Welcome to this personal website. I'm a university lecturer and researcher specialising in political philosophy, bioethics, and the history of political thought.

I am an Associate Professor at the Asian University for Women, located in Chittagong, Bangladesh. I am the director of the Core General Education Program and teach in the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Program.

My courses include an introductory political philosophy, the history of political thought, contemporary political philosophy, global justice, bioethics, ethical reasoning and moral philosophy, introductory political science, and non-western political thought.

My writing includes work in academic journals, popular magazines, and newspaper columns. I have written a book on justifications for individual liberty called Foundations of Freedom: Welfare-Based Arguments Against Paternalism, published by Routledge.

I completed my Bachelors and Masters degrees at the University of Auckland in New Zealand and my Doctorate degree at Oxford University. In the past I have worked at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, the American University of Armenia, and the British University in Egypt.

Click on the links to the left to find out more about my work and activities.


I am the author of a monograph, Foundations of Freedom, and I have contributed chapters to several other books.

Clicking on the cover images takes you to the books' pages on Amazon.

Below are two images illustrating political philosophy. First, the frontispiece from 'Leviathan' by Thomas Hobbes (1651) showing the sovereign over-looking the community. While at first sight the image looks authoritarian, notice that the sovereign is made up of individual citizens. Underneath, Lorenzetti's 'Allegory of Good Government' (1389) illustrates the virtues of magnanimity, temperance, and justice.