ENGLAND 1550 -1620

1549* - circa 1610+English history timelineTutor SocietyWORLD EVENTS: 1530s / 1540s 1550s / 1560s / 1570s 1580s / 1590s / 1600s / 1610s / 1620s
CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH: January 1580 - June 21, 1631 SOLOMON KANE: 1530 - 1610+ Glenn Lord's chronology places SK's birth "around 1530" and living to 1610+. Click here for the text.
Tudor period (1485–1603)Elizabethan era (1558–1603)QUEEN ELIZABETH September 7, 1533 – March 24, 1603 : Profile Biography Early Years Marriage & Succession Queen of Scots The Spanish Armada The Queen's Death Elizabeth I Quotes Shakespeare Screen Queens The Queen's Men The Queen's Ladies Homework Helper Who Was Who Elizabethan Church Elizabethan Food Links Of Interest
Stuart period (1603–1714)KING JAMES I 1566-1625
FRANCEHouse of Valois (1422–1589)Henry II of France ( March 31 1519 – July 10, 1559) Francis II of France (January 19, 1544 – December 5, 1560) Charles IX of France (June 27, 1550 – May 30, 1574) Henry III of France (September 19, 1551 – August 2,1589) House of Bourbon (1589–1792)Chares X / Charles de Bourbon (cardinal) (22 September22, 1523 – May 9, 1590) Henry IV of France (December 13, 1553 – May 14, 1610) Louis XIII (September 27, 1601 – May 14, 1643)
SPAINHouse of Habsburg (1516–1700)Philip II of Spain (May 21, 1527 – September 13, 1598)Philip III of Spain (April 14, 1578 – 31 March 31, 1621) Phillip IV of Spain (April 8, 1605 – September 17, 1665)
HOLY ROMAN EMPIREHouse of Habsburg (1440–1740)Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor (July 31, 1527 – October 12, 1576) Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor (July 18, 1552 – 20 January 20 1612) Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor (July 9, 1578 – February 15, 1637)

ELIZABETHAN ERAElizabethan World Elizabethan Times
Elizabethan CostumesElizabethan English Life Elizabethan compendium Elizabethan societal classesHistorical Costuming: 1550-1620Tudors & Stuarts ( Stuart England )

General trends / Spanish style / Elizabethan Style / Fabrics and trims / Women's fashion / Gown, kirtle, and petticoat / Underwear / Partlet / Outerwear / Accessories / Hairstyles and headgear / Makeup / Style gallery 1550s / Style gallery 1560s / Style gallery 1570s / Style gallery 1580s / Style gallery 1590s / Men's fashion / Overview / Outerwear / Hairstyles and headgear / Beards / Accessories / Style gallery 1550s–1560s / Style gallery 1570s / Style gallery 1580s–1590s / Footwear / Children's fashion / Working class clothing
SEE ALSO: Blackwork / Coif / Doublet / Elizabethan era / Farthingale / Hose / Jerkin / Ruff / Zibellino

