I just got my Gun.. and it feels awesome.. But my arcade machine is running win 7.. And I can't get it to install or see the gun on that box.. Device shows up in windows device manager (with an yellow ! showing me my failure).. Lets me "try" and install the drivers but won't "see" them from the Lightgun software directory ( got the newest zip from the site).. It worked on my main pc.. (win 10) and I managed to update the firmware.. And had a version of mame laying around.. It seems to work pretty good.. BUT.. i wanted this for my big TV and arcade box..

I've seen a few threads die quickly when addressing the possible connection between Bloodtinge and increased parry windows but inevitably the discussion ends swiftly with no follow-up experimentation.

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Any mapper who contributed to SG in the past may contact us and tell which license should be applied to his map/content assets, including maps sources. You may leave a message on the forum or leave me a mail to tequila smoking-guns.org. If you have a forum account, feel free also to create your own mapper/dev wiki page where you can tell everything we and other contributors need to know before including your assets in a new release/new contribution.

Originally, I glued the snowflakes right on to my windows. Some of them did peel off easily, but most of them took scrubbing to remove. With that said, and with the brilliant input of my lovely readers, I came up with a much better process that requires absolutely no clean up- every time!

To add them to you windows, simply put a slight dab of hot glue on one or two of the corners of your snowflake, and press up against the glass. They peel off with no issues. If for some reason, you do have a remnant of glue left on the window from adhering them, it will be super easy to clean up compared to peeling a whole snowflake off.

Ok, I know, these Motorola slash Symbol slash Zebra scan guns are really old, like over a decade old, and aren't in support anymore. But I really like them (and they're available on the secondary market for cheap) for my inventory control system for my storage unit.

Juniper Systems, who make a replacement line of devices, continue to host the software and published a fix for it. Their guide is at -base/support-knowledge-base-topics/desktop-connection-activesync-or-windows-mobile-device-center/wmdc-in-windows-10.

Loading it up in ORCA ( -gb/windows/downloads/windows-sdk/ and then run C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin...\x86\Orca-x86_en-us.msi) shows that it installs batch files that either open or close and then open WMDC, and sets up the following registry keys:

I believe this question has been asked here once before, but try as I might, I could not find the specific thread when I did a search. So perhaps someone has the quick and easy answer, in the absence of a picture, is there a way to tell if a B-17G had side-by-side/one across from the other waist guns or staggered waist guns based on the AC serial number? In other words, do we know at what serial number Boeing started to incorporate the staggered waist gun positions? I have two serial numbers in mind, specifically B-17G 231636, and 297880, and was wondering if either of these aircraft would have had staggered or side-by-side/one across from the other waist positions?

Neither of those two aircraft had staggered waist windows. -25 Boeing was way to early for staggered waist windows and -35 Vega did not incorporate them either. Little Miss Mischief's after section (camo, after repair) came from an earlier block B-17, Shamrock Special 411BS, 91st BG (LL*Z) serial number eludes me at the moment but did not have staggered waist windows as portrayed in various picture books. I'm not even sure she had a Cheyenne tail turret also portrayed by various books. I've gotta check my library and look at my main reference book, Plane Names and Fancy Noses by Ray Bowden. This is the penultimate book on the history of the nose art and markings of most all aircraft assigned to the 91st from start to finish. It's still available so if you're into B17's and the 91st in a big way like I am, grab a copy before they go out of print!

I think Vega may have started staggered windows in Block 45 instead of 50, not like it really makes a huge bit of difference, but I saw a pic in some reference (name of course escapes me at the moment) that was identified as a 45 Block Vega with staggered waist guns.

A color photo of LMM can be found in our model gallery here on ARC, it shows LMM to be fitted with a standard tail turret, however, not wanting to mislead anybody I have also found a B&W pic from her final crash landing that shows what appears to be the remains of a Cheyenne turret. A few B-17's were retrofitted with these turrets in the field at the "Depot level" This is one of those age old arguments sort of like the "gunman on the grassy knoll" things. I wish I could remember the reference for the B&W pic I found, it is most likely in my stack of B-17 material. Both of these aircraft definitely had standard (not staggered) waist windows, an excellent reference for this is the Detail & Scale book, which at the moment is MIA from my stack of stuff.

