To get started with Microsoft office Setup enter your product key at visit and we can also help you with online


Microsoft Office is a full-fledged suite comprises of different applications, services and servers. The applications that make up Office get updated with the launch of its latest versions. However, the basic application like PowerPoint, Word, Excel and a few more remained same with improvement in the features. Users can purchase any of the Office versions depending upon the specific requirement of their home or business PC. Before purchasing an Office Setup, make sure the following:

1. Your system meets the required specifications for that particular Office subscription

2. There is no other Office setup already installed on your PC

How to Install Office Setup on Mac from OFFICE.COM/SETUP

1. Log into your office 365 account and you will get redirected to the download page. In case you aren’t, you can go to settings and then pick the Software.

2. Now, under Install, Select that button to start downloading the installer package.

3. Now, go to Downloads, you will find the installer package under the name Office installer.dmg or some variation of that name, double click it to launch setup. If you are unable to open and setup office, go to office Support Forum.

4. When the first Office screen appears, select Continue to run the office installation process and sign in with your office subscription.

5. Choose how you wish to install the Setup then Continue.

How to Activate Office Setup ?

1. After Activating the Setup, go to Launchpad icon in the dock to show all your Microsoft Office apps, then click on the Word icon in the launchpad.

2. A window will pop up, saying what is new in Word. Select the blue button that says Get started to begin the activation process.

3. Enter your email address associated with the Office and your password to sign in.

4. The system will then check if you have entered the valid details to activate and install the product.

5. All the applications were successfully activated.

Uninstall Office from Mac

1. Go to your app folder and open office folder.

2. Double click ‘Office uninstaller.’

3. In the uninstall Office product window, select the box close to the Office application to be uninstalled.

4. Click uninstall.

More about Microsoft office

Microsoft Office is not just a set of apps, but it also contains many services and servers. These apps, as well as services, can be accessed from desktops, MacBooks, tablets, smartphones, iPod touch, etc. Office has been around for a while now and it is designed in a way that it can provide the best experience to the people using it. is one such website, designed by the Office team for the Microsoft Office. This website is officially designed and developed to make sure that customers who buy Office can easily install and setup office on their device without any professional help.

How do I upgrade Office?

There are two different ways by which you can easily upgrade office. One is for the one time purchase and other is for the Microsoft 365. If you have a Microsoft 365 installed than you don't need to upgrade your office because you already have the most current version of Office and in near future, you will continue to receive the updates with no additional cost but if you are using a one-time purchase office you can upgrade that to any other product depending on the requirement and easily download the office setup from with the help of your product key.