1550: The architect Mimar Sinan builds the Süleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul.
1550: Mongols led by Altan Khan invade China and besiege Beijing.
15501551: Valladolid debate concerning the human rights of the Indigenous people of the Americas
1551: Fifth outbreak of sweating sickness in England. John Caius of Shrewsbury writes the first full contemporary account of the symptoms of the disease.
1551: North African pirates enslave the entire population of the Maltese island Gozo, between 5,000 and 6,000, sending them to Libya.
1552: Russia conquers the Khanate of Kazan in central Asia.
1553: Mary Tudor becomes the first queen regnant of England and restores the Church of England under Papal authority.
1553: Portuguese found a settlement at Macau.
1554: Portuguese missionaries José de Anchieta and Manuel da Nóbrega establishes São Paulo, southeast Brazil.
1554: Princess Elizabeth is imprisoned in the Tower of London upon the orders of Mary I for suspicion of being involved in the Wyatt rebellion.
1555: The Muscovy Company is the first major English joint stock trading company.
1556: Publication in Venice of Delle Navigiationi et Viaggi (terzo volume) by Giovanni Battista Ramusio, secretary of Council of Ten, with plan La Terra de Hochelaga, an illustration of the Hochelaga.[12]
1556: The Shaanxi earthquake in China is history's deadliest known earthquake during the Ming dynasty.
1556: Georgius Agricola, the "Father of Mineralogy", publishes his De re metallica.
1556: Akbar the Great defeats the Sultan of Bengal at the Second battle of Panipat
1556: Russia conquers the Astrakhan Khanate.
15561605: During his reign, Akbar expands the Mughal Empire in a series of conquests (in the Indian subcontinent).
1556: Mir Chakar Khan Rind captured Delhi with Emperor Humayun.
1556: Pomponio Algerio, radical theologian, is executed by boiling in oil as part of the Roman inquisition.
1557: Habsburg Spain declares bankruptcy. Philip II of Spain had to declare four state bankruptcies in 1557, 1560, 1575 and 1596.
1557: The Portuguese settle in Macau (on the western side of the Pearl River Delta across from present-day Hong Kong).
1557: The Ottomans capture Massawa, all but isolating Ethiopia from the rest of the world.
1558 Elizabeth Tudor becomes Queen Elizabeth I at age 25.
15581603: The Elizabethan era is considered the height of the English Renaissance.
15581583: Livonian War between Poland, Grand Principality of Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark and Russia.
1558: After 200 years, the Kingdom of England loses Calais to France.
1559: With the Peace of Cateau Cambrésis, the Italian Wars conclude.
1559: Sultan Khairun of Ternate (in present-day Indonesia) protests the Portuguese's Christianisation activities in his lands. Hostilities between Ternate and the Portuguese.
1560: Elizabeth Bathory is born in Nyirbator, Hungary.
1560: By winning the Battle of Okehazama, Oda Nobunaga becomes one of the pre-eminent warlords of Japan
1561: Sir Francis Bacon is born in London.
1561: Guido de Bres draws up the Belgic Confession of Protestant faith.
1562: Mughal leader Akbar reconciles the Muslim and Hindu factions by marrying into the powerful Rajput Hindu caste.
156298: French Wars of Religion between Catholics and Huguenots.
1562: Massacre of Wassy and Battle of Dreux in the French Wars of Religion.
1562: Portuguese Dominican priests build a palm-trunk fortress which Javanese Muslims burned down the following year. The fort was rebuilt from more durable materials and the Dominicans commenced the Christianisation of the local population.[11]
1563: Plague outbreak claimed 80,000 people in Elizabethan England. In London alone, over 20,000 people died of the disease.
1564: Galileo Galilei born on February 15
1564: William Shakespeare baptized 26 April
1565: Battle of Talikota fought between the Hindu kingdom of Vijayanagar and the Deccan sultanates.
1565: Mir Chakar Khan Rind died age of 97.
1565: Estácio de Sá establishes Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
1565: The Hospitallers, a Crusading Order, defeat the Ottoman Empire at the Siege of Malta (1565).
1565: Miguel López de Legazpi establishes in Cebu the first Spanish settlement in the Philippines starting a period of Spanish colonization that would last over three hundred years.
1565: Spanish navigator Andres de Urdaneta discovers the maritime route from Asia to the Americas across the Pacific Ocean, also known as the tornaviaje.
1566 Suleiman the Magnificent, ruler of the Ottoman Empire, dies on September 7.
15661648: Eighty Years' War between Spain and the Netherlands.
1567: After 45 years' reign, Jiajing Emperor died in the Forbidden City, Longqing Emperor ascended the throne of Ming Dynasty.
1567: Mary, Queen of Scots, is imprisoned by Elizabeth I.
