The rest of the template design is a breeze. Before and after the email template footer, there will be a simple border spacer matching the header background color of the template, then inside of the footer a light gray background color will be applied and images, text, and links will be added inside of it. Here is the full remaining HTML for the footer section of the template:

I run a club, I wanted to make a fancy email newsletter. Through some research I found adobe Dreamweaver has a responsive email template. I have used Dreamweaver before (a bit) but it was really difficult to get the template the way I wanted it. When I was done and ready to add it to an email and send it I realized... there is literally no easy way to do this. Apparently all mail servers use different types of coding for how they look at html so like gmail is different from mobile me, yahoo is different from Hotmail etc. So even if I could get it into an email client and send it it would look right. I ended up having to host a website and send people links. Previous forums I looked at suggested to just give up on adobe all together and use clients like mail-chimp. So my question is, are responsive email templates in Dreamweaver really pointless? Or is there something I don't know...

Simple Responsive Html Email Template Free Download


Yes, i would say responsive email-templates are pointless, like taking your brandspanking new 2wd Lamborghini offroad. Yes, your wheels will spin, but you'll look like a complete idiot half of the time.

The problem that you will run into with emails that DW doesn't account for is the code you actually insert into the template. There are a lot of rules that do not work with a lot of clients and whether you use tools like Mailchimp, Adobe Marketing Cloud, Eloqua, Marketo, Constant Contact, or any other tool out there, you will run into the same issues even with their editor. I would typically recommend if you are relying on email a lot and want to keep it as consisten as possible to use a tool like Litmus ( Litmus: Email Marketing, Email Design & Email Testing Tools )to test your emails which will give you a fairly good representation of what your final product will look like. You can also use things like this CSS guide from Campaign Monitor ( CSS Support Guide for Email Clients | Campaign Monitor ) as a guide to let you know what will work in most of your common email clients to help you from falling into certain pitfalls of email coding.

2. Point taken... so keep the html 'simple' (lowest common mean) and only inline styling. External style sheets are a big no-no. Always have a link to an online version of your email for browser display.

Regarding your last comment, "I do not recommend using Photoshop or Illustrator to create image-based emails." Yes and no. One can certainly use them for design and exporting the relevant images for web use. But one would need to translate the basic design into html.

Each template is a single HTML email built using Foundation for Emails. You can preview them and inspect the code to see how they were implemented, or download them and try making some changes. Each template already has Foundation for Emails included in a style tag at the top of the file.

You can see screenshots of how each template looks on different email clients by viewing its tests. Note that if you are going to send or test them yourself, you need to run them through the Web Inliner first.

Although the text by default in this email template is tailored for follow-up post-account creation, this email can be used for practically any purpose. By simply changing the email copy and CTA button text, you can use this email template as a welcome email for new subscribers, a blog notification email, a weekly announcements email, an ebook promotional email, and more. The basic design makes this email template extremely versatile.

Available with Stripo, this template is free to download. WIth the free version of Stripo you can download 4 email templates per month, which is perfect for anyone who only needs just a few email templates at a time. You can also edit templates and save up to 10 designs per month with the free version.

BeeFree has a free plan that allows you to create up to 10 emails. Additionally one of the most alluring aspects of the free version is that you can add unlimited users to the account and download unlimited emails as well. This makes this solution one of the best free email template builders for individual users as well as teams that have a tight budget.

It is interesting that Stripo labels this template a design for the fashion industry. Frankly, this email template is so minimalistic that it can be used for just about any industry. It could be great for building newsletters, or educating an audience with great content. The point is, if you want the copy of your email to be the focus rather than the design, this email template is perfect.

This email template is available on Github. The cool part about Github is that the online developer community has tried and tested many of the email templates available, including this one. You can see screenshots of how this email template renders on Gmail, Outlook, AOL and other email clients.

One cool aspect of this free template on is that the template is compatible not only with email marketing services like Mailchimp, Sendinblue, HubSpot, and Contant Contact, but you can also use it with developer tools like AWS and SendGrid. The template can even be used in Gmail.

Better yet, this template is compatible with 71 different email marketing solutions. Needless to say that if you are using an email marketing tool of any type, chances are that this HTML email template can be uploaded.

This email template could be great for ecommerce companies that want to show off a particular product. By swapping out the shot of whiskey for a product you want to showcase, you can drive sales through your ecommerce store. The best part is that this minimalistic template leads you to focus directly on the product at hand due to the lack of distractions such as ornamental design.

However this simple html email template can be also used for other purposes as well. For instance, simply be deleting the image, and aligning the text to the left side, it could be a perfectly good template for a newsletter as well.

Provided by Github, this image above is one of three email templates. The first email template (the one in the image above) is white with blue accents, the second is a similar template but in a dark gray version, and the third is blue template with white accents.

That being said, when choosing the right site to download your template from, consider if that site is an email editor as well as a HTML email template vendor. If the site has an email editor with the templates, it can save you a ton of time and hassle to simply edit the template within the editor before downloading it if you wnat to make slight changes.

Your remote employees access their emails through a variety of ways. Responsive email templates make your content display perfectly across all devices, so your employees can read your email distraction free.

Responsive HTML email templates take the tediousness out of HTML email design. You can create great-looking internal newsletter content and save time without having to troubleshoot your email templates.

You can access our extensive library of professionally-designed responsive email templates and easily customize them using our responsive email template builder. We have templates for everything from performance review emails to benefits enrollment, and even new employee welcome email templates.

You can even use our responsive email templates to gather email metrics like open rate, click-through rate, opens by device and location, and more. Collect data in real-time so you can hone in on the email content your employees like best:

We also provide an Outlook Email Template Design service, where you can provide us with your email idea and our team will create a professional responsive email template design to bring your Outlook email template to life.

The templates are equipped with social sharing icons and app store buttons. You can also replace the stock photography in the templates with your own GIFs and company photos. All of these responsive email templates have been tested on all major desktops, devices and email clients with Litmus:

Their templates are perfect for newsletter emails, automated welcome messages and promotional emails. You can easily import HTML template as a file into your Outlook 365 using ContactMonkey or within any email service provider.

Like many of the templates on this list, Stripo allows users to create their own templates using their email builder. They also have several tools to help users check their emails for errors like Outlook rendering issues.

Colorlib offers a wide range of marketing templates for users to choose from. Their responsive email templates cover numerous marketing-related topics, so you can choose which best suits your organization:

Email on Acid is all about helping you send emails error free. They have numerous content checking tools that range from spell-checkers to Campaign Pre-check. They also provide free email templates on their website:

Want to try one of their email newsletters before ordering a custom one for yourself? MailBakery sells individual responsive email templates in their webstore. They also offer a selection of email templates for free:

Chamaileon provides users with a simple email template builder that lets you build great-looking marketing email. Their responsive templates look great across a wide range of different email clients, so your marketing content always looks great.

Coding clean, responsive emails that provide a solid experience in all popular email clients can be a time-consuming challenge. HEML is here to change that. The open-source markup language gives you the native power of HTML without having to deal with all of the email quirks. There are no special rules or styling paradigms to master, so if you know HTML and CSS, you are ready to start. 2351a5e196

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