Welcome to SJPII Mom
We are excited you are here with us as we journey together in our vocation of motherhood at St. John Paul II Catholic Church! We want to remind you that you are loved by Jesus, you are His beloved daughter, and he has called you by name into this vocation. We never age out of motherhood so we welcome all moms, of all ages and stages, to join this ministry to pray, play, and serve together.
Be assured of our prayers for you, and we look forward to seeing you soon!
St. John Paull II, pray for us!
Our Mission
Journeying with Catholic women in their vocation of motherhood to grow closer to Jesus through prayer, fellowship and service.
"Prayer enlarges the heart until it is capable of containing God's gift of himself."
- Mother Teresa
We gather to pray the Rosary together, as well as offer seasonal Bible/Faith Study and monthly Praise & Worship.
Playtime isn't just for the kids!
While we have weekly play dates at local playgrounds/pools for moms with younger kids, we also offer other fellowship opportunities like Moms' Night Out and special events.
We support parish service initiatives, offer Meal Trains to moms giving birth/adopting new babies, prepare SJPII's Baptism gifts and more!
Please contact us at momsministry@nocateecatholic.com to request a Meal Train or serve with us.