1568: The Transylvanian Diet, under the patronage of the prince John Sigismund Zápolya, the former King of Hungary, inspired by the teachings of Ferenc Dávid, the founder of the Unitarian Church of Transylvania, promulgates the Edict of Torda, the first law of Freedom of religion and of conscience in the World.
15681571: Morisco Revolt in Spain.
15681600: The Azuchi-Momoyama period in Japan.
1568: Hadiwijaya sent his adopted son and son in-law Sutawijaya, who would later become the first ruler of the Mataram dynasty of Indonesia, to kill Aryo Penangsang.
1569: Rising of the North in England.
1569: The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth is created with the Union of Lublin which lasts until 1795.
1569: Peace treaty signed by Sultan Khairun of Ternate and Governor Lopez De Mesquita of Portuguese.
1570: Ivan the Terrible, tsar of Russia, orders the massacre of inhabitants of Novgorod.
1570: Pope Pius V issues Regnans in Excelsis, a papal bull excommunicating all who obeyed Elizabeth I and calling on all Roman Catholics to rebel against her.
1570: Sultan Hairun of Ternate (in present-day Indonesia) is killed by the Portuguese.[11] The reign of Sultan Baabullah.
1571: Pope Pius V completes the Holy League as a united front against the Ottoman Turks.
1571: The Spanish-led Holy League navy destroys the Ottoman Empire navy at the Battle of Lepanto.
1571: Crimean Tatars attack and sack Moscow, burning everything but the Kremlin.
1571: American Indians kill Spanish missionaries in what would later be Jamestown, Virginia.
1571: Spanish conquistador Miguel López de Legazpi establishes Manila, Philippines as the capital of the Spanish East Indies.
1572: Brielle is taken from Habsburg Spain by Protestant Watergeuzen in the Capture of Brielle, in the Eighty Years' War.1572: Spanish conquistadores apprehend the last Inca leader Tupak Amaru at Vilcabamba, Peru, and execute him in Cuzco.
1572: Catherine de' Medici instigates the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre which takes the lives of Protestant leader Gaspard de Coligny and thousands of Huguenots. The violence spreads from Paris to other cities and the countryside.
1572: First edition of the epic The Lusiads of Luís Vaz de Camões, three years after the author returned from the East.[13]
1572: The 9 years old Taizi, Zhu Yijun ascended the throne of Ming Dynasty, known as Wanli Emperor.
1573: After heavy losses on both sides the Siege of Haarlem ends in a Spanish victory.
1574: in the Eighty Years' War the capital of Zeeland, Middelburg declares for the Protestants.
1574: After a siege of 4 months the Siege of Leiden ends in a comprehensive Dutch rebel victory.
1575: Oda Nobunaga finally captures Nagashima fortress.
1575: Following a five-year war, the Ternateans under Sultan Baabullah defeated the Portuguese.
1576: Tahmasp I, Safavid king, died.
1576: Sack of Antwerp by badly paid Spanish soldiers.
157780: Francis Drake circles the world.
1577: Ki Ageng Pemanahan built his palace in Pasargede or Kotagede.
1578: King Sebastian of Portugal is killed at the Battle of Alcazarquivir.
1578:The Portuguese establish a fort on Tidore but the main centre for Portuguese activities in Maluku becomes Ambon.[11]
1579: The Union of Utrecht unifies the northern Netherlands, a foundation for the later Dutch Republic.
1579: The Union of Arras unifies the southern Netherlands, a foundation for the later states of the Spanish Netherlands, the Austrian Netherlands and Belgium
1579: The British navigator Sir Francis Drake passes through Maluku and transit in Ternate on his circumnavigation of the world. The Portuguese establish a fort on Tidore but the main centre for Portuguese activities in Maluku becomes Ambon.[14]
1580: Drake's royal reception after his attacks on Spanish possessions influences Philip II of Spain to build up the Spanish Armada. English ships in Spanish harbours are impounded.
1580: Spain unifies with Portugal under Philip II. The struggle for the throne of Portugal ends the Portuguese Empire. The Spanish and Portuguese crowns are united for 60 years, i.e. until 1640.
1582: Oda Nobunaga is assassinated by his general, Akechi Mitsuhide.
1582: Pope Gregory XIII issues the Gregorian calendar. The last day of the Julian calendar was Thursday, 4 October 1582 and this was followed by the first day of the Gregorian calendar, Friday, 15 October 1582
1582: Yermak Timofeyevich conquers the Siberia Khanate on behalf of the Stroganovs.
1583: Death of Sultan Baabullah of Ternate.
158485: After the Siege of Antwerp, many of its merchants flee to Amsterdam. According to Luc-Normand Tellier, "At its peak, between 1510 and 1557, Antwerp concentrated about 40% of the world trade...It is estimated that the port of Antwerp was earning the Spanish crown seven times more revenues than the Americas."[15]
1584 : Ki Ageng Pemanahan died. Sultan Pajang raised Sutawijaya, son of Ki Ageng Pemanahan as the new ruler in Mataram, titled "Loring Ngabehi Market" (because his home in the north of the market).

