Software Engineering Lab. @ Sungkyunkwan University

성균관대학교 소프트웨어공학 연구실

성균관대학교 소프트웨어공학 연구실에 방문하신 것을 환영합니다!

Research Area 

Automated Program Repair

– Automatically repair software defects based on past history

Provide the reason for the failures and provide possible solutions

– Automatically rank the generated patches

Fault Localization

– Identify the fine-grained locations of bug

– Isolate the problematic area from the entire source code

Bug Localization

 Rank the suspicious source files for the reported bug

Reformulate bug reports (queries) for relevancy enhancement

Remove noise from bug reports (queries) and source files (search space)

Test Automation

­ – Verify the correct behavior of the SW

Maximize SW coverage & number of detected faults
