It was first seen in "To Boulderly Go" when he and Vambre used various magiswords to try to move a rock. Being a sentient Magisword, Prohyas treats it more as a pet than a weapon. It is sentient to the point it can even use other magiswords.

The warriors use a variety of magiswords to battle creatures (and sometimes each other). Each variation of a sword has a different power, from wrapping the victim like a mummy to spraying water at him. Some hitting, but no one is incapacitated for long.

Mighty Magiswords Hd Full Movie Download

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MIGHTY MAGISWORDS centers on the brother-sister duo of Prohyas (voiced by Kyle A. Carrozza) and Vambre (Grey DeLisle), known all around as Warriors for Hire . The two embark on quests to locate and retrieve magical swords, "magiswords," with unusual powers. They take on missions that bring them face-to-face with monsters, fairy-tale characters, and other oddities, reaching into their arsenal for magical swords ("magiswords") with unique powers to help get the jobs done for their clients. Things don't always go smoothly, even with weapons that morph into accordions, boomerangs, and foodstuffs at will, but if they can keep their sibling rivalry at bay, they might stand a chance of living up to their name.

This loud, frantically paced collection of bizarre adventures that are fun to watch but really short on substance or value. Vambre and Prohyas are just like any other sibling team working together: competitive, snarky, and often looking to outshine each other. Sometimes that leads to arguments, sometimes to full-blown battles with their arsenal of magiswords, but most of the time they manage to combine their efforts and follow through on their missions.

The Warriors for Hire Prohyas Warrior Voiced by Kyle CarrozzaOne half of Warriors For Hire and brother of Vambre Warrior. Though he's always eager for a battle, Prohyas tends to be more empathetic and compassionate than his more masculine sister. He cares a lot for his magiswords and hence he shares a close relationship with both Dolphin Magisword and Zombie Pumpkin Magisword. Berserk Button: He gets annoyed when someone implies that he isn't manly. Big Eater: He tends to binge on junk food whenever possible. Blood Knight: Can be applied to both siblings, but Prohyas appears to be less of this than Vambre, showing less interest in violence. Catchphrase: "I have best plan!", "Cheese and crackers", "Sweet monkey chunky bunky!", "Nope nope nope nope nope nope!", "Noooooooo!" (whining), "The problems are multifold!", "YOU HORRIBLE LITTLE..." (in retaliation to whomever stubbornly makes helping the Warriors difficult), "Uuuuuuuuummmm Vambre? Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmm Vambre?", "Vaaaaambre? Vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmbre?" and "I DO WHAT I WANT!" Chaste Hero: Had no interest in romance nor affection until meeting Penny Plasm, claiming he didn't even know what the word meant. He seems to like it just fine now, though... Curtains Match the Window: Normally, his eyes are depicted as black, but certain expressions show that his irises are the same shade of blue as his hair. Does Not Like Spam: He doesn't like having to eat broccoli. Evil Twin: He suffers this trope in the form of his counterpart Nohyas, with a Running Gag that Nohyas often makes up stories based on Prohyas' life. Genius Ditz: He's shown to be equal parts crafty and goofy. When hired to destroy a giant Smashroom that was threatening their client's home, Prohyas tries to cheer up Zombie Pumpkin so he can destroy it. Vambre tries to slow it down by covering it with a giant wicker basket, and then stuffing its mouth with gum. The Smashroom eats both of them, since they're technically made from trees. Prohyas points this out, saying that Vambre didn't pay attention in Arboretum class. She responds that he didn't pay attention in anything else. Hair Reboot: When his hair gets damaged, he can instantly grow it back by blowing on his thumb. Heroic Build: Prohyas is fairly strapping and sinewy. In Touch with His Feminine Side: He is very caring towards his magiswords, especially Dolphin Magisword. Vambre notes that he has a mother's instinct, but he insists that he's manly. He willingly lets Princess Zange try outfits on him in a women's clothing store. ... for a while. Jerk Ass Ball: Prohyas grabs hold of this in the episode "Ain't That A Kick In The Side?" where Witch Way bullies Prohyas for supposedly being Vambre's sidekick, causing Prohyas to snap and act completely domineering and dismissive of Vambre during their mission (even causing and letting Vambre get physically harmed) to assert himself as "the main character". It all culminates with Vambre calling Prohyas out for his bizzarely rude and overshadowing behavior, saying he's behaving like "An absolute Morbidia" to which the temple boss and the P.A woman agree on and say he should be a "Vambre, not a Morbidia.". Prohyas interprets this to mean that to be the "main character" he needs to behave ''just like Vambre'', which he does by using Monster Suit Magisword to don a Vambre mascot costume and imitating her accent, her vernacular (even saying words like "Cheerio" and "Baulderdash" which Vambre never says, her love of Veronica Victorious and her hatred of pants, all of come off as a mean-spirited mockery of Vambre. Naturally, Vambre gets angered by this farcical impersonation and resolves to stick to the sidelines and let Prohyas handle the mission by himself. Prohyas at first is delighted to be "the main character", but when Witch Way appears and beats him up proving themselves more than he can handle by himself, he tearfully apolgizes to Vambre saying he's not fit to be the main character. Vambre then tells him that she never considered anyone "the main character," they're both equals in everything they do together. This gives Prohyas enough of a confidence boost to realize he doesn't need to be a leader to be important and happily works with Vambre. Leitmotif: Shares one with Vambre that plays throughout most of the series. Manchild: Prohyas is loud, hyperactive, fond of stuffing his face with junk food, scared of the dentist, frequently performs made-up songs on his accordion magisword and delights in poking fun at Vambre. However, that hardly makes him any less efficient in combat. Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: The feminine boy to Vambre's masculine girl. Nice Guy: He's rather sweet and polite. Organ Autonomy: Like Vambre's brain, his stomach is sentient and can take over when he's tired and hungry enough. After a period of particularly unhealthy eating, it can completely override him to find something of actual nutritional value. Pungeon Master: He's fond of making puns. Real Men Wear Pink: He occasionally wears a pink apron around their house but will always insists that he's "MANLY!" whenever someone takes notice of his "feminine qualities." Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training: Like his sister Vambre Prohyas is very skilled with magiswords and can use them in creative ways but struggles with every day tasks if deprived of them. Extremely notable when he couldn't perform basic fencing forms despite the fact that his weapons of choice are all magical swords. Team Mom: The "MATRON OF HONOR", as he refers himself, has quite the mother's instinct. Trademark Favorite Food: Prohyas seems to love slugburgers, since he eats at Slugburger's and has the Excaliburger Magisword. Verbal Tic: Prohyas has "Hey!" He acknowledges this trope directly in "Can I Keep It?" when Vambre explains that "Hey" is the word in slime language for "split in two."Prohyas: Hey, I understand. I have a Verbal Tic, which means I can't be around the little guy, or I'll flood the kingdom with slimes. Weapon Specialization: The Dolphin Magisword and Accordion Magisword are his signature magiswords, with the former also doubling as his pet. Also, Zombie Pumpkin Magisword.

