by Kaigan Games Entertainment

People keep disappearing into thin air, leaving nothing but an eerie symbol behind.

Developed a new phone engine for the game, collaborated with programmers, designers, and artists, implemented new features and components, provided post-release support and maintenance, and ensured the use of efficient, clean, and maintainable code structure.

Role: Game Programmer
Contributed Duration: 1 Year 11 Months
Tech: Unity Engine

Lucky Hole!

by Urban Haven Nation

1% Luck and 99% Skill!

Designed & implemented all aspects of the game, such as player interactions,
game systems and casual arcade gameplay & experience.


Minimalist Visual Design

Arcade Machine Design

Ball To Hole Balance Design

Game Economy System

Progressive Collection System


Player Controls & Interactions

Machine Block Out & Game Systems

Visual Looks & Finishing

Unity Ads Integration

Play Store Releasing

Role: Gameplay Programmer & Game Designer
Resource: 1 Week & 1 Developer
Tech: Unity Engine & Unity Ads

Rolly Hit!

by Mega Shock Entertainment

Roll and hit as much as possible and fill up the basket!

Designed all levels & hyper casual features, implemented player & game systems, UI & visual looks,
and directed the team & game production.


20 Level Colors & Designs

Progressive Level & Audience Systems

Variant Ball & Obstacle Systems

Perfect & Streak Systems

Container & Basket Systems


Player Controls & Interactions

UI Animations & Transitions

Level Block Out & Game Systems

Visual Looks & Finishing

SDK & Analytics Integrations

Play Store & App Store Releasing


Creative Direction

KPI Analysis

Project Scheduling

Task Management

Team Management

Role: Project Lead, Game Producer, Gameplay Programmer & Co-Game Designer
Resource: 9 Weeks & 2 Developers
Tech: Unity Engine, Voodoo TinySauce SDK & Unity Analytics

Zombie Friends Idle

by Xhinobi

Exciting gameplay with different combinations of zombies!

Improved existing game mechanics, implemented various gameplay features, and written optimized codes for best performance.

Role: Game Programmer
Contributed Duration: 3 Months
Tech: Unity Engine

Head Rescue

by Legendary Unit

Head Rescue is a fast paced real-time multiplayer 1v1 rescue game with fresh action and arcade madness!

Worked on designing all aspects of the game, implemented level & gameplay systems,
UI & visual looks, and managed & directed the team & the project.


10+ Power Ups & 10+ Level Interactions

3 Level Designs & 2 Level Up Systems

20+ UI Screen Concepts

Gameplay Point Reward Stats System

30+ Skins, Mastery & Trophy Systems

Crates, Lottery, Ads & Live Ops Systems


Player Controls & Interactions

Level Block Out & Elements

UI Animations & Transitions

Visual Looks & Finishing

Adaptive UI Screen Ratio

Play Store Releasing


Creative Direction

Project Scheduling

Task Management

Team Management

Game Store Listing

Role: Project Lead, Game Producer, Gameplay Programmer & Game Designer
Resource: 10 Months & 2 Developers
Tech: Unity Engine & Photon Unity Networking


by Mega Shock Entertainment

Slingshot, bounce, stick and absorb other blood cells’ energy so you don’t fall and ruin your own life!

Designed all aspects of the game, implemented UI & VFX systems, lead programming team,
directed & managed the project, and dealt with potential publishers.


10+ Procedural Level Layouts

20+ UI Screen Concepts

30 Skins & Ability Systems

50 Missions & Award Systems

Daily Reward & Lucky Spin Systems

Notification, Ads & IAP Systems


UI Animations & Transitions

Visual Effect Creations

Adaptive UI Screen Ratio

FB Analytics Integration

Unity Ads Integration

Play Store Releasing


Creative Direction

Project Scheduling

Task Management

Team Management

Game Store Listing

Role: Project Lead, Game Producer, Lead Programmer & Game Designer
Resource: 5 Months & 6 Developers
Tech: Unity Engine, Kwalee Facebook SDK, Unity Ads & GitHub


by S.I.M

A simulation strategy game where player takes control of a robot robber and to be the richest robber ever programmed.

In charge of implementing player & UI systems, level & game systems,
lighting & VFX systems, and lead programming team.


Managed Programming Team

Player Controls & Interactions

UI Market & Upgrade Systems

Level Interactions & Lighting Systems

UI Animations & Transitions

Visual Effects Creation

Adaptive UI Screen Ratio

Role: Lead Programmer
Resource: 3 Months & 6 Developers
Tech: Unity Engine
Award: Top 2nd Mobile Game Project 2019

Time for Dinner

by Team MewTwo

A short action/adventure RPG-like game with aesthetics of children’s theatre and childlike wonder.

Worked on all implementation aspects of the game, such as player & AI systems,
level & UI systems, game systems & VFX, and lead programming team.


Managed Programming Team

Player Controls & Interactions

Level Interactions & Behaviors

AI Behaviors & Day Night Systems

UI Upgrade & Lottery Systems

UI Animations & Transitions

Visual Effects Creation

Adaptive UI Screen Ratio

Role: Lead Programmer
Resource: 3 Months & 4 Developers
Tech: Unity Engine

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