Another good feature of Slack is the shared channels. As consultants, we find it very convenient to set up shared channels and talk directly to clients. You can turn slack comments into Asana tasks easily using the integration so nothing gets missed. We keep all conversation directly related to a task in Asana, but we have high level conversations in Slack.

Pass true to delete the message as the authed user with chat:write:user scope. Bot users in this context are considered authed users. If unused or false, the message will be deleted with chat:write:bot scope.

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A bit of help please...I was editing a message I had written to someone and pressed some random keys / combination of keys and now my chat window is shifted to the left somehow- basically i see 5% of the pictures of the people i am chatting with:

The only way we seem to be able to communicate in the "team" is currently using the "Post" tab. I can see this has its benefits for some conversations which need to be contained and not interrupted but for general chatter between the team it feels like a massive step back (i mean if its important enough to create a post, then its likely we will use an email instead to make it easier for people who are OOO for a few days).

Is there a way we can setup a "Chat" with the "To" to be the members of the "Team" and add that to each "Channel" Ideally any one new to the team would be able to view all previous messages within that chat. Basically i am trying to recreate the Slack feel as close as possible.,

Jumping in here because I'm having a slightly different but connected issue. Is there different expected behavior from a chat channel of an inbox versus an email channel of an inbox as they connect and post to Slack?

I ask because chat channels (live chat and FB messenger) work as expected for me via slack. I can receive and respond accordingly. Works like magic (as I would want it to). But the connected emails to the same inbox, however, are not posting to the same slack channel as expected. I'm receiving a notification of the conversation in Slack via the connected Hubspot app but it's not in the slack channel if that makes sense.

Is this expected behavior?

I have the same issue. I integrated Slack and authorized access to the account. Added the HubSpot bot to the live-chat channel in Slack. I receive the notifications from the chat immediately but my responses from Slack do not show up in the chat. Any suggestions?

I'm having consistent issues with this also. I've disconnected/reconnected multiple times. Right now it's saying my email addys are different (between slack and HS). In spite of this I did not receive an email as per HS docs and in HS it shows my correct slack email address for the integration. No warnings nothing.

I was able to get website chat replies working from Slack using free accounts. Needed to map email addresses as the community manager below mentioned @jennysowyrda . The email didn't appear in my inbox, I had to search for it. But that process got it working perfectly. Thanks!

I see exactly what you mean here and definitely recognise that there is room for improvement regarding our chat spacing and line formatting, particularly in comparison to a platform such as Slack. This is a great point and I hope we can in get some more eyes on this request, to get it on our developers radar!

You can't use Incoming Webhooks with Workspace Apps right now; those apps can request single channel write access and then use chat.postMessage in the Web API to post messages, providing very similar functionality to Incoming Webhooks.

Incoming webhooks are limited in their functionality. They are great if you need an easy way to send a message that does not require a token, but in general the API method (chat.postMessage) is the better choice. It is more flexible (e.g. not fixed to one channel) and provides the full functionality (e.g. you get the ID for a message and can later update it).

with chat.postMessage() you send a message to a specific channel, often you do that in response to a users action. You will need the token to verify the postMessage Request which you receive when the user installs your app. Incoming webhooks are often used to post general information, e.g. patch notes or general announcements. As far as I know, you don't need the token since there is a verification behind that Url. so the webhook url is bound to a specific channel, which is specified through the user. With chat.postMessage you can post messages anywhere (depending on your permissions, maybe not in private channels or direct messages)

Recently, I've been chatting with some of the other Rust Community team members about starting up a Rust Slack channel. The idea of the channel would be, just like #rust-beginners, a safe place for people new to Rust to get started. While IRC is great, some people prefer to use other means. For example, our rust-lang/rust gitter has 1000 people in it(!!)

I wouldn't underestimate the community as a whole. In my experience it's quite rare that a moderator needs to "flex" to ensuring the composer of any of the rust channels -- which is in contrast to many different channels I've participated in. As long as the slack channel is attracting the same kind of people as the IRC channel, Reddit, users and internals forums, I don't think there will be a problem at all.

That said, I really don't like the trend of open communities using Slack. It's a system owned and controlled by a business that does not value openness, interoperability, or the privacy of its users. Despite the hype it currently gets (which is largely deserved) it's still just a business, and there's no guarantee it'll still be around in a year or two. It's fine for a company to use Slack for their employees to chat (which is its primary use case) but it's a very poor fit for something like this.

My obviously biased opinion is that the best system to use for an open source project's community chat is Matrix, because it is an open protocol, anyone can build a client or server for it, it's federated, so no single company owns or controls the data, and it's on par feature-wise with Slack (give or take, since all the Matrix clients are still beta-ish at best.)

I'm the author of Ruma, a fledgling Matrix server written in Rust. If you're not already familiar with Matrix, we prepared a good Introduction to Matrix that explains it at a high level. Even the information in those documents should be enough to make it a compelling alternative to Slack for the Rust community's purposes. More info about Matrix can be found at the official website. The premiere web-based Matrix client right now is Riot. You can either create an account to chat, or log in as a guest without providing any information about yourself, just like IRC.

It's also important to note that Matrix bridges into other networks, including IRC. The Matrix server provided by bridges into both Freenode and Mozilla IRC, so users of Matrix and users of IRC can talk to each other in the same channels transparently, without even knowing that some other users are connected through the other system. This means that using Matrix as the community chat for Rust would make it completely transparently compatible with our existing IRC channels. In fact, this is already the case. I've been using Matrix through Riot to chat in the Mozilla IRC channels for some time now. This means that it's not even necessary to "choose" Matrix. It's simply there and working already. As such, any effort by an organized group who would've otherwise "chosen" Slack could simply put their effort into publicizing the fact that users can use either Matrix or IRC to participate in community chat.

Greetings,I am Rea, and I am inquiring about the integration of Evernote with Slack. Specifically, I am curious if, once integrated, I will be able to access my work chat history from Evernote directly within the Slack interface.Furthermore, I am interested to know if there is a way to securely back up or export my work chat history from Evernote using the Slack platform.Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you! Warm regards,Rea

Since many months now, I wanted to upgrade my personal project oracle-xmpp, that was pretty cool as it was allowing you to send for free chats on xmpp protocol...and hence on GTalk, openfire, and so many other platforms (check APEX integration by Noel Portugal).

This decision was about to make me discover slack web api, Oracle certificates import and ACL : ass in the couch, laptop on the knees, Jazz my ears, some food and water and go for some dev ! Youhouuuu !

The slack certificat are matching the * pattern. First I wanted to use the direct chat api which is hosted this way : ...which does not match the target pattern, causing the utl_http package to fail because of the certificate, complaining that domain is not matching the certificat ( is not matching with *, respectfully with RFC 2459.

In a work context, chat applications take the place of @staff email blasts about fire system testing, broken lifts, and spontaneous availability of baked goods. This is a good thing as this kind of company spam is often impossible to unsubscribe from.

ChatOps speeds up software development and operations by enabling DevOps teams to use chat clients and chatbots to communicate and run tasks. DevOps engineers have increasingly moved their monitoring, system management, continuous integration (CI), and continuous delivery (CD) workflows to chat applications in order to streamline activities in a single place and enable better collaboration within organizations. e24fc04721

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