Hi all. I'm currently trying to build a simple LED display count-down timer in perspective, that's formatted as HH:mm:ss. All I want it to do is reset to a specified time via a button and then proceed to infinitely countdown at an increment of 1 second till it reaches 0. It would be helpful if this could be done using the tag system so I can record the elapsed timestamp for a report later.

For the life of me I can't get this! Just want a SIMPLE countdown timer. Idealy, an inputbox for just minutes to be put in. A start button. That's it! To save space, the start button would change to the countdown timer. A way to know it's done, preferably when the timer hits 0 to have that in red..

Simple Countdown Timer Download

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I did. I'm trying to use a GUI I already have up all the time. I'm trying to put this timer at the bottom and very clean/small. Also, having a hard time reading/understanding the code. What I have so far, I like. Just trying to tweak it a little so it works flawlessly.

You may have different variables and different inner html's for the each part of your timer as hours for "hh", minutes for "mm" and seconds for "ss".. and for every step set the inner htmls equal to variables.

Initialize hours with some number and make it countdown by 1 when the others are zero and at the same time make the minutes and seconds equal to 59 and start counting down the seconds as the code you added above, then same thing goes for the minutes-seconds relation (when seconds are zero and minutes are not zero countdown minutes by one). At the end return if all the variables are zero..Hope this helps..


I almost feel ashamed to look for solutions on the forum here. The issue is apparently simple, I want to make a countdown timer with minutes and seconds, at 00 00 the timer stops. What happens is, if I update my minute counter at 00 the [f] that stores the minute value changes one second 'too soon' , the sequence of remaining time goes

If I change the same [f] at 59 seconds all goes well - however the timer stops one second too late, at -1 second and displays 59. I've been playing around with this for some time, but my thinking goes in circles.

I attach both counters, one that changes at 00 and the other which changes at 59. They're in the same patch.

I applied it to your need to change pages. The Home page will automatically open Page 1 after 6 seconds (to demonstrate the capability quicker) and then Page 1 will go back to Home automatically after 60 seconds. There are examples of how to pause, restart, reset, cancel it. To change the timer duration, simply set the text on timer1 to any number (of seconds). To change the timer resolution (check its time value more or less frequently) just set it to change states every N milliseconds (e.g., 500 for every half-second or 10000 for every 10 seconds) and change your decrement value accordingly.

Once set up, all you need to do to change the duration is change the value of the timer1 widget in State 1 of the Timer Control dynamic panel. You can reset it again and again if needed, and set up multiple timers to run at the same time.

Wrong again! The countdown mysteriously freezes after being decremented by 1. I thought setInterval() should be running continuously? Why it is stopped? To find out what happened, let's add a console.log().

This solution works, but it has a problem, the countdown never stops.

To make it stop at 0, we will make use of useRef hook, it will store the reference to the setInterval, whihc we can clear when the timer is 0.The complete solution would look like this.

hey this is a very nice implementation , but consider i want the timer to completely stop at 0 , and then we want the countdown again , if we change the value of timer then it won't do anything. 

 Any idea how we can overcome this

I had good success creating a timer by storing the current datetime when starting the timer, and then on every interval getting the new current datetime again and doing the math to find the difference. If any computation takes longer than it should - it doesn't matter. The date time is always valid

Will point out that for more comprehensive timers a major problem with setIntervals or setTimeouts is that they're unreliable when switching between tabs/phone locks. Usually a 1000ms lag but can be arbitrary. 

Solutions I've seen so far to the inaccuracy issue will be based on Date objects, Performance interface, requestAnimationFrame etc

Cool, thank you! Only flaw is that if the user switches to a different tab, the timer pauses. Any thoughts on how to get around that, or is that just a limitation of how JavaScript runs in the browser?

I dug around a bit and did not find a simple and clear implementation of countdown stopwatch in Mathematica. I am looking for a function that takes as an input a certain integer and then counts down by 1 every second till 0 is reached. I think it could be an important part for some examples. Kernel or Front End implementations are both acceptable. Here is my take on it:

I am new to thunkable and programming in general and i am trying to get a simple countdown timer to work. I used the timer tutorial as a reference but the countdown stops at 9. Timer delay is set to 1 second.

