terror. Monster Delay: The game plays with this trope depending on exactly how you ever so choose to play it: If you do literally nothing aside from just sitting around with the game running nonstop, then this trope'll be somewhat exaggerated in that Slendy won't spawn up for five solid minutes from you not ever collecting any pages at all. If you instead immediately go and start collecting the eight pages ASAP, then this trope'll instead be considerably downplayed in that Slendy'll gladly spawn up a whole lot earlier and likewise also even potentially appear on the screen for the first time earlier on than he otherwise would obviously. No Plot? No Problem!: You do not start off as an ordinary person who becomes haunted by the Slender Man or gradually uncovers secrets surrounding the haunting. Instead, all that you're given is some dark woods and the instructions to "Find the 8 pages". Nothing Is Scarier: The Game. Most of the gameplay will be spent simply waiting for the moment that you need to panic, and much like other entries in the mythos, you never actually see Slendy doing much. Instead, he's just standing there and also very menacingly so in fact. Now, Where Was I Going Again?: You have absolutely no clues concerning exactly where the pages'll eventually turn up, and so your only option's to wander around aimlessly trying to avoid Slendy until you get all eight pages. One-Hit Kill: Can happen randomly if you're moving amongst the trees, so it's best to stick to the path, and if you go for too long without seeing Slendy, he teleports behind you and likewise instakills you. One-Hit-Point Wonder: You get exactly one chance to get all 8 pages, and if and when you're caught, it's all over for you from there. "Psycho" Strings: The mysterious and unnerving beeping sound that you hear once you collect page seven is easily the closest thing that this game has to this trope, but in Slender: The Arrival, however, this trope appears in its full standard glorly whenever the "chaser" aka Kate comes and attacks you. Random Event: Both encounters with Slendy and the placing of the pages are these since the former always depends on whatever Slendy ever so chooses to do to you at a given moment in time and also since the latter always depends on what the general gameplay mechanics just so happen to do with them during a given playthrough. Read the Freaking Manual: The rules behind running are not anything like normal first person shooters, and the readme file has info, but sadly, though, hardly anyone ever so bothers to read it, so they likewise end up screwing themselves over. Right Behind You: While the Ominous Pipe Organ is groaning, Slendy'll teleport as needed to invoke this trope if and whenever he thinks that you're turning around to Look Behind You. Scare Chord: Blares whenever you-know-who comes within sight not far from you and sometimes when he actually doesn't. Schmuck Bait: It seems that collecting the pages themselves is exactly what draws him over to you in the first place. Hear an Ominous Pipe Organ? Then Look Behind You since Slendy'll gladly show up if he isn't there already. Scrapbook Story: If you pay attention, the pages actually do tell the story of a previous victim of Slendy's. Seeker Archetype: The Protagonist, though we have no idea who this person is or why they're out of the woods in the middle of the night. Shoot the Shaggy Dog: In early versions of the game, if you managed to collect all eight pages, the Slender Man will get you and likewise still kill you off anyway! Shout-Out: The entire game is basically one big love letter to Marble Hornets. Doubly so with the unlockable Marble Hornets mode that makes the game look like it's yet another entry in the series and also removes all music. The ominous drumming sound that starts up once you collect your very first page sounds like giant footsteps. Silent Protagonist: The most that you'll ever hear out of the main character is exhausted panting once you've been jogging for five seconds or longer. Silliness Switch: 20 Dollars mode replaces the static that plays when Slender Man is close with this, but it's removed in version 0.9.7 due to copyright issues. Slow Walk: How you will be moving for the most of the game since your character seems to be unable to jog for more than a few seconds before running out of breath. Snowy Screen of Death: If you're caught by the Slender Man, things will go really fuzzy, and then fade to black. Stalker without a Crush: The Slender Man most likely since nothing is known about exactly what he ever so does to his victims, but not knowing that just makes him even more intimidating. Super-Persistent Predator: This is another thing that the Slender Man is all throughout the entire game, and this is especially true once you're on page seven since once you get to that point in the game, he's at his absolute fastest and also at his most unpredictable state imaginable. Who Forgot The Lights?: The game is absolutely pitch black without your flashlight or daytime mode, and that's especially true concerning the complex to be found within the center of the game-map, but you can still sorta navigate based upon the sky just so long as you can figure out exactly which way is which first off. LEAVE ME ALONE 0852c4b9a8

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