Vambre Warrior Voiced by Grey DeLisleOne half of Warriors For Hire and Prohyas' elder sister. She's more masculine than her brother and possesses a fondness for books, specifically the Veronica Victoria series. She speaks with an inexplicable British accent. Added Alliterative Appeal: Prefers her alliteration of Prohyas' puns. Badass Bookworm: Reading is one of her favorite hobbies and she seems to retain much more knowledge on obscure matters than her brother and kicks just as much ass in addition. Berserk Button: Quite a few, actually: Don't ever try to harm her little brother. Don't do or say anything to debase the Veronica Victoria book series as she is a major fan. Morbidia and Gateaux learned that the hard way. Never ask her to put on some pants. In fact, try not to mention anything resembling pants in front of her and under no circumstances ever put pants on her... Really, don't. Big Sister Instinct: She's very protective of her younger brother Prohyas when anyone mocks him. She also shows this when a herd of evil squirrels attempt to attack Prohyas on stage. "STAY AWAY FROM MY BROTHER!!!" Blood Knight: Likes to fight more than even her brother (who at least was hesitant to fight a dragon) and more often than not deliberately chooses more difficult/dangerous options purely for the thrill. Brainless Beauty/The Ditz: Temporarily becomes this when her own brain abandons her. Catchphrase: "Och!", "Eee!", "Word!", "Boooooooo!", "Oh NO! You DID NOT!" "Let's shall" on occasion, and "Dear brother" towards Prohyas when she's in a pleasant mood. Cultured Bad Ass: Vambre prefers tea over coffee, loves reading, especially the Veronica Victorious novels, has a vocabulary slightly more refined than Prohyas or anyone else in the show and speaks with an upper-class British accent on top of being an adrenaline junkie, an avid Magisword collector and fighter, and a parkour extraordinaire. Does Not Like Spam: Doesn't like Slugburgers and doesn't consider them real food (Prohyas actually doesn't think they're real food either, but that doesn't stop him). Exposed to the Elements: Doesn't matter how cold things get. She still refuses to wear pants. During a trip in Translyberia, Prohyas mistakenly thinks she's wearing blue tights when her legs have actually turned blue due to this trope. Genius Ditz: Though she's a bit smarter and more serious than Prohyas, she's almost just as goofy. Hartman Hips: Vambre has a fairly impressive set of these and she even references this in "The Saga of Robo Piggeh" Vambre (confused):"Far out? Is Ryboflavain really that far from here?" Prohyas: "Don't be so square, Vams. Get with the lingo." Vambre: "I understand the limbo perfectly, Prohyas. And my hips are fine, thanks." Hero Antagonist: There are two episodes in which Vambre is on opposing forces with Prohyas. One of which being "Fixing A Flonk" in which after the titular Flonk (one of the Warrior's childhood bullies) barges into Slugburger's and disturbs everyone's dining experience by being loud, grossing out the customers and smearing an ice cream cone all over Spoony when he tells Flonk to get out to which everyone else agrees. This culminates in Spoony calling Prohyas and Vambre for back-up and Vambre is ready to pound him before Prohyas stops her and says they should instead try to help Flonk find a venue where he can use his stand-up for beneficial purposes. Vambre denies Flonk has good in him and refuses to help them. Giving Prohyas and Flonk 24 hours to find a legit venue for Flonk with a content audience or else she'll turn Flonk over to Officer Fordor. The most egregious being "For The Love Of Narwhal" in which Vambre verbally mistreats Darlin' Narwhal Magisword and causes her to cry. (Yeah, her as not only is Darlin' Narwhal sentient like Zombie Pumpkin and Dolphin Magisword, but she has the mindset and mannerisms of a baby, making Vambre's out-of-character behavior worse). It leads to Vambre tossing Darlin' Narwhal away, but thankfully Prohyas catches her and lovingly takes her under his wing, even teaching her to use her love-spreading powers as a powerful combative move. Vambre gets angry and calls Prohyas a "Magisword thief" and goes to extreme lengths to get Darlin'' Narwhal back now that she's useful in combat. Thankfully Vambre tearfully apologizes for mistreating Darlin' Narwhal and trying to damage Prohyas and Darlin' narwhal's loving relationship, and goes to more extreme lengths to make it up to Prohyas which mildly creeps him out. Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Vambre may be blunt, a bit of a Deadpan Snarker and a total Blood Knight, but she is a good-hearted person who'll whole-heartedly show compassion to anyone she cares about (even Gateaux), especially her friends and her little brother. The Lad-ette: Aside from her love of reading Veronica Victorious novels, Vambre's other known interests include beating things up, riding her Hoverboard Magi Sword and going on adventures with her brother. As such, she's completely uninterested in things that don't involve that (such as fashion). In "Case Clothed", she had no idea what "girl time" meant and was absolutely irritated when Princess Zange made her try on clothes. Leitmotif: She shares one with Prohyas that plays throughout most of the series. Leotard of Power: Vambre wears one because she doesn't like wearing pants. Le Parkour: She "vanquishes" Grup by displaying some very hardcore parkour (which Grup is unable to replicate). Loud of War: Generally uses the Oinkus Oinkus Magisword to stun any opponents with sonic oinking. Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: The masculine girl to Prohyas' feminine boy. Ms. Fanservice: Just look at her attire and curves! Vambre also has a pair of long shapely legs and her absolute refusal to wear any pants at any time mean they're always on display. Oblivious to Love: She seems to be the only person in Rhyboflavin who doesn't realize that Noville is madly in love with her. Organ Autonomy: She often argues with her own brain. Produce Pelting: Is prone to using her Tomato Magisword to pelt anyone that offends her with lame puns or bad theatre. Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training: Like her brother Prohyas Vambre is very skilled with magiswords and can use them in creative ways but struggles with every day tasks if deprived of them. Extremely notable when she couldn't perform basic fencing forms despite the fact that her weapons of choice are all magical swords. Team Dad: Vambre is quite a bit more strict than the nurturing Prohyas. Tomboy with a Girly Streak: While she's the Team Dad of Warriors For Hire, she's also done some rather girly mannerisms in some of the shorts and the series. Examples include wearing a dress as a child, her friendship with Princess Zange, addressing her friends as "darling" and "dearheart" and Prohyas as "dear brother" and cooing over Goomer reuniting with an anklosauraus whom we later learn is actually King Rexxtopher's sister's best friend's child Franklo in "The Land Before Slime" and the snowmanpire babies, even when one of them bites her finger and sucks on it. Trauma Button: She is terrified of squirrels since childhood. The sight of one freaks her out. In "Squirreled Domination", she had to deal with a tree full of them while Prohyas was sick. Unexplained Accent: She has a British accent and uses appropriated cultural phrases that nobody else on the show, including her brother and parents, does for no explained reason. In one vlog, Prohyas mentions that Vambre sometimes talks in her sleep without her accent. In one flashback of "Random Acts of Memory", she blurts out in an American accent that her British accent isn't real after getting shot in the mouth with "truth-paste". A flashback episode to their childhood reveals that, when she was sick and bedridden, the person her parents hired to examine her spoke with this kind of accent and she decided to imitate them since she liked it so much. Verbal Tic: Sometimes says "Och!" when annoyed and says "Eee!" when excited. Vambre also refers to her friends as "darling" and "dearheart" Weapon Specialization: The Tomato Magisword and Oinkus Oinkus Magisword are her signature magiswords. What the Hell, Hero?: Defied. In "Felonious Prose", Morbidia attempts to call Vambre out when she decides to leave them in the quagmire. Vambre then retorts, "You've cheesed me off on a PERSONAL LEVEL!" in regards to their plan of writing a fake Veronica Victorious book in the hopes of distracting Vambre from hers and Prohyas' gig. Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: She's deathly afraid of squirrels. She even says the line verbatim when she has to deal with them. Women Are Wiser: Subverted. She likes to think of herself as the responsible elder sibling, but her own foibles can be just as bad as her brother's. be457b7860


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