However, I am concerned that someone might get into my computer when I am away (e.g. an administrator can log into my computer even if I lock or logout), open a web browser, and thus access to my email and Facebook without even having to know my passwords.

In Firefox there is "Master Password", but it seems to protect only the passwords saved within Firefox, e.g., if a hacker tries to login from Firefox to my email account, he will not have Firefox automatically fill the password. But, if I am already logged in to my email account in Firefox, it doesn't even ask for my password so this doesn't help.

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Hey there.

I'm obsewing discussions for this topic for a some time and just can't get one point.

What is the problem with implementing of the asked options?

If E2EE is engaged than the notes data is stored locally in encrypted form. Right?

Master password is stored locally in some ecrypted form too.

So, the only thing people are asking is to not save master password and to add an option of showing a plain simple password input dialog at Joplin's startup.

Will Hell come crashing down on Earth if such a naturally expected option becomes a reality?


I have no reason not to trust you. But... what then we see inside *.md files? They contain an encrypted text, not a plain text. Is this some other encryption, which is not involved into E2EE and not related to the master password?

For example:

What those users unfortunately often lack of is enough understanding for users who don't have their background knowledge. My strong impression is that experienced users often have a kind of attidude like: "c'mon, pull yourself together and just DO those simple steps...", being totyally unaware of the fact that steps, which are pretty eays for them, can be a major obstacle for less experienced users.

So here's my question: Does it really take so much effort to implement pin or password protection into joplin that it's too much asked to have it? Or are we talking about a philosophical question of how to handle data security where those who work on joplin have such a strong opinion on how to do things that they are simply not open for alternatives? If wimvan is right, and this topic has been raised very often in the past, what keeps those who work on joplin from simply serving the community of users by helping those who would highly appreciate this feature instead of trying to "educate" them to do things like they do it, no matter if that approach is appropriate and/or helpful in the setting of those who aks for this feature?

EDIT: No, a pin/password does not provide "perfect" security. It's a pretty low-end approach. Nevertheless this low-end-approach works in at least 95% of all real-world scenarios to keep people out of one's private notes.

Does it really take so much effort to implement pin or password protection into joplin that it's too much asked to have it? Or are we talking about a philosophical question of how to handle data security where those who work on joplin have such a strong opinion on how to do things that they are simply not open for alternatives?

Okay I was able to solve this pretty easily on Windows by using BitLocker and a bit of cmd/ps magic and it's completely seamless.

You run it, it asks for a password to unlock, then re-locks once you close the app.

This file tries to mount the vhdx if not yet mounted (this may show an error the first time after reboot but it's fine). Then asks you for a password (this window must be visible) and then launches second invisible part with app and relock.

In Google Chrome, when I go to a login page, a window pops up asking to "Enter password for keyring 'default' to unlock". In most cases, whether I click Cancel or enter my password, the login form gets auto filled anyway.


 Set the password store to use. The default is to automatically detect based on the desktop environment. basic selects the built in, unencrypted password store. gnome selects Gnome keyring. kwallet selects (KDE) KWallet. (Note that KWallet may not work reliably outside KDE.)

When you open Chrome again it will ask for the password for the keyring but will give you an option to unlock the keyring every time you login. Make sure this is selected and enter your password to unlock the keyring.

Setting your keyring password to your login password should resolve the issue. If you completely remove the password, your keyring will be accessible without a password (i.e. by everybode who has read access).

Google Chrome uses Gnome 'login' keyring to securely store passwords. It is usually protected by a password that matches your login password. Gnome keyring can automatically unlock it when the user logs in. When you login normally, the system gives the password you just entered to gnome-keyring, which then unlocks the login keyring.

When you have auto-login enabled or use another passwordless authentication method (for example 'fingerprint' device), you don't enter any password, and gnome-keyring cannot unlock the keyring automatically. So it asks you to unlock it.

1Password makes it easy to generate, store, and autofill passwords for all your online accounts, on all your devices. Because weak and reused passwords are a leading cause of security incidents, using a password manager is an easy way to protect yourself, your family, or your business.

Yes. 1Password is available to customers across the globe. You can also secure your passwords and personal information while traveling for security on the road and abroad. Keep passport, credit card, and banking details more secure with 1Password to make your vacation worry-free.

This project is quite simple, just simple sign up, login, and password reset. It seems that Next Auth aims NOT to store any passwords, which is why they focus on OAuth and magic email link authentication (Am I right?)

One auth strategy is Credentials where it's like you are supposed to take in the username and password, search up your database, and return whether the user is authenticated or not. So this covers login, but not sign up, or anything like password reset.

Do you think it is worth using Next Auth for username password login? Or should I focus on building it myself. I have built auth systems in many apps (JWT and cookies ...), but I was wondering if it is a good idea to bring in this library to speed up the process

the Locker Icon asking for a passowrd when booting in "cmd-R Recovery Mode" and also "Alt/Option Access Mac Startup Manager" was the SSD firmware password I set up old time ago in the DIskutil tool .

Apple care give me a phone apointment with a local french compagny to help and repair the material. and after some minutes the guy explain me what was this password and to take car about EN/FR keyboard.

I encountered this issue soon after turning on FileVault on a 2019 MacBook Pro with the T2 security chip. Things seemed to be running smoothly until I had a WindowServer crash during a Skype session. On rebooting, my password was accepted at login, and in various other places, but not to unlock Safari passwords or change Touch ID settings, and when I tried to reinstall Ventura from Internet Recovery Mode, I could not get started by unlocking the boot volume with any of the user passwords.

I could not repair permissions from Recovery mode either, because a password was required to unlock the Data volume, and neither my login password (nor any of the login passwords on the other accounts) were accepted.

I made an example for you.

 Bubble Bubble Editor - Test-email-loginBuild stuff without code and launch a startup without a tech-cofounder! Bubble is a visual programing language. Instead of typing code, use a visual editor to build applications.

The security team began requiring more complex passwords, but a new challenge emerged. Because the complex passwords were harder to remember, people wrote them down or stored them on their computers, which undermined the point of creating a strong password.

Glovo uses Bitwarden with SSO, which allows employees to use one set of credentials to access multiple cloud applications. Bitwarden integrates with SSO to improve the user experience of accessing applications, while maintaining the zero knowledge encryption approach to password security.

When Glovo deployed Bitwarden, employees received initial instruction on the importance of using it. The company has seen adoption steadily increase as people cared more about the security of their passwords and reduced unnecessary or unsecure sharing. Now, when they share passwords, they do it through Bitwarden.

Alternatively, you can put the computer adjacent to the iron door without using redstone. Once you're done with the basics, open the computer and edit the "startup" file (type in edit startup).This will make it so the program will be executed when the computer boots.

The first line opens a loop that will continue running forever, or until we explicitly exit it with the 'break' keyword. The second and third lines clear the screen of whatever may have been on it, and then set the cursor position to the top-left corner of the screen. This ensures that each time the program loops, the text appears in the same place. The fifth line assigns whatever the user types to the variable 'input'. So for example, if I typed "qwerty", it would be assigning "qwerty" to the input variable. In the read call on the third line (read("*")), the asterisk character will be used to replace each letter typed by the user, so that the password stays hidden.

The first line we add, if input == "password" then checks whether or not the input variable contains the string "password". The three lines immediately following are only executed if the password is correct. So if it's correct, redstone.setOutput("back", true) sets the redstone output on the back side to true (on), which opens the door. The program then wait two seconds (sleep(2)), and turns the redstone output back off again. The program then reaches the end of the loop and repeats. 006ab0faaa

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