Now, we're recruiting creative graduate students who possess a passion for learning, thinking, etc. If you are willing to work with us, see the following : ⑴ Introduction to Security Engineering, ⑵ Must read items for new students at SANE Lab.


Hello, I am Seungjoo (Gabriel) Kim (Nick: Pr0xy5kim). I have been a full professor at the School of Cybersecurity in Korea University from 2011. For the past 7 years I was an associate professor at the School of Information and Communication Engineering in Sungkyunkwan University and had 5 years of background as a team leader of Cryptographic Technology Team and also IT Security Evaluation Team of KISA(Korea Internet & Security Agency).

In addition to being a professor, I am a vice president for Digital Information of Korea University from 2023, a dean of School of Smart Mobility, Korea University from 2022, a director of  AR2C(Army RMF Research Center), a director of CHAOS(Center for High-Assurance Operating Systems), a head of SANE(Security Assessment aNd Engineering) Lab, an adviser of undergraduate hacking club  'CyKor (DEFCON CTF 2015 & 2018 winner)'  at the School of Cybersecurity, Korea University from 2011 to February 2020, and a founder/advisory director of an international security & hacking conference 'SECUINSIDE'. 

Beside my activities within the school, I am also active as an advisory committee member for various organizations such as The Presidential Defense Innovation Committee, The Presidential Committee on the 4th Industrial Revolution, NIS(National Intelligence Service), Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Justice, Supreme Prosecutors' Office, Korea National Police Agency, Nuclear Safety and Security Commission, etc. I also served as a visiting professor at the Korea Military Academy.

I solicit research on a broad range of topics relating to cyber security engineering, which is focused on creating secure systems and designing networks that are resilient to malicious attacks, as well as any other potential cause of outages such as natural disasters. In more detail, my research interests lie primarily in ⑴ Security/Privacy by Design (a.k.a. security engineering)​ processes,​ ​from​ ​requirements​ ​to​ ​maintenance, ⑵ Threat analysis and attack scenarios, ⑶ Risk management and risk oriented security testing, ⑷ Secure design and architecture, ⑸ Secure coding, ⑹ Security assessment (Common Criteria, CMVP, SSE-CMM, RMF A&A. etc.), ⑺ Software ecosystem and software supply chain security, ⑻ DevSecOps, ⑼ Security automation and tooling, ⑽ Formal​ ​verification​ ​and​ ​other​ ​high-assurance​ ​methods​ ​for​ ​security, ⑾ Human-centered​ design​ ​for​ systems​ security, ⑿ Blockchain & Crypto Engineering.

Till now, I have written 16 books, 80 SCI(E) papers, 35 patents and, according to Google Scholar, the citations to my works are 4700+ (Published papers in premier conferences and journals : ACSAC (1 paper), AsiaCrypt (1 paper), BlackHat (7 papers), CT-RSA (3 papers), DEFCON (4 papers), ICCC (8 papers), IEEE MILCOM (1 paper), IEEE TC (1 paper), Virus Bulletin (2 papers)). And I have received the best lecturer award from Korea University in 2012, 2016 (awarded in the top 5%) and from National Human Resources Development Institute in 2019 (awarded in the top 0.3% (=3/800+)). Furthermore, I technically advised the SBS TV drama, "Phantom" and the movie, "The Berlin File".

Our lab's R&Ds mainly focus on "Security Assessment", "Secure Software Engineering", and "Blockchain". Till now we have gotten some notable achievements such as :

Highlights of Recent Researches & Activities