How could I create simple allegro countdown timer? I feel really stupid asking so many questions, but I figure if I can soak up all of this knowledge being thrown at me, I can repay these debts by answering numerous questions. ANYWAYS, how could I create a simple countdown timer in allegro? ie, counting down from 60 seconds, if the timer reaches 0, game over, yada yada, anyone got some sample/psuedo code to go along with this?

To make sure it's clear -- you should only have one timer per game -- or at least, don't make a dedicated timer for this. Note that in your game loop you are updating logic objects. Well, a timer is just another object that gets updated every loop -- it's part of the game's state, after all. So, what Timorg said is right, just don't make a separate Allegro timer for it.

The clock_t's all just evaluate to long's, but it helps me distinguish their types as "oh yea, this is clock-related". Anyway, within the Update() function, it updates m_prevTime whether or not the timer itself is paused. This ensures that when the timer is unpaused, it's still aware of that millisecond just before the "unpause" happened, so you don't have some huge value in there and cause glitches. See if this helps with anything.

ok, well I already had a timer running for animations so Im trying to use that one, heres the code, how ever it gets stuck in a loop on the title screen a snippet of the code is below, could you let me know if you stop anything obvious thats causing it to loop, let me know if you need more code,

Then all you need to do is:

- set up a variable to hold the countdown, either in milliseconds or as a float

- initialize the countdown variable to the desired value (e.g. for 60 seconds, use 60000 milliseconds)

- on every iteration of the main loop (ideally inside logic_update()), decrease the countdown by the amount of time elapsed for this iteration (this value should be known already)

- when the counter hits zero, the time has elapsed

ok, Ive sort of gotten it working, i have it print to the screen the time in seconds (well something close to that, mainly jsut a number to let me know the timer is working) and something telling me what the frame_counter is - I have to use this since I'm also using the same tier for animations =/ so here's my code below, it runs sort of fine however when I run it it will take all input except when I hit [esc] it does not exit the game, and the other problem is the frame_counter increments to 240 - then resets but the seconds will not increment it always stays at one.

I know, It used to be readable where all that was seperated, but as the game moved on in "development" everything became jumbled, classes were lost and replaced, declarations were made mid code. I really need more organizational coding skill... But what do you mean I need timing to my logic? Because the timer runs decent its just it wont take certain input. =/

By 'timer', people mean something that gives you real-world time, no matter what happens in the rest of your code. There are two basic approaches to this: multi-threaded, and system real-time clock reading. The first one creates a new thread which wakes up at a fixed interval, increases a variable, then goes back to sleep. Because the thread is activated at a fixed known interval, each variable increment represents a constant interval in real-world time (at least if the OS task scheduler works well enough).

The second approach reads some system timer (the real time clock for example, or some processor register) and uses that to determine how much time has elapsed.

Both approaches boil down to the same thing: In the main loop, check how much time has elapsed since the last update, and adjust your game logic accordingly. Two basic approaches again: Fixed-delta and variable delta. Fixed delta means that you call the logic update function a fixed number of times per second; the main loop looks at the timer and determines how often it has to call the logic update, then draws a frame, and so on.

Variable delta means the main loop looks at the timer, calls the logic update once, passing it the amount of time elapsed, then draws a frame, and so on.

ok I get your point, however I'm only making this game to make it my first ever complete project and to enter it into a mini game contest , however Instead of using a timer I figure a more suitible aspect for this game would be to say you win at a certain score and then exit, however when I do this, you acheive your score and the game doesnt exit it just freezes. I think it may be its getting stuck in a never endling loop, any help?

Hi Thought I would share a simple countdown timer which I developed using variables, triggers (new trigger panel :)) and a layer. It will countdown from 30 (this can be changed to any value via setting the default value of the variable and the reset button.) and it has a reset button which will start the countdown again. I have attached the storyline file so you can see how it is done. 2351a5e196

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