Can You Really Lose Weight Drinking Teas ? 

Learn more about the health advantages of drinking tea and what the evidence says about whether it can help you burn more calories.

 Tea is the most popular beverage in the world, second only to water, and with good reason. It is possible to serve tea hot or cold, making it a flexible beverage. Tea is available in a variety of flavors and can be used to calm the mind or wake you up. True teas include green, oolong, black, and white, though there are many different variations available at the shop. Although the Camellia sinensis plant is the source of all real teas, the way the tea leaves are processed determines the variety of flavors, colors, and health benefits. But does consuming tea genuinely aid with weight loss?

Can Tea Boost Your Metabolism?

Green tea in particular has been praised for its capacity to increase metabolism. Tea does include caffeine and catechins, which are natural antioxidants that are thought to enhance energy expenditure and burn fat.

When it comes to increasing metabolism, green tea, apple cider vinegar, and protein are the three main actors.

Catechins are a unique class of antioxidants found in green tea that have been specifically demonstrated to speed up metabolism and aid in fat burning. Certain varieties of green tea,  contain higher levels of these rawkstar antioxidants.Click Here To Learn More.

Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

Tea is still a somewhat healthy beverage, despite not being a miracle metabolism-booster and weight-loss help. Numerous health advantages of drinking tea, including herbal teas, have been established. In reality, several teas could be beneficial for the following:

Therefore, even if tea doesn't aid in weight loss, there are still many additional benefits to sipping on it. In a tiny research published in the Journal of Hypertension, black tea consumption—which contains a lot of flavonoids—was connected to enhanced cardiovascular performance. In a different Food & Function study, it was discovered that drinking black and green tea both lowers the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease. 

And a 13-year research in the Netherlands involving nearly 40,000 participants discovered that tea drinkers had a decreased chance of dying from heart disease than non-drinkers. Herbal teas have also been linked to improved heart health, even though the four real tea kinds often offer the largest quantities of antioxidants (hibiscus tea in particular)

Bottom Line

If you want to drink tea, be careful not to negate any of its health advantages by putting a ton of sugar or honey in your morning or afternoon brew. If you choose, a little bit of sweetener is acceptable, but ordering a green tea latte from a restaurant could result in you receiving 30 grams (more than 7 teaspoons) of sugar, approximately half of which is added sugar (some comes naturally from milk). Many added sugars may be present in bottled iced teas, sweet tea, chai tea, and matcha tea lattes. Too much added sugar can interfere with your attempts to lose weight since it increases calories without providing any nourishment.

To get the maximum nutritional value from your tea, choose unsweetened varieties when ordering it, whether it's hot or iced. And keep in mind that while tea may not have an established track record for directly promoting weight loss, it is still a smart choice due to its wealth of other health and hydration advantages.


There is a way to speed up the weight loss process, and that is by using a powerful new tea for healthy weight loss and detoxification, digestion and improved sleep. One of the healthy options I can suggest when it comes to weight loss tea is All Day Slimming Tea, as it is made of 100% natural ingredients and is produced in a premium factory registered by the FDA in the USA , so rest assured that you are getting a top quality product ! A powerful blend of natural herbs can potentially help your body burn fat 24 hours a day - click here to read more about it.

If you want to learn how to make your body burn fat with tea 24 hours a day, maintaining your health and longevity, then click on the link .