Silke Asche

Astrobiology – Analytical Chemistry - Automation

I am a scientist, interested in understanding the functions necessary for Life's emergence, how to detect Life and the automation of chemical experiments.  

My current position is a NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Agnostic Biosignature Collective at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, developing biosignature methods using mass spectrometry. 

During my chemistry PhD in the Digital Chemistry group at the University of Glasgow, I studied small molecule systems and their behaviour in mineral environments. The majority of my experiments were performed in automation and analysed with mass spectrometry. 

I have co-founded OoLEN an active international Origin(s) of Life early career network with more than 200 members.

Click here for my academic CV.

You can also find me on Google Scholar, Researchgate, LinkedIn and orcid


High- throughput- screening and build- up studies of polyoxometalate clusters

Chemical selection engine

Prebiotic chemistry in mineral environments

The Origin of Life Early Career Network (OoLEN) supports and accelerates research on the Origin of Life, by bringing together early-career scientists from different disciplines and backgrounds. I founded this network together with Dr Joana Xavier, Dr Martina Preiner and Dr Cole Mathis in 2019. More information can be found at