Micro & Complex Fluids Lab

Welcome! Our research interest is to understand mechanical behaviors of microscale fluids, biological fluids, and complex fluids including liquid-liquid mixtures, carbonated liquids, and soft matter. At the beginning of our research, high-speed visualization technique is typically adapted to uncover novel phenomena. Then, simple scaling models are constructed, which is subsequently verified through extensive experiments. Lastly, we aim to develop practical applications based on our findings. The belows are representative high-speed images of our recent achievements.

Spores coated on a droplet 

Finger-like liquid patterns

Bioparticle tornadoes

Raindrop explosion


Congratulations to Taeyeong Park on receiving the Outstanding Paper Presentation award at the 2023 Spring Meeting of The Korean Society of Visualization.


Please contact Dr. Kim if you would like to join our group as a postdoc, a graduate or undergraduate student.

E-mail: seunghokim@pusan.ac.kr