The nose art is not the only thing that Microscale/Superscale screwed up on with regards to that sheet. The code letters are way off and in no way representative of the actual style and/or font that the 91st used. The 91st used 40" bomber codes but edited them a bit to make them all fit aft of the national insignia (with the exception of the staggered waist windows when the plane in squadron letter was placed forward of the waist window/national insignia on the right side of the ship only) Black codes on NMF aircraft and Yellow (insignia yellow works nicely) on OD/NG aircraft. Late in the war (and possibly after VE day) some 91st aircraft had their codes painted on the underside of the left wing in the same color, font and size as on the fuselage.

Most, if not all, of the OD forts did not have staggered waist windows. Camoflauge was dropped in January of 1944, prior to forts having staggered waist windows. So, unless the fort was painted in the field, (unlikely) then any OD fort you see will have unstaggered waist windows. If you look at the serial number range on the list I posted and cross check the block number with what I've also posted for staggered waist installation, you'll find out whether the aircraft you are looking at had that type of waist install or not. Simple :)

I have to say, its a bit of a shame that you want an OD/NG bird with regular waist guns, because Mike Grant makes some really nice decals, but his B-17 decals are for an F, an OD/NG G with staggered waist guns (the rare field painted bird that was delivered NMF) and an NMF G with regular waist guns.

The plane's windows are indestructible. The only thing that can penetrate/break them is Glaz's OTs-03. The interaction the OTs-03 has with the window has changed unannounced over multiple patches, where at times if shot enough the window will break or make no hole at all. Currently, the OTs-03 creates holes that Defender and Attackers alike can shoot through.

as of now, i believe Glaz cannot shoot through plane windows, but just like Glaz before Kali's primary can fire through windows, this is noticeable when playing a custom game in presidential plane. this is confirmed by _Plane

We have a plant that uses 14 Symbol MC9090G scan guns to do daily work, shipping, receiving, inventory queries, etc. They use DCLink's trancollector to do their inventory work. They connect to our network via Cisco wireless APs.

Before we upgraded their T1 they were having minor issues of the scan guns timing out when doing scans. TCP COMM time out errors are what they were receiving. Now that we have upgraded their internet to Comcast fiber and they are now getting a 20/20 MB connection back to corporate the scan guns are timing out constantly to the point they are useless. We have adjusted all 6 of their wireless APs to minimize any crosstalk, setting channels correctly, reducing power so they are not crossing over, etc. but we are still having the same issues.

Last night one of the guns worked flawlessly per the user all night and this morning. then they said after they turned on another gun the one that worked flawlessly is now timing out. we have checked all settings trying to figure out if it is still a wireless issue, an issue between the guns, etc but nothing found so far.

Not having any experience with the guns you mentioned (usually using either WASP's or HoneyWell), that's the first thing I would look at in your situation. It sounds like it could the the wifi dropping, so if you can run a test on that connection and see what's happening, it may shed some light on this.

guns are DHCP assigned, and not reserved. (I did see reservations on the old DHCP setup so I set the exact same gun static to the address it had previously reserved and it did not make a difference). the DHCP server is on the Fortigate router in their building.

Ok the fix has been found. the issue was that the transcollector software that we use on our scan guns uses the RTSP protocol to transfer data. The routers between sites were using NAT. We had to turn NAT off on our routers and the guns are working fine now.

While millions of non-essential businesses have closed their doors under varying stay-at-home orders across the country, federally licensed firearms businesses will still be allowed to sell gun products through drive-up windows or temporary booths in their parking lots.

The inquiries about the legality of selling guns outside come after a surge in gun and ammunition sales from panicked Americans worried about their safety in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. Some feared being robbed in their residences in the midst of various stay-at-home orders.

The decision to allow gun specialty stores to remain open in the midst of the US outbreak drew both praise and ire, sparking heated debates whether guns were "essential" in the midst of a national health crisis. CISA said that its list is not a national mandate, but should be used as guidance for local and state governments when making their own essential business lists. ff782bc1db

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