Why Should I Try The Keto Diet ?

It's likely that you will hear about the ketogenic, or keto, diet if you find yourself in a discussion about dieting or weight loss. One of the most often used strategies for those looking to reduce their weight and improve their health is the keto diet.

According to some research, type 2 diabetics who follow this low carb, high fat diet may experience fat loss and improved glycemic control .

Though additional research is required, the ketogenic diet may potentially have neuroprotective effects and aid those with Alzheimer's disease's cognitive performance .

The keto diet might not be a good choice for everyone because of this.

Additionally, those with type 1 diabetes, kidney illness, liver disease, respiratory failure, or those who are pregnant or nursing should avoid the keto diet .

Use this page to learn more about what to eat and what to avoid while on a ketogenic diet if you've been considering it and your doctor has given you the go-ahead.

For this reason, the keto diet may not be a good option for everyone.

Ketogenic diet basics 

The keto diet typically has moderate amounts of protein, lots of fat, and very few carbohydrates.

The carbohydrate amount of a ketogenic diet is 5–10% of total calories taken, although there are less restrictive variations of the diet.

Most of the eliminated carbs should be replaced with fats, which should also provide 60–80% of your daily calorie intake.

Carbohydrates are typically limited to 5% of energy requirements, whereas proteins should make up about 10% to 30%.

Your body is forced to switch from using glucose as its primary fuel to using fats, a condition known as ketosis, as a result of cutting back on carbohydrates.

When glucose levels are low, your body switches to using ketones, which are chemicals made from lipids in the liver.

Additionally, keto diets improve satiety and decrease hunger, all of which can be beneficial while attempting to lose weight .

Although they may not be any more effective than other weight-loss diets, research reveals that ketogenic diets are beneficial at increasing weight loss .


A very low carb diet is the foundation of the ketogenic diet. Usually, just 20 to 50 grammes of carbohydrates are allowed per day, and these are primarily substituted by fat and a small quantity of protein.

Other weight loss regimens might be just as effective as the keto diet, despite data suggesting it may be.

Ketogenic diet meal plan

Although adopting a ketogenic diet may seem intimidating, it need not be challenging. Reduce the amount of carbs you consume while upping the amount of fat and protein in your meals and snacks. A few calculations and tools available online may be useful.

Limiting carbs is necessary to enter and stay in a state of ketosis. While some individuals may only need 20 grammes of carbohydrates per day to enter ketosis, others may do so with a larger carbohydrate consumption.

In general, it is simpler to enter and maintain ketosis the less carbohydrate you consume.

The best method to successfully lose weight on a ketogenic diet is to stick to keto-friendly foods and avoid anything high in carbohydrates.

Keto-friendly dishes

Foods to limit

When on a ketogenic diet, it's important to minimise or avoid foods high in carbohydrates.

Limiting the following foods is advised:

Although you should limit your intake of carbohydrates, you may still enjoy low-glycemic fruits like berries in moderation as long as your macronutrient intake stays within the keto-friendly range (carbs, protein, fat).

Make sure to choose a lot of whole foods and, whenever possible, avoid processed meals and trans fats.

Keto-friendly beverages

Numerous drinks, such as juice, soda, iced tea, and coffee drinks, include sugar. As with high carb foods, you should limit or stay away from high carb liquids while following a ketogenic diet.

It is not insignificant that sugary beverages have also been connected to a number of health issues, including obesity and a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.

For those following the keto diet, there are lots of delectable sugar-free options.

Several beverages fit the keto diet include:

Water. The greatest option for hydration is water, which should be drank regularly throughout the day.

Sparkling water. Sparkling water is a great alternative to soda.

Decaffeinated coffee. To enhance the flavour of your cup of coffee, try pouring heavy cream.

A green tea without sugar. Green tea is tasty and can have a lot of health advantages. 

Try experimenting with different keto-friendly flavour combinations to give your water some extra flavour. Hydration can be made simple, for instance, by adding some fresh mint and a lemon peel to your water bottle.

Even while it should be consumed in moderation, the keto diet allows for the occasional low-carb beverage like vodka or tequila blended with soda water.


The ketogenic diet focuses on high fat, low carbohydrate meal options and restricts trans fats and highly processed foods. When possible, keto-friendly beverage selections ought to be sugar-free. Think about drinking water, sparkling water, or unsweetened coffee and green tea.

Bonus TIP !

Want to learn how to turn your body into a fat burning machine 24/7 - Click here to get access to  30 –Days Weight Loss Keto Diet  Meal Plan.