Keep us running,

Buy us Coffee!

KEEP our good vibes running, Buy us a coffee or two. If you liked the first edition of the magazine and would like to support the making of second edition, please support us. As the whole idea is to promote Thessaloniki and spread awareness about the city around the world and is done by International and Local Students  out of their fondness and love for the city on voluntarily basis. We would be so glad if you can support us as designing a premiere magazine and keeping our servers running incurs cost.

Until now, in one and half month after its release, magazine has been visited by around 3200 people from 62 countries and inspiring stories from the city along with name of the city has reached to countries where traditionally it wont reach. We would ask your support so that we can take Thessaloniki and its stories to every country of the world. 

First edition can be read here

You can support us at link (KO-FI does not charge any commission but it uses paypal service and paypal charges 45 cents per coffee) or also if you have any another ideas or ways to support us, you can leave a message at and we will reach out to you. We cherish any and every kind of support.

Stay Curious, Stay Inspired!!