7 Simple Steps for fast weight loss

Most experts agree that a weekly weight loss target of 1-2 pounds is safe for most people. Cutting back on carbohydrates, increasing protein intake, lifting weights, and getting more sleep are all strategies that can support long-term weight loss.

There are strategies to help you reduce weight safely if your doctor advises it, even though weight loss is not always the solution to health issues. For the best long-term weight management, a consistent weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week is advised.

Nevertheless, many weight-loss diets leave you feeling hungry or unsatisfied or they eliminate important food groups and are not sustainable. These are the main causes for why it could be challenging for you to maintain a healthier eating regimen.

Everybody has varied demands, therefore you might find that certain dietary habits and advice are more effective than others.

There are some fundamental guidelines that apply when you're attempting to lose weight, regardless of whether you find that a low-carb diet or a diet that emphasises whole foods helps you achieve your weight loss goals.

Here are several weight-loss strategies supported by science that emphasise sensible carbohydrate selection and healthy eating.

Some of these suggestions may be useful if you want to lose weight rapidly, but rapid weight loss is rarely long-lasting. It will help you improve your health and increase the likelihood that you will lose weight permanently if you concentrate on long-term health and behaviours you can maintain.

How to Lose Weight in 7 Simple Steps 

1.Reducing refined carbs

Reducing your intake of carbs, such as sweets and starches, can help you lose weight quickly. This could be accomplished by following a low-carb diet or by consuming less processed carbohydrates and more whole grains.

When you do that, your hunger levels decrease, and you typically eat fewer calories as a result.

With a low-carb diet, you'll use your body's fat reserves as energy instead of carbohydrates.

You'll benefit from increased fibre and slower digestion if you decide to eat more complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, coupled with a calorie deficit. They become more filled as a result, satisfying you longer.

A 2020 study found that elderly folks could lose weight by following an extremely low-carb diet .

Additionally, research indicates that a low-carb diet may decrease appetite, which may cause one to automatically consume less calories without consciously doing so or feeling hungry.

Note that more study is currently being done on the long-term implications of a low carb diet. A low-carb diet might be challenging to follow, which could result in yo-yo dieting and less success in maintaining a healthy weight.

A low-carb diet could have drawbacks that make you want to try another approach. Reduced calorie diets are simpler to follow for longer periods of time and can also result in weight loss.

A 2019 study found a correlation between high whole grain intake and lower body mass index (BMI) if you choose a diet that prioritises whole grains over refined carbs .

Consult your doctor for advice on how to reduce weight the best way possible for you.

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2. Consume vegetables, fat, and protein

At every meal, try to include a variety of foods. Your meals should contain the following to assist you lose weight and balance your plate:

To learn how to put together your meals, look at:


When trying to lose weight, it's crucial to consume the recommended quantity of protein to maintain your health and muscle mass (5Trusted Source).

There is proof that eating enough protein may reduce hunger, body weight, and cardiometabolic risk factors (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

Although numerous factors affect protein requirements, the average male needs 56–91 grammes per day, and the average female needs 46–75 grammes. Here are some recommendations to help you choose the right amount of protein to consume (9 Trusted Source, 10 Trusted Source):

By making you feel full and content, diets rich in protein may also help you reduce cravings and snacking.

Suitable sources of protein include:


Don't be reluctant to pile lush green vegetables on your plate. They are nutrient-dense, and you can consume a lot of them without significantly raising your calorie and carb intake.

All vegetables are nutrient-dense and beneficial additions to your diet, but some, such as corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, have greater carbohydrate contents.

Due to their fibre content, these veggies are regarded as complex carbohydrates; yet, when adding them to your plate, you may want to be careful about serving quantity.

Vegetables to increase the intake of:

Wholesome fats

Don't be hesitant to eat fats.

No matter which eating strategy you adopt, your body still needs healthy fats. You should definitely include olive oil and avocado oil in your diet. Avocados, nuts, seeds, olives, and olive oil are all delectable and nutritious additions.

Due to their greater saturated fat contents, other fats like butter and coconut oil should only be used seldom (12Trusted Source).

3. Make body motions

While it's not necessary to exercise in order to lose weight, it can speed up the process. Weightlifting in particular has many advantages.

You will burn calories and help prevent the usual side effect of weight loss, which is your metabolism slowing down, by lifting weights (13Trusted Source, 14Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source).

Aim for three to four times a week of strength training. A trainer might be able to assist you in getting started if you've never lifted weights before. Make sure any new fitness regimens are communicated to your doctor as well.

Cardio exercises like walking, jogging, running, cycling, or swimming are excellent for weight loss and general health if lifting weights is not an option for you.

Exercises like aerobics and weightlifting can both promote health and aid in weight loss.

4.Batch Prep and Cook

I batch cook enough chicken every Sunday to last the entire week. I trim the fat from the meat, bake it with seasoning, weigh out 3.5 ounces, and then put that much, along with some mustard and frozen vegetables, into a container so I can take one piece of meat to work every day. I also spend the effort to divide everything up into separate containers. 1/4 cup of rolled oats, 1 tablespoons of ground flax and natural peanut butter, and a sprinkling of protein powder and cinnamon for sweetness. So all I have to do is add water and microwave when I wake up a zombie! — Kyra Williams, a Boston-based personal trainer.

5. Remember to Use Weights

Be careful to lift weights twice or three times per week. Your muscle mass can be increased by using moderate to heavy weights, three or four sets of 10 to 15 reps using weights that are challenging for you. The likelihood that the food you eat will be used as fuel rather than stored as fat increases as your body mass increases. 

6. Acquire Enough Z's

Getting too little sleep can cause your satisfaction hormone, leptin, to drop and your hunger hormone, ghrelin, to rise, which can lead to weight gain. We have stronger cravings for salty and sweet foods when we are sleep deprived. Why? Because your appetites for meals with more energy, or calories, increase whenever you experience greater hunger. It's simple to draw a connection between lack of sleep and a diminished capacity to make wise decisions about a variety of aspects of life, including eating, given that we also know that sleep deprivation has an impact on how we think and process our emotions.

We may confidently infer, on the other hand, that when we are well rested, we will make better decisions. That would imply that when it comes to eating, we will only eat until we are fully satiated. Because our bodies had the opportunity to rest, mend, and rejuvenate, our hormones would likewise be more in balance. 

7. Reorganize Your Plate

Half of your plate should be veggies, quarters should be whole grains, and quarters should have lean protein. You'll notice a change when you alternate the grains and vegetables on your plate. The lone exception is that because potatoes, corn, and peas are starchy vegetables, they belong in the category of grains. 

Bonus TIP !

Sometimes you find that you need more than you the above 7 tips to help you get started and to give you the push you need to get that weight dropping.

There is a way to help speed up the process of weight loss and that is by using supplements.One  healthy option I can  suggest when it comes to supplements is Mitathin .as its scientifically proven to increase calorie burning - Click here to read more about it .