1585 : Colony at Roanoke founded in North America
15851604: The Anglo-Spanish War is fought on both sides of the Atlantic.
1587 - The reign of Abbas I marks the zenith of the Safavid dynasty.
1587 : troops that would invade Pajang Sultanate of Mataram storm ravaged the eruption of Mount Merapi. Sutawijaya and his men survived.
1588 : Mataram into the kingdom with Sutawijaya as Sultan, titled "Senapati Ingalaga Sayidin Panatagama" means the warlord and cleric Manager Religious Life.
1588: England repulses the Spanish Armada.
1589: Spain repulses the English Armada.
1590: Siege of Odawara the Go-Hojo clan surrendered to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Japan was unified (1590).
1591: Gazi Giray leads a huge Tatar expedition against Moscow.
1591: In Mali, Moroccan forces of the Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur led by Judar Pasha defeat the Songhai Empire at the Battle of Tondibi.
15921593: John Stow reports 10,675 plague deaths in London, a city of approximately 200,000 people.
15921598: Korea, with the help of Ming Dynasty China, repels two Japanese invasions.
15931606: The Long War between the Habsburg monarchy and the Ottoman Turks.
1595: First Dutch expedition to Indonesia sets sail for the East Indies with two hundred and forty-nine men and sixty-four cannons led by Cornelis de Houtman.[16]
1596: Birth of René Descartes.
1596: June, de Houtman’s expedition reaches Banten the main pepper port of West Java where they clash with both the Portuguese and Indonesians. It then sails east along the north coast of Java losing twelve crew to a Javanese attack at Sidayu and killing a local ruler in Madura.[16]
1597: de Houtman’s expedition returns to the Netherlands with enough spices to make a considerable profit.[16]
1598: The Edict of Nantes ends the French Wars of Religion.
1598: Abbas I moved Safavids capital from Qazvin to Isfahan in 1598.
15981613: Russia descends into anarchy during the Time of Troubles.
1598: The Portuguese require an armada of 90 ships to put down a Solorese uprising.[11] (to 1599)
1598: More Dutch fleets leave for Indonesia and most are profitable.[16]
1599: The Mali Empire is defeated at the Battle of Jenné
1599: The van Neck expedition returns to Europe. The expedition makes a 400 per cent profit.[16] (to 1600)
1599: March, Leaving Europe the previous year, a fleet of eight ships under Jacob van Neck was the first Dutch fleet to reach the ‘Spice Islands’ of Maluku.[16]
1600: Giordano Bruno is burned at the stake for heresy in Rome.
1600: Battle of Sekigahara in Japan. End of the Warring States period and beginning of the Edo period.
1600: The Portuguese win a major naval battle in the bay of Ambon.[17] Later in the year, the Dutch join forces with the local Hituese in an anti-Portuguese alliance, in return for which the Dutch would have the sole right to purchase spices from Hitu.[17]
1600: Elizabeth I grants a charter to the British East India Company beginning the English advance in Asia.
1600: On February 17 Giordano Bruno is burned at the stake by the Inquisition.
1600: Michael the Brave unifies the three Romanian countries: Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania after the Battle of Șelimbăr from 1599.
1601: Battle of Kinsale, England defeats Irish and Spanish forces at the town of Kinsale, driving the Gaelic aristocracy out of Ireland and destroying the Gaelic clan system.
1601: Michael the Brave (first unifier of Romania), voivode of Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania, is assassinated by the order of the Habsburg general Giorgio Basta at Câmpia Turzii.
16011603: The Russian famine of 1601–1603 kills perhaps one-third of Russia.
1601: Panembahan Senopati, first king of Mataram, dies and passes rule to his son Panembahan Seda ing Krapyak
1601: Matteo Ricci is given permission to live in Beijing.
1602: Matteo Ricci produces the Map of the Myriad Countries of the World (坤輿萬國全圖, Kūnyú Wànguó Quántú), a world map that will be used throughout East Asia for centuries.
1602: The Portuguese send a major (and last) expeditionary force from Malacca which succeeded in reimposing a degree of Portuguese control.
1602: The Dutch East India Company (VOC) is established by merging competing Dutch trading companies.[4] Its success contributes to the Dutch Golden Age.
1602: June, British East India Company's first voyage, commanded by Sir James Lancaster, arrives in Aceh and sails on to Bantam where he is allowed to build trading post which becomes the centre of British trade in Indonesia until 1682.[5]
1602: Two emissaries from the Aceh Sultanate visit the Dutch Republic.
1603: Elizabeth I of England dies and is succeeded by her cousin King James VI of Scotland, uniting the crowns of Scotland and England.
1603: Tokugawa Ieyasu takes the title of Shogun, establishing the Tokugawa Shogunate. This begins the Edo period, which will last until 1869.
16031623: After modernizing his army, Abbas I expands the Persian Empire by capturing territory from the Ottomans and the Portuguese.
1603: First permanent Dutch trading post is established in Banten, West Java.[5] First successful VOC privateering raid on a Portuguese ship.
1604: A second English East India Company voyage commanded by Sir Henry Middleton reaches Ternate, Tidore, Ambon and Banda. Fierce VOC hostility is encountered in Banda thus beginning Anglo-Dutch competition for access to spices[5]
1605: Tokugawa Ieyasu passes the title of Shogun to his son, Tokugawa Hidetada, and "retires" to Sunpu.
1605: Gunpowder Plot failed in England.
1605: The fortresses of Veszprém and Visegrad are retaken by the Ottomans.
1605: February, The VOC in alliance with Hitu prepare to attack a Portuguese fort in Ambon but the Portuguese surrender.[4]
1605: Panembahan Seda ing Krapyak of Mataram establishes control over Demak, former center of the Demak Sultanate.
1605: The King of Gowa, a Makassarese kingdom in South Sulawesi, converts to Islam
1606: The Long War between the Ottoman Empire and Austria is ended with the Peace of Zsitvatorok—Austria abandons Transylvania.
1606: Treaty of Vienna ends anti-Habsburg uprising in Royal Hungary.
1606: Assassination of Stephen Bocskay of Transylvania.
1606: Time of Troubles: Vasili IV becomes Tzar of Russia.
1606: The Dutch East India Company enters into an alliance with the Johor Sultanate to attack Portuguese Malacca, but they are repelled.
1606: Captain Willem Janszoon and his crew aboard the Dutch East India Company ship Duyfken becomes the first recorded Europeans to sight and make landfall in Australia.
1606: A Spanish fleet occupies Ternate and Tidore.[4]
1607: Jamestown, Virginia, is settled as what would become the first permanent English colony in North America.
1607: Flight of the Earls (the fleeing of most of the native Gaelic aristocracy) occurs from County Donegal in the west of Ulster in Ireland.
1607: Iskandar Muda becomes the Sultan of Aceh (r. 1607–1637). He will launch a series of naval conquests that will transform Aceh into a great power in the western Malay Archipelago.
1608: Quebec City founded by Samuel de Champlain in New France (present-day Canada).
1608: The Dutch East India Company establishes a settlement in Siamese Ayutthaya.
1609: The Netherlands and Spain agree to a Twelve Years' Truce in the Eighty Years' War.
