Hi, I wanted to suggest a revamp to the sidebar and splitscreen capabilities of brave.

A lot of this is based off edge, but I would hope it could work better in brave with the builtin AdBlock. The ability to split tabs would be interesting, and also the ability to have sidebar support apps that open in their own instance would be helpful. this was discussed in multiple threads related to opera, and its one place brave is lacking compared to both edge and opera. Sidebars with apps are incredibly useful.

Indeed, in the new version 10.15.6 for Windows, the sidebar is dark and does not respond to the Light Mode preference in View. 

In particular, it's very strange the sidebar has a different background now, compared to the notes.

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Can somebody please provide screenshots of what you're seeing? I tested 10.13.4 and 10.15.6 on both Mac and Windows and I am not seeing a change in the left navigation while Light Mode is selected. There's probably something I'm missing with your configuration that is causing you to have a problem.

@SoapmThanks, so your screenshot is what I see as well in both 10.13.4 and 10.15.6. Are you saying the left column used to be lighter? I'm pretty sure it's always been a dark color, regardless of light or dark mode, but I admittedly always use dark mode. I do notice that it gets a darker black if I switch to dark mode.

The left sidebar and main navigation panel ist dark since version 10 on all platforms, with evernote web and new editor even longer.

This is a decision by design. So I don't expect that there will be a choice to change colors for a light mode or to emulate pre V10 design.

You brought back the days when this was a simple tool for keeping mind (notes) strait, how do I get this look back? This is all I want and need?

In front of a group of people I launched the app on my ipad and got this screen, which I had no idea how to get rid of so I'm standing there, nervously filibustering as I try to figure out how to get to my notes??? If you want to add these features, fine, but please make them customizable for those who want them and not for those who want just a basic app. I want the app to launch like it used to when I started paying for it, like above... Simple...

Anyway to have the old design as an option? We understand many like the dark mode and the MAC app might be popular, but for those who liked the way it was before, any chance we can have the option of the old look? It was much simpler and strait forward for those of us who use the app on the go.

My personal opinion is that regarding v10, we better accept there are some changes. Giving a huge amount of options means a lot more code, more complexity and in the end worse performance and bugs. I prefer it lean and doing the job.

Thanks, I was hoping there was an answer... Are there instructions on switching to the legacy app? I would love to do that since I'm just looking for a simple app to keep my thoughts strait. I use my calendar for task, appts, etc... as it allows my secretary to keep me strait.

What about for my iPad? My android devices don't have that screen, just my iPad.

Edited to edit the edited edit: This was a complete disaster, I still have the same look as it instantly updated itself but now I got a continuous error saying it failed to import notes. The error just won't go away even after a reboot.

All happy in Soapm land, I got legacy back and working. I had to delete the old database then uncheck the update option before logging in, and you know what happened, yep... I'm back to the way it was. All happy in Soapm land!

Other than that home screen the iPad works fine, though I don't type any notes on my iPad. I just read them while in the pulpit. Which is why I don't need that screen, when I open the app on my iPad it's for one reason. To read one of the notes I typed from my PC.

Please give us the option of starting the app without that screen.

Vote for the option of turning off an option I have no use for???

Ok, I searched but don't find that thread, can you give me a clue what to put in the search box? I would like my voice to be heard.

Anyone know if they made it where we can turn off the dark sidebar or am I being forced to ask for a refund and go elsewhere? As explained above, my eyes don't see the dark mode too well which is why I went back and stay with the legacy version. I am more than happy with the legacy version and don't understand why they don't leave me alone and let me use the tool I can use.

This is even worse, how do I make it look like it used to? I'm not very tech savvy which is why I stay with what works. Is there a button or setting for classic look? I am totally lost looking at this.

I can't even find my notes, this has me in panic mode since I need them tomorrow. I guess I'll go back to legacy and just ask for my money back when it expires. I've appreciated a simple application that let me keep my thoughts and was able to sync across my devices. Looks like they left a simple customer like me since all I want is my notes. The rest of this is a waste for me.

I might also add, this is so complicated it's intimidating to a person like me. I've been using the past look for years and wasn't looking to spend a night trying to recreate what I already had. wow, I honestly feel like I got kicked in the nuts and without even an apology. This is a drastic change from the app I've had as my go to for years.

Then they don't play fair, it says can't connect to server after I downgraded to the legacy. It won't let me sign in.Not I'm in a very bad spot since I need my notes in the morning, can't find them in the new look and can't go back to the old. And to think I paid money for this treatment.

V. 10 does have a different arrangement in the interface from the one you (and all of us) were used to in v. 6. My viewpoint is that it took me awhile to get used to the older version when I started using Evernote, but I did, and when I started using v. 10 it took me another while, but I got used to that too.

In any case, your notes are all there. To see the sidebar, try pressing the F10 key along the top of the keyboard. That should pop it out. Then you can click on Notes or Notebooks to see the list of your content. Please keep asking questions; a lot of your fellow users here enjoy answering them!

The previous interface was so much better. It's not a matter of getting used to it, everything was there when you opened the app instead of having to remember how to get to this or that. I wished they'd of let us stay with the legacy app, that's the one I gladly paid for. To force me over to this makes me want my money back.

My viewpoint: we had to learn the previous interface too; it wasn't so intuitive that we were born knowing it! It was a matter of getting used to it, and learning to remember how to get to this or that--and only then was everything "there when you opened the app." And we now (or for some of us a couple of years ago) are having (had) to get used to a new one. If you haven't read the blog post on reasons for discontinuing Legacy, here it is: -decommissioning,

This is very much at an experimental prototype stage, but we are encouraged by the early positive feedback. And we look forward to engaging with you here for additional feedback once sidebar features are ready for testing.

Will this still be able to work well with things like Tree-Style Tabs and Sidebery? I mean they might need to update APIs or whatever, but should still have the flexibility to work generally the same yeah?

Regardless of API additions for tree-style tab plugins, I'll be happy as long as we get native vertical tabs at all. It's so painful to have the tabstrip duplicated, opening other sidebar features making tree-style tabs disappear, and not even having any shortcut to bring tree style tabs back up.

I noticed that in the demo/test build there was the option to pin sites to sidebar, which is great addons. But, if/when implementing that, please implement also the functionality of extensions, userstylus, userscripts, etc, etc.. also work on those spaces (aka, make them to have same privileges as tabs). Many browsers that implement such functionality, such as Microsoft Edge, don't implement this. Which make those pinned sites considerably less useful, sense things such as Dark Mode and your other extensions won't work on it.

Also, sense you guys are working on the sidebar, I'm not sure how feasible would this be, but I think the idea of having multiple sidebars (well, actually more like 2) could be useful. Like, suppose you want to have a sidebar in your left with your browser history opened, and you want to have OTHER sidebar in the right with your bookmarks or a site opened there.

Hi! We hope to get to pinned tabs in the sidebar, but this will likely be coming a little down the line precisely for the reasons you mentioned - we want pinned tabs (that would be first and foremost useful to folks who would decide to stick to horizontal tab layout) to have functionality similar to what existing tab strip has. Unfortunately, that's a fairly large engineering lift.

Auto-hide sidebar function.

The ability to move the History, Bookmarks buttons around.

Ability to add your favorite site to open in the sidebar.

The ability to change the size of the sidebar very subtly.

Ability to have 2 sidebars, for example 1 on the left and 2 on the right

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