16th International Seminar on Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Physics.

The event program is already available!

Hybrid edition

We are pleased to announce that we will have a new edition of our scientific meeting SIMAFE, the 16th International Seminar on Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Physics, this year from the 24th to 26th November. This version will be hybrid, that is, with in-person as well as virtual talks. Additional remarks:

  • The face-to-face talks will be held at the main campus of the Universidad de La Frontera, in the city of Temuco, Chile.

  • The virtual talks will be held via the Zoom platform.

  • Posters will be virtual and will be hosted on the website of the event.

  • Participants without abstracts (spectators) are welcome to join us virtually.

  • NEW The deadline for abstract submission is the 14th of October.

  • Confirmation of accepted submissions for presentations will be announced on the 28th of October.

  • Abstracts will be received through the event website.

We look forward to sharing and discussing different ideas with you at SIMAFE 2021.

Best regards,

Organizing committee

Important: The face-to-face assistance and the eventual use of facilities at Universidad de La Frontera are subjected to the local COVID-19 protocols established in the "Step by Step Plan" (Plan Paso a Paso) communicated by the Chilean Health Ministry. More information at and