1609: Maximilian of Bavaria establishes the Catholic League.
1609: The Dutch East India Company establishes a factory in Hirado, Japan. VOC traders also make forays into South Sulawesi and Banjarmasin, Borneo.
1610: Pedro de Peralta, governor of New Mexico, establishes the settlement of Santa Fe.
1610: The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth army defeats combined Russian- Swedish forces at the Battle of Klushino and conquers Moscow.
1610: The VOC appoints Pieter Both as its first Governor-General to enable firmer control of their affairs in Asia.[4] Previously all business had (in theory) required the approval of the Heeren XVII, a group of seventeen shareholders in Amsterdam.
1610: Ottoman Grand Vizier Kuyucu Murad Pasha is able to crush the major remnants of the Jelali Revolts, bringing an end to general anarchy in Anatolia.
1610: Matteo Ricci dies in Beijing.
1610: Panembahan Seda ing Krapyak of Mataram in Central Java attacks Surabaya, a major power on the north coast.
1610: King Henry IV of France is assassinated by François Ravaillac.
1611: The Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, the oldest existing university in Asia, established by the Dominican Order in Manila[6]
1611: The English establish trading posts at Sukadana (southwest Kalimantan), Makassar, Jayakarta and Jepara in Java, and Aceh, Pariaman and Jambi in (Sumatra) threatening Dutch ambitions for a monopoly on East Indies trade.[5]
1611: The Kingdom of Gowa ends its major push to convert the Makassarese and Bugis in South Sulawesi to Islam.
1611: The Dutch establish a post at Jayakarta (later 'Batavia' and then 'Jakarta').
1611: A Dutch trader is killed in Banjarmasin and the Dutch East India Trading Company sacks the city.
1611: The first publication of the King James Bible.
1612: Sultan Iskandar Muda of Aceh captures the North Sumatran port of Deli.
1613: The Time of Troubles in Russia ends with the establishment of the House of Romanov, which rules until 1917.
16131617: Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth is invaded by the Tatars dozens of times.[7]
1613: The Dutch expel the Portuguese from their Solor fort, but won't stay for long.
1613: The Dutch East India Company makes its first forays into Timor.
1613: Sultan Iskandar Muda of Aceh captures the North Sumatran port of Aru, subjugating the Sultanate of Deli. This allows Aceh to focus its expansionary efforts on the Straits of Malacca. Iskandar Muda continues on to sackJohor and kidnap its Sultan's family, but is later forced to retreat back to Aceh.
1613: The Dutch East India Company is forced to evacuate Gresik because of the Mataram siege of neighboring Surabaya. The VOC enters into negotiations with Mataram and is allowed to set up a trading post in Jepara.
1613: Panembahan Seda ing Krapyak of Mataram dies and is succeeded by his son.
1614: John Napier publishes Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio, the first table of logarithms.
1614: Sultan Iskandar Muda of Aceh sinks a Portuguese fleet off of Bintan Island.
1615: The Battle of Osaka (last major threat to Tokugawa Shogunate) ends.
1615: A Dutch East India Company attack on Portuguese Malacca is repelled.
1615: The Portuguese stop hiring Japanese mercenaries after a brawl in Malacca.
1615: Panembahan ing Alaga of Mataram conquers the Eastern Salient of Java (the heartland of the old Majapahit Empire).
1615: The Dutch East India Company is in open hostilities with the Kingdom of Gowa, South Sulawesi.
1616: The last remaining Moriscos (Moors who had nominally converted to Christianity) in Spain are expelled.
1616: Death of retired Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu.
1616: English poet and playwright William Shakespeare dies.
1617: Sultan Iskandar Muda of Aceh conquers Pahang on the South China Sea.
1617: Panembahan ing Alaga of Mataram puts down a major revolt in Pajang.
1618: The Defenestration of Prague.
1618: The Bohemian Revolt precipitates the Thirty Years' War, which devastates Europe in the years 1618–48.
1618: Bethlen Gabor, Prince of Transylvania joins Protestant Rebels.
1618: The Manchus start invading China. Their conquest eventually topples the Ming Dynasty.
1618: Dispute leads to the execution of Dutchmen in Mataram-controlled Jepara.
1619: Bethlen Gabor is defeated outside Vienna.
1619: Jan Pieterszoon Coen appointed Governor-General of the VOC who would show he had no scruples about using brute force to establish the VOC on a firm footing. While Ambon and Pattani had been the major VOC trading centers to this point, Coen is convinced that Dutch need a more central location near the Sunda Strait.
1619: Dutch East India Company, English East India Company, and Sultanate of Banten all fighting over port city of Jayakarta. VOC forces storm the city and withstand a months-long siege by the combined English, Bantenese, and Jayakartan forces. They are relieved by Jan Pieterszoon Coen and a fleet of nineteen ships out of Ambon. Coen had burned Jepara and its EIC post along the way. The VOC levels the old city of Jayakarta and builds its new headquarters, Batavia, on top of it.
1620: Emperor Ferdinand II defeats the Bohemian rebels in the Battle of White Mountain.
1620: The Brownist Pilgrims arrive in the Mayflower at Cape Cod.
16201621: Polish-Ottoman War over Moldavia.
1620: Bethlen Gabor allies with the Ottomans and an invasion of Moldavia takes place. The Polish suffer a disaster at Cecora on the River Prut.
1620: Almost the entire native population of Banda Islands was deported, driven away, starved to death or killed in an attempt to replace them with Dutch colonial slave labour.
1620: Diplomatic agreements in Europe commence a three-year period of cooperation between the Dutch and the English over the spice trade.[5]
1621: The Battle of Chocim: Poles and Cossacks under Jan Karol Chodkiewicz defeat the Ottomans.
1622: Capture of Ormuz; The island of Hormuz was captured by an Anglo-Persian force from Portuguese.
1622: Jamestown massacre: Algonquian natives kill 347 English settlers outside Jamestown, Virginia (one-third of the colony's population) and burn the Henricus settlement.
1623: Maffeo Barberini is elected Pope Urban VIII at the Papal conclave of 1623.
1623: In a notorious but disputed incident, known as the 'Amboyna massacre', ten English and ten Japanese traders are arrested, tried and beheaded for conspiracy against the Dutch Government.[8] The English quietly withdraw from most of their Indonesian activities (except trading in Bantam) and focus on other Asian interests.
16241642: As chief minister, Cardinal Richelieu centralises power in France.
1624: The Dutch West India Company invades the Portuguese colony of Bahia in Brazil.
1625: New Amsterdam founded by the Dutch West India Company in North America.
1626: St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican completed.
1627: Cardinal Richelieu lays siege to Protestant La Rochelle, which eventually capitulates.
1627: Aurochs go extinct.
16281629: Sultan Agung of Mataram launched a failed campaign to conquer Dutch Batavia.
1629: Abbas I, the Safavids king, died.
1629: Cardinal Richelieu allies with Swedish Protestant forces in the Thirty Years' War to counter Ferdinand II's expansion.
1629: Iskandar Muda of Aceh Sultanate launched a failed attempt to take Portuguese Malacca.

