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Press Briefing by Dana Perino

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room VideoĀ 

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Ā 12:22 P.M. ESTMS. PERINO: Good afternoon. I have a short opening statement for you.As you know, the Senate this week is considering two urgent needs. One islegislation to bolster economic growth, and then also critical legislationto reauthorize the Protect America Act. It's now been a week since theHouse passed a bipartisan economic growth package that would give oureconomy the boost it needs to deal with the challenges that our economy isfacing. And while we understand that senators want to put their own"brand" on the growth package, we hope they will not treat this as apartisan exercise. We call on Congress to pass legislation quickly and getit to the President's desk. Americans are expecting action, and every daywe wait will delay delivery and relief to businesses and taxpayers -- andto give them the certainty that they need.With respect to the Protect America Act, the President signed an extensionof that act last Thursday; this was a short-term extension that lasts untilFebruary 15th.The President called for long-term legislation that keepsin place the tools our intelligence community needs and liabilityprotection for those believed to have assisted in efforts to protect ournation after the September 11th attacks. While not perfect, the SenateIntelligence Committee gave near unanimous bipartisan approval to thatlegislation; it largely meets the goals that the President called for.Ourintelligence community needs the certainty of long-term legislation so theycan count on having the critical tools provided by the Protect America Act. We call on them to do this before the next recess. As I said, it expireson February 15th.Also, a little bit later this afternoon the administration will beannouncing sanctions against individuals and companies involved in ThanShwe's military junta in Burma -- expect that sort of mid-afternoon.Q Is it a partisan act if the Senate wants to make changes in thestimulus package?MS. PERINO: Well, what you see right now in the Senate is haggling overimportant issues, big issues -- issues that we think largely need to bedebated outside of an economic growth package.The purpose of the economicgrowth package is to stimulate the economy. And as Speaker Pelosi,herself, has said, this needs to be timely, targeted and temporary, andthat was a compromise that she hammered out with Speaker Boehner and withSecretary Paulson.We think that that legislation that was agreed to on a bipartisan basis andoriginated in the House, because that's where tax bills originate, shouldbe taken up by the Senate. We understand that they're going to do whatthey do in the Senate, which is haggle over these issues, but on many ofthem, we think that they could be -- that they are important enough to bediscussed, but they should discussed outside of the economic growth packagebecause they won't be stimulative to the economy.Q So I'm unclear then. Are you saying that they're acting irresponsiblyif they change the package at all?MS. PERINO: No, we're not saying that. We're saying that they need tomove quickly, that there's no need for delay, that they have a package infront of them that they could move on, and we're calling on them to do itquickly. They have a vote, I think, scheduled for tomorrow.Q Isn't that acting quickly?MS. PERINO: It is not guaranteed that they're going to pass it tomorrow,and pass it in a way that can actually make sense for the House to be ableto come up to agreement with them quickly and get it to the President'sdesk. I think that's the concern that we have, that it gets bogged down inthe Senate.Mike, go ahead.Q Dana, how confident is the White House that the Congress will pass aProtect America Act permanent fix by the 15th?I seem to remember, I thinkit was Tony Fratto that said that it was talked about a patchwork ofextensions. Are you worried that they're going to say, we need another 15days, or --MS. PERINO: Well, legislating by extension for our intelligence communityis no way to run a counterintelligence program. One of the most importantweapons you can have in this war against terrorists is intelligence andgood information about what they are planning, how they are planning, andhow we can stop them.So we don't think that the Congress needs much more time to debate this. It's been debated not just for the last six months, but for about a yearand a half. So they have this legislation is front of them, a bipartisanpackage that was passed in the Senate committee by 13 to 2, which is quiteremarkable given the partisan nature of Capitol Hill. So we think February15th is a hard and fast deadline that they need to meet.Matt.Q Dana, you mentioned some new sanctions that are going to be announcedtoday on Myanmar's rulers. Is that going to be specifically againstGeneral Shwe or (inaudible) --MS. PERINO: I'm going to let them announce -- the people related to thejunta and companies participating in business with them as well.Q This is the third round of sanctions, I think, against Myanmar.MS. PERINO: That sounds right.Q Have you seen any real results or --MS. PERINO: We do know that sanctions can have an impact, and they helpcurtail economic activity and can further isolate the junta, which is partof getting them to recognize that they need to open up and allow thedemocratically elected leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, to be able to meet withthe leaders that they said that they would allow her to do. And it's beena halting progress. They say that they're going to do things that theydon't follow up on. And so the President is going to authorize thesesanctions today.And remember, just last week, Mrs. Bush, who was up in New York, did talkto President Torrijos, who is now chairing this month the Security Councilat the United Nations, and she pressed him to do more, and he said he wouldbring it up.Goyal.Q Two quick questions, one just to follow on the sanctions in Burma. Ifthose sanctions will be only on the companies, or also the countriessupporting Burma --MS. PERINO: Why don't we wait for the document