
About Me

Greetings! I am a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at the University of Arizona. I will be on the 2021/22 job market. My research interests include using experimental methods to study questions related to social image and economic behavior. I study factors such as gender stereotypes, social norms, and peer pressure with a focus on how they affect individuals’ psychological states and economic decisions. My studies are usually conducted cross-culturally in order to study the role of the social environment. I am also working on designing surveys and field experiments to study parental beliefs and investments in children's human capital.


Experimental Economics

Behavioral Economics

Labor Economics


Ph.D. in Economics, 2017-2022 (Expected)

The University of Arizona

MSc in Economics, 2015-2017

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

BSc in Public Administration, Minor in Economics, 2011-2015

Shanghai Jiaotong University