Significant people

Manuel I, King of Portugal. Ruler of the first global empire. He also used the motto Manuel Rex Orbis est, meaning Manuel King of the Globe(1469-1521).
Abbas I, the strongest king of Safavid dynasty (1571-1629).
Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi, Somali Imam and general (15071543).
Akbar the Great, third Mughal emperor, who led the Mughal Empire to its zenith (15421605)
Alberico Gentili, the "Father of international law", considered to be one of the greatest lawyers of all time (15521608)
Andrea Amati, (c. 1520 – c. 1578) was the earliest maker of violins whose instruments still survive today.
Anne Boleyn, second wife of King Henry VIII. She was the first Queen of England to be executed, and the mother of Queen Elizabeth I. (c. 1501 - 1536)
John Calvin, theologian, and reformer. Founder of Calvinism (15091564).
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and the first to reign as King of Spain. Involved in almost constant conflict with France and the Ottoman Empire while promoting the Spanish colonization of the Americas (15001558).
Cuauhtémoc, the last Tlatoani of the Aztec, led the native resistance against the Conquistadores (15021525).
Edward VI of England, notable for further differentiating Anglicanism from the practices of the Roman Catholic Church (15371553).
Elizabeth I of England, Queen of England (15331603).
Francis I of France, considered the first Renaissance monarch of his Kingdom (14941547).
Lady Jane Grey, Queen regnant of England and Ireland. Notably deposed by popular revolt (15371554).
Gustav I of Sweden, restored Swedish sovereignty and introduced Protestantism in Sweden (14961560).
György Dózsa, leader of the peasants' revolt in Hungary (14701514)
Henry IV of France and Navarre, ended the French Wars of Religion and reunited the kingdom under his command (15531610).
Henry VIII of England, founder of Anglicanism (14911547).
Toyotomi Hideyoshi, daimyo of the Sengoku period of Japanese civil war. Second ruler of the Azuchi-Momoyama period (15361598).
Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus (14911556).
Ismail I (1487-1524) reunified Persia, established Safavid dynasty and declared Shia Islam as the state religion.
Ivan IV of Russia, first Russian tsar (15331584).
St. John of the Cross, Spanish mystic (1542 – 1591).
John Knox (c. 15101572) was a Scottish clergyman and leader of the Protestant Reformation who is considered the founder of the Presbyterian denomination.
Martin Luther, German religious reformer (14831546).
Michael the Brave, ruler of Walachia, national symbol of Romanians for uniting the three provinces under his rule in 1600 (15581601)[18]
Michel Nostradamus, French astrologer and doctor, author of Les Propheties, a book of world prophecies (15031566).
Mary I of England. Attempted to counter the Protestant Reformation in her domains. Nicknamed Bloody Mary for her Religious persecution (15161558).
Mary, Queen of Scots, First female head of the House of Stuart (15421587).
Manus O'Donnell, King of Tír Chonaill in Ulster. Irish Renaissance prince (died 1564).
Oda Nobunaga, daimyo of the Sengoku period of Japanese civil war. First ruler of the Azuchi-Momoyama period (15341582).
Johan van Oldenbarnevelt, Dutch politician and Grand Pensionary, played a pivotal role in organizing the Dutch revolt against Spain (15421619).
Paracelsus (11 November or 17 December 1493 in Einsiedeln, Switzerland – 24 September 1541 in Salzburg, Austria), Renaissance physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, and general occultist.
Philip II of Spain. It was first said of his empire that "the sun did not set". Strong defender of Catholicism and self-proclaimed leader of Counter-Reformation (15271598).
Giovanni Battista Ramusio (20 July 1485 – 10 July 1557), diplomat and secretary of council of Ten of Venice Italy, author of Delle Navigationi et Viaggi. Third volume (terzo volume) containing plan "La Terra de Hochelaga" showing the village of Hochelaga.
Matteo Ricci, Italian Jesuit who traveled to Macau, China in 1582, and died in Beijing, (15521610)
Ruy López de Segura (c. 1530 – c. 1580), Spanish bishop and chess player.
Sigismund III Vasa, the first and only monarch of the Polish–Swedish union; his long reign in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth coincided with the apex of the Commonwealth's prestige, power and economic influence (15661632).
Suleiman the Magnificent, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Conqueror and legal reformer (14941566).
St. Teresa of Ávila, Spanish mystic (1515 - 1582).
Andreas Vesalius, anatomist, physician, and author of one of the most influential books on human anatomy, De humani corporis fabrica (On the Workings of the Human Body).(1514–1564)
Wanli Emperor, Emperor of China during the Ming Dynasty, aided Korea in the Imjin War, (15631620)
William the Silent, William I of Orange-Nassau, main leader of the Dutch revolt against the Spanish (15331584).
Yi Sun-sin, Korean admiral, respected as one of the greatest admirals in world history. (15451598).
Zygmunt I the Old, King of Poland, established a conscription army and the bureaucracy needed to finance it (14671548).


See also: Exploration
Vasco Núñez de Balboa (c. 1475 – 1519) – Spanish explorer. The first European to cross the Isthmus of Panama and view the Pacific ocean from American shores.
Gaspar (1450–1501) and Miguel Corte-Real (1448–1502). Portuguese explorers. Among the first modern explorers (with João Fernandes Lavrador) in the coasts of the far Northeast of Northern America, including the Labrador peninsula. They also rediscovered Greenland (1499-1501/1502).
Pedro Álvares Cabral (c. 14671520), Portuguese navigator. The first European to arrive in Brazil, on 22 April 1500. Led the first expedition that united Europe, Africa, America, and Asia.
Afonso de Albuquerque (c. 14671520), Portuguese explorer and statesman. Earlier geostrategist and explorer of the Indian ocean. Leading builder of the Portuguese empire in Asia and the Far East.
António de Abreu (c. 1480 – c. 1514) and Francisco Serrão (died 1521) - Portuguese explorers. Led the first European fleet into the edges of the Pacific ocean, in 1511-1512, through Indonesia, reaching the Banda Sea and theMoluccas.
Jacques Cartier (1491–1557) – French explorer. Discovered Canada.
Francisco Vásquez de Coronado (c. 1510 – 1554) – Spanish explorer. Searched for the Seven Cities of Gold and discovered the Grand Canyon in the process.
Hernán Cortés, Spanish Conquistador (14851547).
Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca(c. 1488/1490 – c. 1557/1558)., Spanish explorer. Crossed North America through the US south, southwest, and Mexico
Andrés de Urdaneta (c. 1498 – 1568) was a Spanish navigator, friar and circumnavigator. In 1565 he discovered the maritime path from Asia to the Americas across the Pacific.
Sir Francis Drake (c. 1540 – 1596) – English explorer. The first English captain to sail around the world and survive.
Juan Sebastián Elcano (1476–1526) – Spanish explorer. Completed the first circumnavigation of the globe in a single expedition after its captain, Magellan, was killed.
Vasco da Gama (c. 14691524), Portuguese navigator. Discovered the ocean route to Asia around the Cape of Good Hope. Explored and crossed the Atlantic and Indian oceans.
Juan Ponce de León (c. 1460 – 1521) – Spanish explorer. He explored Florida while attempting to locate a Fountain of Youth.
Ferdinand Magellan, Portuguese navigator who sailed around the world (14801521). Explored and crossed the Pacific ocean.
Francisco de Orellana (1511–1546) – Spanish explorer in 154142 sails the length of the Amazon River.
Francisco Pizarro (c. 1475 – 1541) – Spanish explorer and conquistador. Conquered the Inca Empire.
Hernando de Soto (c. 1496 – 1542) – Spanish explorer. Explored Florida, mainly northwest Florida, and discovered the Mississippi River.
Fernão Mendes Pinto (c. 1509 – 8 July 1583) - Portuguese. Explored Asia and the Indies. Reached Japan in 1542-43.
Yermak Timofeyevich (c. 1532 – 1585) - Russian cossack ataman. Conquered the Khanate of Siberia.
Luis Váez de Torres (c. 1565 – 1607) Spanish or Portuguese navigator. Explored the Pacific for the Spanish crown and crossed the strait that bears his name in northern Australia.
Giovanni da Verrazzano (c. 1485 – 1528) – Italian explorer for France. Explored the northeast coast of America, from about present-day South Carolina to Newfoundland.

