Sinafikeh Gemessa

Welcome to my website! 

I am an Economist (Extended Term Consultant) at the World Bank in the Equity Policy Lab (EPL) of the Global Poverty and Equity Unit.   

I pursue research and analytics with applications to welfare implications of public policies and investments including on fiscal policies and climate change related actions of low and middle-income countries. Previously, I served as an Economist in the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) where I co-led impact assessments of IFAD-supported projects in Bolivia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan among others. 

I have also worked as a short-term consultant for the World Bank in various units and as a senior research assistant for the International Food Policy Research Institute. I hold a PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota and a Master of Public Administration in International Development from Harvard Kennedy School. 

To contact me, please email: sgemessa at

                                                or sinafikeh at