Bridges between representation theory and algebraic geometry:

Singularities, friezes and cluster categories

University of Leeds, 24.–27.5.2022
Including LMS Northern Regional Meeting on 24.5.

Speakers: Léa Bittmann (Edinburgh), Sira Gratz* (Aarhus), Wahei Hara (Glasgow), Johanne Haugland* (NTNU, Trondheim), Lutz Hille (Münster), Osamu Iyama* (Tōkyō), Peter Jørgensen (Aarhus), Jianrong Li (Vienna), Tim Magee (King's College London), Bethany Marsh (Leeds), Etienne Ménard (Grenoble), Fatemeh Mohammadi* (Ghent), Greg Muller (Oklahoma), Pierre‑Guy Plamondon (Versailles), Sibylle Schroll* (Köln), Xiuping Su (Bath), Michael Wemyss (Glasgow), Emine Yıldırım (Cambridge)

Organisers: Karin Baur (Leeds), Eleonore Faber (Leeds), Matthew Pressland (Glasgow)

Registration: To register, please fill out this form. If attending in-person, please do so by 10th May.

Location: The talks will take place in MALL1 at the University of Leeds, located in the School of Mathematics (see map). There will also be the option to attend online, and instructions on how to do this will be shared with registered participants shortly before the workshop.

Schedule: The workshop will start on Tuesday afternoon with the LMS Northern Regional Meeting. An outline of the schedule is as follows, and titles and abstracts may be found here.

Tuesday 24.05
14:00–14:15: LMS Opening
14:15–15:05: S. Schroll
15:35–16:25: B. Marsh
16:35–17:25: P. Jørgensen

Wednesday 25.05
09:30–10:20: O. Iyama
10:50–11:30: E. Yı
11:40–12:30: L. Hille

15:00–15:40: T. Magee
–17:00: X. Su

Thursday 26.05
F. Mohammadi
W. Hara
M. Wemyss

J. Haugland
50–16:30: L. Bittmann
17:00–17:50: J. Li

Friday 27.05
09:30–10:20: G. Muller
10:50–11:30: E. Ménard
11:40–12:30: S. Gratz

14:00–14:50: P-G. Plamondon

Conference photo

Conference photo, by João Faria Martins

Travel information: The University of Leeds is within walking distance (approximately 20 minutes) of Leeds Railway Station.
For participants travelling via Leeds Bradford Airport (LBA), there is a bus from the airport to the railway station every 20 minutes during the day, and the journey takes approximately half an hour.
There are also trains from Manchester Airport (MAN) approximately every half an hour, with the journey to Leeds lasting around 90 minutes.
Participants using a London airport should travel to King's Cross Station, from which trains to Leeds depart every half an hour, with a journey time to Leeds of around 135 minutes; from Luton Airport (LTN) other routes are possible, including direct trains to Leeds, although the total journey time is similar to that via King's Cross.
Precise rail timetables and journey times can be found using
National Rail Enquiries. Please take care when purchasing your train ticket, since some tickets may be restricted to particular trains, routes or rail companies.

Contact: For all inquiries, please contact

Support: We acknowledge financial support from the University of Leeds, the London Mathematical Society, the Royal Society, and the European Commission's Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action programme.