Visual Artists

See also: Artists of the Tudor court, Renaissance painting, Italian Renaissance painting, and Renaissance sculpture
Michelangelo Buonarroti, Italian painter and sculptor (14751564).
Bronzino (1503 – 1572), Italian painter
Pieter Bruegel the Elder, (c. 1525 – September 9, 1569)
Jan Brueghel the Elder (1568 – 1625)
Caravaggio, Italian artist (1571 – 1610)
Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472–1553)
Lucas Cranach the Younger (1515–1586)
Albrecht Dürer, German artist, (14711528)
Rosso Fiorentino (1494 – 1540), Italian painter
Domenico Fontana (1543 – 1607), Italian architect
El Greco (1541 – 1614) was a painter, sculptor, and architect of the Spanish Renaissance
Hans Holbein the Younger, German artist, (14971543)
Andrea Palladio (1508 – 1580), Italian architect
Parmigianino (1503– 1540), Italian painter
Pontormo (1494 – 1557), Italian painter.
Raphael, Italian painter, (14831520)
Andrea del Sarto (1486–1530), Italian painter.
Titian, Italian painter, (c. 14851576)
Giorgio Vasari (1511 – 1574), Italian painter, architect, writer and historian.
Paolo Veronese, Italian painter, (1528 – April 19, 1588)
Leonardo da Vinci famous artist and inventor and scientist (14521519).
Qiu Ying, Chinese painter who belonged to the Wu School and used gongbi brush style (14941552)
Tintoretto (Italian painter, real name Jacopo Comin; September 29, 1518 – May 31, 1594)
Mimar Sinan (1489–1588) was a civil engineer and chief architect of the Ottoman Empire
Juan de Herrera, Spanish architect (1530-1597)

Musicians and composers

See also: List of Baroque composers
Andrea Amati (c. 1520 – c. 1578)
Felice Anerio (c. 1560 – 1614)
Adriano Banchieri (c. 1557 – 1634)
Giovanni Bassano (c. 1558 – 1617)
William Brade (1560–1630)
John Bull (c. 1562 – 1628)
Antonio de Cabezón (c. 1510 – 1566)
Giulio Caccini (c. 1545 – 1618)
Dario Castello (c. 1560 – c. 1640)
Emilio de' Cavalieri (c. 1550 – March 11, 1602)
Jacques Champion (before 1555 – 1642)
Manuel Rodrigues Coelho (c. 1555 – c. 1635)
John Dowland (1563–1626)
Giles Farnaby (1565–1640)
Alfonso Fontanelli (1557–1622)
Hans Leo Hassler (1562–1612)
Sebastian Aguilera de Heredia (1565–1627)
Giovanni Gabrieli (1557–1612)
Joseph Lupo
Peter Lupo (c. 1535 – 1608)
Thomas Lupo (c. 1571 – c. 1627)
Ascanio Mayone (1565–1627)
Cristóbal de Morales (c. 1500 – 1553)
Giovanni Bernardino Nanino (c. 1560 – 1623)
Johannes Nucius (c. 1556 – 1620)
Claudio Merulo (1533–1604)
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, (15251594)
Jacopo Peri (1561–1633)
Peter Philips (c. 1560 – 1628)
Hieronymus Praetorius (1560–1629)
Cipriano de Rore (1516–1565)
Paolo Quagliati (c. 1555 – 1628)
Francisco de Salinas (1513–1590)
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562–1621)
Jean Titelouze (1563–1633)
Lodovico Grossi da Viadana (1564–1627)
Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548–1611)