to come out. I can'tcomment on it before it comes out.Q And second, yesterday Mr. Hadley, NSC, was speaking at CarnegieEndowment of International Peace. He laid out some of President's trip toAfrica next week. Problem is that, as far as Africa region is concerned,it's so rich in natural resources -- diamonds and oil and all that -- butso poor on this earth.The President's trip you think will bring anythinglike -- there is violence going on, and also Chinese influence?MS. PERINO: Let me just make a comment about the Africa trip, since Idon't think you really have a question there. (Laughter.)Q I'm sorry to -- the question is that of what the President will bringprosperity and (inaudible)?MS. PERINO: Certainly, the President is going to take a message that theAmerican people stand committed to helping the African continent, andhelping on education, malaria, HIV/AIDS, trade, development. And whatSteve Hadley did last night was to preview a little bit of what thePresident is going to go and see. But he also said, in regards to many ofthose difficulties that you mentioned, including the violence that we'veseen, especially recently, that we have a long way to go in order to helpthem.Mark.Q Yes. Can I ask about Director Hayden's testimony on the Hill. He hasnow publicly confirmed that waterboarding was used against three al Qaedasuspects. He's also said that that technique remains in the CIA's arsenal. Why is this not an illegal form of torture?MS. PERINO: I have to tell you, Mark, I literally came from a meeting. Isaw the press report about this. I didn't have time to follow up on it. Ididn't see what he said. I don't know the process from -- by which it wasannounced. And so I'm going to decline to comment on it until I have moreinformation.Q Can we ask you to get back to us with an answer on that, because --MS. PERINO: I will try -- yes, I literally came down here to do thisbecause there's a pool event, but we will follow up.Go ahead, Les.Q Thank you, Dana. Two questions. The Islamic Republic News Agencyreported that Iran conducted its first successful space rocket launch withPresident Ahmadinejad on hand to order the takeoff and inaugurate the spacecenter. And my question: Does the President believe that this has nothingto do with Ahmadinejad's repeated threats to destroy Israel?MS. PERINO: Well, let's take that in pieces. What we commented onyesterday is that the actions that he took regarding the so-called spaceprogram is also the same type of technology you need to deliver a nuclearweapon on a ballistic missile.Now, we are concerned about that, and wethink that those actions only further isolate Iran.Q Your statement issued yesterday, announcing, "The U.S. stronglycondemns the terrorist attack in Dimona, Israel," it mentions not a wordthat Dimona is the production site of Israel's nuclear weapons. And myquestion: Why was there no mention of this important fact?MS. PERINO: We are focusing on the fact that an innocent person was killedby a terrorist. I think that was the more important part of thatstatement.Q Well, yes, I know, but there was certainly --MS. PERINO: I didn't think it was necessary.Paula.Q You mentioned on the stimulus package the importance of getting thisdone quickly. And I can understand unemployment, insurance extensions --that could be taken up separately. But what I don't understand is if youwant to boost consumer spending, why are you opposed to expanding therebates to seniors and disabled veterans at a (inaudible) below $3,000 ayear? Wouldn't they spend money quickly?MS. PERINO: What I said is that we believe that the House package that wasworked out between Speaker Pelosi and Leader Boehner and Secretary Paulsonis one that they think would stimulate the economy with as much -- withabout 1 percent of GDP, the amount of money that the President said wasgoing to be necessary to have an effect.That is the package that went over to the Senate; we think that they shouldact on it. I realize that there are going to be discussions in the Senateas to what may or may not be included further on. We understand that's howthe legislative process works.We are urging them, though, to do thisquickly.Q And one issue unrelated. Under the law, the President is supposed tobe submitting Medicare containment legislation within the next 15 days. SoI understand you want to do this in a timely manner, but by "timely," doyou mean within the next 15 days?MS. PERINO: Well, certainly -- I know Director Nussle answered thatquestion from this podium yesterday, and Tony Fratto spoke to you about itearlier today.And nothing has changed in the past hour since you'vespoken to him about it.I would point you to the fact that OMB, through their budget last year,through the President's budget, did suggest savings that could have beentaken that would avoid the situation altogether, and the so-called"trigger" would not have been enacted.So we will act appropriately, butwe just don't have anything to announce yet.Olivier.Q Dana, today is the fifth anniversary of Colin Powell's U.N.presentation on Iraq. I'm wondering whether you think the intel reformsthat we've seen since then make a repeat of that kind of blunderimpossible.MS. PERINO: I didn't realize that was the anniversary today. I'm glad youkeep tabs on it. I think there is no doubt that this administration took alot of input from a lot of different places -- independent commissions,including the WMD commission, to establish reforms throughout theintelligence community, which are working very well. And I remember FranTownsend, at her last briefing here before she left, indicated that in herexperience that the agencies were giving -- sharing a lot more informationand that was making our nation safer.Q I'd like to know -- go ahead.Q Do you have any reaction to Britain's Prince Andrew criticizing theU.S. for not following the advice of officials from his country?MS. PERINO: No.Q I'd like to know why this morning's transcript failed to note thecomment, "bearded mischief-maker"?MS. PERINO: Well, maybe they -- I don't know.I didn't hear it either.Q You didn't? (Laughter.)MS. PERINO: I can ask them to go back and look at the tape. (Laughter.)END 12:35 P.M. 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