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Hacker Dermatology is dedicated to improving the lives of men and women who suffer from skin cancer and other skin disorders. With new advances and medicines available daily, our doctors are here to treat your needs both surgically and non-surgically. Whether you suffer from psoriasis, eczema or warts, we take pride in offering the best in clinical dermatology treatments for skin cancer and other skin disorders in our Delray Beach clinic. Please contact us today to request a consultation!

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**** All skins have now been uploaded to the wonderful Haluter's Skin Downloader (HSD) I highly recommend grabbing this tool

However should a manual download be needed please respond in this thread and i'll Picard it. 

Here you can see the damaged prop, spinner and collapsed gear, after a bad landing on the Nairana.

Note the pealed oil seal, this is sometimes mistaken as a painted embelishment but is clearly damage.

Due to a lack of sources i've re-created the 835 SQN crest as best I could it's a touch oversized but fits well with the skin.

I've decided to add another 835 SQN skin with an all white finish, this is NF700 who was flown and written off by Sub-Lt Burgham in March of 44 after a landing accident, As the batman gave the command to cut engine the rounddown rose 30 feet in a swell, though Burgham managed to put her on the deck the tail wheel caught on the rounddown breaking her back.

However, here she is in her original lettering (T) ready to take the fight once more to the enemy:

Sea Hurricane Mk IIC "Pauline"

"Pauline" is a fictional skin based on a historical pattern, the original being a training plane skin from 800 NAS based out of Gosport with the serial P3114, this would have used the current 1940 FAA trend of high demarcation and possibly medium sea grey rather than white distemper but sources are unclear, the original simply bore M as the code letter like many training planes.

"Pauline" is updated to 1944 standard markings and colours (pre invasion) and is dedicated to a former Royal Navy veteran Roy Delaney, I've stenciled Roy's rank and name below the cockpit left side and the plane is named for his wife Pauline and given the code letter D.

Sea Hurricane Ib (ish)

Z7015-7L, 880 SQN, Currently the Only flying Sea Hurricane in the world.

This skin is based on Z7015 currently part of the Shuttleworth collection in the UK, a Canadian built 1B which was sent to the UK and over to 880 Sqn, she unfortunately never saw action, whilst in transit from RNAS Yeovilton to the Orkney Isles and then finally to HMS Indomitable she became U/S (Unserviceable) and was instead shipped to a repair facility where she languished and eventually became a training plane.

In 1961, she was collected and sought to become airworthy for use in the film The Battle of Britain, unfortunately too much work was involved to get her back in the air and she stayed grounded.

By 1986 a joint venture between Shuttleworth and IWM was launched to restore Z7015 back to airworthy status and by 1995 she took her first flight in nearly 60 years, at the time with the only known working Merlin III engine too!

Though others have painted this and similar (the yellow tail was common for flights as part of Operation Pedestal) I couldn't really resist.


I will paint everything you love in Temperate sea scheme, mostly because it looks fantastic. None-Historical of course, what if coastal command/Fleet Air Arm P38, 2 skins in this pack, standard TSS and one with invasion stripes.

P38J25_RAF Skins.

3 skins here, the RAF did test the P38 as a pathfinder craft for bombers so there is a historical Flat earth/Dark Green scheme for it which was tested in 42, i've recreated this for the J25, i've also provided a version with Invasion stripes, because BoN is just round the corner, Finally, I've added a "what if" 1944 RAF scheme for the P38 as you can see below.

P38J25 Royal Canadian Air Force

Same as the RAF skins above however, all of the roundels have been swapped for the very late war/post war Canadian Roundel, because it's frankly awesome, Bomb loads may also consist of Maple syrup.

"Alert One, this is Eagle One, you're clear to fire, Splash the Zero's"

P38J25 painted a few years ahead of it's time, 1989 VF-84 scheme of the Jolly rogers or perhaps as it may have appeared on a P38.

rather famously seen in the film The Final Countdown, if you're so inclined you can also take this skin to the...Danger zone.

Again, a non-historical skin set as the navy never flew the tempest it being far too heavy to launch and recover off carriers of the time, even post war, the lighter Hawker fury required a catapult system for launch. None the less, she looks fabulous in Temperate Sea Scheme.

I've a fair few skins for US Navy planes planned, I rather love the various shades of blue used, one plane which looks a bit like a stretched out F4F is the Razorback, not surprisingly it lends well to the patterns used by the USN.

By late 1944 and into 1945, the requirement to get new planes out into the field meant the tricolour scheme was dropped in favour of an all over "Glossy sea blue" scheme, in fact this was kept post war up to the mid 50's, this skin represents a plane from VF-84

Turns out there are alphas that come with the skins, who knew? (ok... I know)

All planes updated with better/tweaked alphas.

Hurricane: NF672 Nicki Updated with correct colouring on anti-glare

for those who want a fully white skin, i've decided to add another 835 SQN plane NF700, flown (and crashed) earlier by Sub-Lt Burgham, though she also had a sky under, i've put her in as all white as it's a rather nice look. This plane infamously crashed by Burgham in March of 44 (before invasion stripes) was on final, the ship pitched 30 feet in a swell just as the batsman give the cut engine signal and 700 was wrote off as the tail struck the rounddown:

HSD is of course LIVE! It has far surpassed expectations, i'm currently looking at making this thread something of a gallery and announcement post rather than a download location, as to be frank it's easier to use HSD than have to host separate locations but i can potentially do so by request.

For now please use this fantastic tool, you'll find my own and many other skins (from far more talented people!) on there.

Operation Starkey ran from mid august into september, with D-Day being the 8th of September 1943, though the luftwaffe ultimately saw this feint for what it was and did not engage any major units as they did for the Dieppe raid previously valuable lessons were learned from the operation with regards to large scale planning and logistics, additionally this was the first time that a fully standardised recognition pattern was used for an invasion theatre on all planes, this had been tested for Dieppe and Operation Rutter but not to this scale.

I'll be producing a series of skins with this pattern applied and i'll try to keep them as historical as possible, with perhaps one exception later.

Which, if you haven't yet seen, there is a competition being run at the moment I highly recommend you enter and if you don't already have HSD please do download it, there are literally over 10,000 skins on there for you to choose from and fly around in style!

Hi All,

I've re-uploaded the above two skins due to an alpha issue i spotted after upload.

Issues must be fixed after initial release not before, this is the natural order of things... or something.

I used to apply coconut oil to my skin like I would regular lotion: massaging into completely dry skin. This worked great, but it could take a few minutes to completely absorb and sometimes my skin felt a tad greasy.

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