See also: Renaissance, 16th century in literature, 16th century in poetry, Elizabethan literature, Renaissance literature, Early Modern literature, and Dutch Renaissance and Golden Age literature
Juan Martínez de Jáuregui y Aguilar, Spanish poet and painter, (14831541)
Mateo Alemán, Spanish novelist and writer (15471615?)
Ludovico Ariosto, Italian poet, (14741533)
Bâkî, Ottoman Turkish poet. He was known as "Sultan of poets" (15261600)
Luís de Camões, Portuguese poet (c. 15241580).
Baldassare Castiglione, Italian author (14781529)
Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish author (15471616)
John Donne, English metaphysical poet (15721631)
Alonso de Ercilla, Spanish poet (1533-1594)
Luis de Góngora, Spanish poet (1561 - 1627)
Thomas Heywood, English dramatist (c, early 1570s1641)
Malaye Jaziri, Kurdish poet and mystic (15701640)
Ben Jonson, English dramatist (c.15721637)
Jan Kochanowski, Polish poet (15301584)
Fuzûlî, Azerbaijani poet (14831556)
Thomas Kyd, English dramatist (15581594)
Luis de León, Spanish poet (1527 - 1591)
Thomas Lodge, English dramatist (15581625)
Niccolò Machiavelli, Italian author (14691527)
Christopher Marlowe, English poet and dramatist (15641593).
Michel de Montaigne, French essayist (15331592).
Thomas More, English politician and author (14781535).
Miyamoto Musashi, famous warrior in Japan, author of The Book of Five Rings, a treaty on strategy and martial combat. (15841645)
François Rabelais, French author (c. 14931553).
Mikołaj Rej, Polish writer (15051569).
Pierre de Ronsard, French poet. Called the 'Prince of poets' of his generation. (15241585).
William Shakespeare, English playwright (15641616).
Edmund Spenser, English poet (c. 15521599)
Gian Giorgio Trissino, Italian humanist, poet, dramatist, diplomat, and grammarian (1478 – 1550)
Garcilaso de la Vega, Spanish poet (1501 - 1536)
Lope de Vega, Spanish dramatist (15621635).
Benedetto Varchi, Italian humanist, a historian and poet (1502/1503 - 1565)
Sharaf Khan Bidlisi, Kurdish politician, historian and poet (1543-1603)

Science and philosophy

See also: Scientific Revolution
Mulla Sadra, (1571-1641), the single most important and influential philosopher in the Muslim world in the last four hundred years who introduced Transcendent Theosophy or al-hikmah al-muta'liyah
Sir Francis Bacon, (15611626) was an English philosopher, statesman, and essayist.
Pietro Bembo (1470 – 1547), Italian scholar, poet, literary theorist and a cardinal.
Tycho Brahe, (15461601), Danish astronomer.
Giordano Bruno, Italian philosopher and astronomer/astrologer (15481600).
Tommaso Campanella (1568 – 1639), Italian philosopher, theologian, astrologer, and poet.
Demetrios Chalkokondyles, (1423 – 1511), Greek humanist, scholar.
Nicolaus Copernicus, (14731543) astronomer, developed the heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory using scientific methods.
Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (sometimes known as Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam) (October 27, 1466/1469, Rotterdam– July 12, 1536 Basel was a Dutch Renaissance humanist and Catholic Christian theologian.
Galileo Galilei (1564[19]1642) was a Tuscan (Italian) physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major role in the scientific revolution.
Konrad Gessner (15161565) was a Swiss naturalist, bibliographer, Botanist, His three-volume Historiae animalium (1551–1558) is considered the beginning of modern zoology
William Gilbert, also known as Gilberd, (15441603) was an English physician and a natural philosopher.
Francesco Guicciardini, (1483 – 1540) Italian historian and statesman.
Johannes Kepler, (1571 - 1630), German mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major role in the scientific revolution.
Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 – 1527), Italian historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher, humanist, and writer.
Gerardus Mercator (5 March 1512 – 2 December 1594), famous cartographer.
Michael Servetus (1509 or 1511 – 27 October 1553), Spanish theologian, physician, cartographer, and Renaissance humanist.
Francisco Suarez (1548 – 1617), Spanish philosopher and theologian.
Andreas Vesalius (Brussels, December 31, 1514 – Zakynthos, October 15, 1564) was an anatomist, physician, and author of one of the most influential books on human anatomy, De humani corporis fabrica (On the Workings of the Human Body). Vesalius is often referred to as the founder of modern human anatomy.
Edward Wright, (baptized 1561; died 1615), English mathematician and cartographer who determined the mathematical basis of the Mercator projection and produced the first maps in England according to this methodInventions, discoveries

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List of 16th century inventions.
The Columbian Exchange introduces many plants, animals and diseases to the Old and New Worlds.
Introduction of the spinning wheel revolutionizes textile production in Europe.
The letter J is introduced into the English alphabet.
1500: First portable watch is created by Peter Henlein of Germany.
1513: Juan Ponce de León sights Florida and Vasco Núñez de Balboa sights the eastern edge of the Pacific Ocean.
151922: Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastián Elcano lead the first circumnavigation of the World.
15191540: In America, Hernando de Soto expeditions map the Gulf of Mexico coastline and bays.
1525: Modern square root symbol (√)
1540: Francisco Vásquez de Coronado sights the Grand Canyon.
154142: Francisco de Orellana sails the length of the Amazon River.
1543: Copernicus publishes his theory that the Earth and the other planets revolve around the Sun
1545: Theory of complex numbers is first developed by Gerolamo Cardamo of Italy.
1558: Camera obscura is first used in Europe by Giambattista della Porta of Italy.
15591562: Spanish settlements in Alabama/Florida and Georgia confirm dangers of hurricanes and local native warring tribes.
1565: Spanish settlers outside New Spain (Mexico) colonize Florida's coastline at St. Augustine.
1565: Invention of the graphite pencil (in a wooden holder) by Conrad Gesner. Modernized in 1812.
1568: Gerardus Mercator creates the first Mercator projection map.
1572: Supernova SN 1572 is observed by Tycho Brahe in the Milky Way.
1582: Gregorian calendar is introduced in Europe by Pope Gregory XIII and adopted by catholic countries.
c. 1583: Galileo Galilei of Pisa, Italy identifies the constant swing of a pendulum, leading to development of reliable timekeepers.
1585: earliest known reference to the 'sailing carriage' in China.
1589: William Lee invents the stocking frame.
1591: First flush toilet is introduced by Sir John Harrington of England, the design published under the title 'The Metamorphosis of Ajax'.
1593: Galileo Galilei invents a thermometer.
1596: William Barents discovers Spitsbergen.
1597: Opera in Florence by Jacopo Peri.