Siting Liu

Department of mathematics, 

University of California, Riverside

Office: MRB 3114Email:

I am currently an Assistant Professor at UCR Math Department.

I completed my PhD in UCLA, Department of mathematics, advised by Professor Stanley J. Osher.  My resume can be found here.

My research interests center around utilizing mathematical modeling and computational techniques to address challenges spanning a range of disciplines, such as epidemiology, optimization, data science, machine learning, mean-field games, optimal control, partial differential equations, and related areas. 

I am co-organizing the PDE & Applied Mathematics seminar and One World Mathematics of INformation, Data, and Signals (1W-MINDS) Seminar.  Please let me know if you are interested in attending or giving a talk!


Ph.D. Mathematics,                                                          University of California, Los Angeles   (Sep 2017 ~ June 2022)          

M.A. Mathematics,                                                          University of Wisconsin-Madison           (Sep 2015 ~ May 2017)

B.S. Mathematics & Applied Mathematics,           Shanghai Jiao Tong University             (Sep 2012 ~ July 2016)

               Math Honored Class, Zhiyuan College  

Selected Publications:  [google scholar]