Sheikh Azizul Hakim

Department of CSE, BUET 


I am Hakim, a lecturer in the Department of CSE, BUET. Having completed my undergrad from the same department in May 2023, I am currently pursuing my postgrad here. 

I am a dedicated lifelong learner in many fields, but my primary research interest lies in algorithmic bioinformatics and theoretical computer science. I have been significantly molded by two of the most esteemed academicians in our department: Prof. Dr. Saidur Rahman and Assoc. Prof Dr. Md. Shamsuzzoha Bayzid.

As a teacher, I am, at least theoretically, deeply invested in my students. Nothing beats the joy of seeing a struggling student gradually improve. 

I am also a dedicated traveler, a once-wanted-to-be writer, and a clumsy stargazer. I call Sirius my friend.

To begin and to end, I am an unpretentious servant of the Most Merciful. Peace be upon you.