Daniel ist ein Skat-Nerd im besten Sinne des Wortes. Eine groe Bekanntheit erlangte er, nachdem er sich 2014 und 2015 gleich zweimal in Folge bis ins TV-Finale des mit Abstand hchstdotierten Skatturniers, des GameDuell "Skat-Masters" vorkmpfte und beide Male siegreich war.Am liebsten mchte er, dass alle Spielebegeisterten es einmal mit dem ultimativen Kartenspiel versuchen; und wer dabei Spa hat und sich verbessern mchte, dem verrt er am Tisch oder auf YouTube auch gerne seine Erfolgsrezepte!

Mehr unter skatinsel.academyund Youtube Channel Skat lernen.

Dec 6, 2023

 Version 18.2.2

 - Game announcement and discarding the skat are combined into one step.

 - With jump bidding you can get to the game faster.

 - You can now reveal your cards to shorten games.

 18.2.1 improves app stability

Skat Isar Interactive Download

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Sep 17, 2023

 Version 18.0

 Get more out of your cards! For the first time in the history of the game of skat, there is an easily accessible tool that presents winning chances depending on the bid value, gives recommendations for hand games and visualizes the distribution of winnings before starting the skat.

 Stronger computer players: We have developed new artificial intelligence algorithms and trained them using millions of games. The computer player is now mercilessly using his cards to the limit.

Skat is a three-handed trick taking game. It is quite often played by four people, but there are still only 3 active players in each hand; the dealer sits out. Each active player is dealt 10 cards and the remaining two cards form the skat. Each hand begins with an auction. The winner of the bidding becomes the declarer, and plays alone against the other two players in partnership. The declarer has the right to use the two skat cards to make a better hand, and to choose the trump suit.

Some cards have point values, and the total number of card points in the pack is 120. To win, the declarer has to take at least 61 card points in tricks plus skat; the opponents win if their combined tricks contain at least 60 card points. Instead of naming a trump suit the declarer can choose to play Grand (jacks are the only trumps) or Null (no trumps and the declarer's object is to lose all the tricks).

The value of the game, in game points, depends on the trumps chosen, the location of the top trumps (matadors) and whether the declarer used the skat. Declarer generally wins the value of the game if successful, and loses the twice the game value if unsuccessful. In is important to realise that in Skat the card points, which generally determine whether the declarer wins or loses, are quite separate from the game points, which determine how much is won or lost.

The first dealer is chosen at random; thereafter the turn to deal rotates clockwise. The dealer shuffles and the player to dealer's right cuts. The dealer deals a batch of three cards to each player, then two cards face down in the centre of the table to form the skat, then a batch of four cards to each player, and finally another batch of three cards each. If there are four players at the table, the dealer deals to the other three players only, and takes no further part in the hand.

If you win the bidding you are entitled to pick up the two skat cards, add them to your hand without showing them to the other players, and discard any two cards face down. The cards discarded may include one or both of the cards picked up, and their value counts along with your tricks. Having discarded, you declare your game. If you looked at the skat, your contract is a skat game. There are seven possibilities:

You may choose not to look at the skat cards, but to play with the 10 cards you were originally dealt. If you don't look at the skat you are playing a hand game, and again there areseven possibilities: Diamonds Hand, Hearts Hand, Spades Hand, Clubs Hand, Grand Hand, Null Hand and Null Ouvert Hand. In this case no one must look at the skat cards until after the play.

If you are declarer in a Suit Hand or Grand Hand game, you can increase the value of the game by announcing Schneider (undertaking to win at least 90 card points), or Schwarz (undertaking to win all the tricks), or Open (Ouvert) (undertaking to win all the tricks with your cards exposed). Such announcements must be made before the lead to the first trick. These announcements are not allowed if declarer has looked at the skat. Also (obviously) they do not apply in Null games.

If you are declarer in a Suit or Grand game you win if the cards in your tricks plus the skat contain at least 61 card points. The opponents win if their combined tricks contain at least 60 card points.

If the declarer's opponents take 30 points or fewer in tricks, they are Schneider. If they take 31 or more they are said to be out of Scheider. If they take no tricks at all, they are Schwarz. The same applies to the declarer - as declarer, you are Schneider if you win 30 card points or less including the skat, and Schwarz if you lose every trick. Note that Schwarz depends on tricks not points - if a side wins just one trick and it has no card points in it, that is sufficient to get them out of Schwarz.

Open contracts are extremely rare: you can only play open if you did not look at the skat and you also undertake to win every trick. By implication, an open contract includes announcements of Schneider and Schwarz,so you count: matadors, game, Hand, Schneider, Schneider announced, Schwarz, Schwarz announced, and Open.

The jack of clubs and any top trumps in unbroken sequence with it are called matadors. If as declarer you have such a sequence in your original hand plus the skat, you are with that number of matadors. If there is such a sequence in the opponents' combined hands, declarer is against that number of matadors.

Example: Middlehand holds J, J, 10, K, 9, 8, A, A, 10, 7, and decides to play Clubs Hand. This should normally be worth 48 game points ("against 2, game 3, hand 4, 4 time clubs is 48"). Rearhand has a Null Ouvert and bids up to 46, to which M says yes. M plays clubs hand and takes 74 card points (including the skat cards), but unfortunately the skat contains J, Q. M is therefore with 1 matador (not against 2 as expected), and the game is worth only 36 ("with 1, game 2, hand 3 times clubs"), which is less than the bid. M therefore loses 96 game points (twice the 48 points which would be the minimum value in clubs which would fulfill the bid). Had M taken (say) 95 card points, the Schneider multiplier would have increased the value of the game to 48 ("with 1, game 2, hand 3, schneider 4 times clubs") and M would have won 48 game points.

Note that it is the score that is doubled, not the value of the contract. For example suppose I bid up to 20, look at the skat, and play in diamonds. I am only with one matador, but am hoping to make the opponents schneider. One of the opponents says Kontra, and in the play I win 85 card points. As I am with 1, the game value is 18, so I have overbid (the Kontra does not affect this). So I lose based on the lowest multiple of diamonds which would have been sufficient, namely 27. I lose double because I looked at the skat and the score is doubled again for the Kontra, so I lose 108 game points altogether.

In this variation, the declarer can score an extra multiplier when using the skat in a suit or grand contract by showing the skat cards to the opponents before picking them up. ("Der Skat geht rum"). This variation is not recommended - there is very little advantage to the opponents in seeing the original skat (as opposed to the declarer's discards) so the multiplier is too easy to score. e24fc04721

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