Siyi Zhang

I am a Kenna Visiting Instructor at University of Notre Dame. My research interests include conformal geometry and geometric analysis.

I received my PhD at Princeton University in 2019. My advisor is S.-Y. A. Chang.

My email is

Before graduate school at Princeton, I was an undergraduate math major at Peking University.

You can find a copy of my CV here.

Publication and Preprints:

  1. (With S.-Y. A. Chang and M. Gursky) A conformally invariant gap theorem characterizing $\mathbb {CP}^2$ via the Ricci flow, Math. Z. 294 (2020), 721-746.

  2. Some conformally invariant gap theorems for Bach-flat 4-manifolds, Calc. Var. 60, 151 (2021).

  3. (With M. Gursky) Rigidity for Bach-flat metrics on manifolds with boundary and applications, arXiv:2007.04355.

  4. Conformally invariant rigidity theorems on four-manifolds with boundary, arXiv:2009.05164.