
What is simpleAES library ?

This library is designed to streamline the lives of programmers, offering all the essential functionalities required for AES encryption. By providing these tools, it significantly saves you time during implementation.


Although AES is highly secure, its integrity can be compromised if not implemented correctly. To mitigate such risks, we've developed additional functions to bolster its security. For example, messages are padded with random bytes before encryption, which renders brute force attacks more challenging. This padding method guarantees that identical messages produce different ciphertexts, making it difficult for anyone to detect if a message has been transmitted multiple times.

Furthermore, we've implemented functions that generate random keys resistant to brute force attacks.

How to save correctly the keys.

Storing keys in plaintext poses a security risk because if your system is compromised, attackers can easily access the keys and decrypt all encrypted data. To enhance security, you can utilize the "extractEncryptedKey()" method to store the key in an encrypted file

Custom keys

While functions that generate random keys offer superior security compared to manually setting custom keys, the latter are often preferred for their ease of memorization. However, the library also provides the option to hash your custom key and IV, adding an additional layer of security.