
Valuable Resources and Information Sources

The list below includes reliable and valuable resources and links for information about dyslexia, learning disabilities in general, attention deficit disorder, therapist training and certification, educator professional development, rights and legislation, and parent/student specific resources. Just scroll to the section that addresses your needs!


Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity  http://dyslexia.yale.edu

International Dyslexia Association  https://dyslexiaida.org

Dyslexia Help at the University of Michigan  http://dyslexiahelp.umich.edu

Learning Disabilities

Learning Disabilities Association of America  http://www.ldaamerica.org

LDONLINE  http://www.ldonline.org 

National Center for Learning Disabilities  https://www.ncld.org 

LD Resources  http://www.ldresources.com

Understood for Learning and Attention Issues  http://understood.org

Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder Association  http://www.adda-sr.org

Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder  http://www.chadd.org

The National Resource Center for AD/HD: A Program of CHADD  http://www.help4adhd.org

ADDitude  https://www.additudemag.com 

Therapist Training and Certification and Educator Professional Development

Neuhaus Education Center  https://www.neuhaus.org

Academic Language Therapy Association  https://altaread.org

LEAD/Literacy Education & Academic Development, Inc. http: //www.leadabcd.com

SMU Learning Therapy Specialization  https://www.smu.edu/simmons/Academics/Teacher-Education/Graduate-Specializations/Learning-Therapy

Scottish Rite for Children  https://scottishriteforchildren.org/care-and-treatment/dyslexia

Rick LaVoie Information and Inspiration  http://www.ricklavoie.com

Rights and Legislation

Dyslexia and Related Disorders Procedures Handbook  

Disability Rights Texas  http://www.disabilityrightstx.org) 

Council of Educators for Students with Disabilities, Inc.  http://www.504idea.org

Wrightslaw  http://www.wrightslaw.com

Parent/Student Specific Resources

Neuhaus Education Center Parent Resources https://www.neuhaus.org/parents

Rick LaVoie Information and Inspiration  http://www.ricklavoie.com

Scottish Rite for Children  https://scottishriteforchildren.org/care-and-treatment/dyslexia

Learning Ally  http://www.learningally.org

Important Questions

International Dyslexia Association Fact Sheets

IDA provides informative fact sheets at https://dyslexiaida.org/fact-sheets/ that include professionally reviewed materials. These fact sheets improve understanding of dyslexia for parents, teachers, dyslexia practitioners, and school administrators. The fact sheets address the following questions frequently asked about dyslexia and related topics:             

What accomodations are common for students with dyslexia?

How does dyslexia impact adolescents and adults? 

How do I advocate for my dyslexic child in school?

Are dyslexic students eliglible for accommodations on college entrance tests? How are the accommodations accessed?

How is an individual assessed for dyslexia?

What are characterstics of students at risk for dyslexia and related language disorders?

How do the Common Core State Standards impact students with disabilities?

What is the basic neuroscience of dyslexia and the brain?

What basic information should parents and educators know about dyslexia?

Is there a connection between anxiety, stress, and dyslexia? What is it?

What comprises quality reading instruction for dyslexic students?

What should parents look for when selecting professionals to help their dyslexic child?

What does the current research tell us about dyslexia and giftedness?

Is home schooling appropriate for dyslexic students?

What are assistive technology tools and services? How do I advocate for these?

What is morphological awareness? Why is it important?

What are critical instructional and assistive technology tools for students who struggle with reading and language?

How does dyslexia impact oral language?

How does dyslexia impact spelling skills?

What is structured literacy? Why is it important?

What do I need to know when my dyslexic child transitions from high school to college?

What is dysgraphia?

How young are students screened for reading disorders? What is a universal screening for K-2 students?

How do I evaluate all of the tricks, quick cures, and incredible promises made for dyslexia remediation? What should I know when I listen to promotions?

What is working memory? Why is it critical?

Recommended Reading & Viewing


"Compensatory Skills and Dyslexia: What Does the Science Say?"

By Fleming Peck, Alicia Leong, Leo Zekelman, Fumiko Hoeft M.D. Ph.D.


By Emily Hanford 



Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz

Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills by Judith R. Birsh  (for therapists-in-training) 

The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain by Brock L. Eide M.D. M.A., Fernette F. Eide M.D.

Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain by Maryanne Wolf

The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan: A Blueprint for Renewing Your Child's Confidence and Love of Learning by Ben Foss

Language at the Speed of Light by Mark Seidenberg

My Dyslexia by Phillip Schultz

Videos, Workshops, Webinars

The Big Picture:  Rethinking Dyslexia Sir Richard Branson, Charles Schwab, James Redford

How Difficult Can This Be - The F. A. T. City Workshop Understanding Learning Disabilities by Richard LaVoie

When the Chips are Down with Richard LaVoie

Social Skills and LD with Richard LaVoie

Last One Picked, First One Picked On with Richard LaVoie