Most image and video endpoints can return metadata such as categories and keywords in the specified language. For example, the GET /v2/images/categories endpoint can provide the image categories in multiple languages.

Each type of subscription provides access to a specific media library; all API requests use only the media in that library, including search, details, and licensing requests.For example, when you search with a free subscription, the results are limited to images in the Free stock photos collection.For this reason, you might see different media by searching on the API versus searching on trying to license media, make sure that you can access it through the API with your API subscription.

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Now you can use the token to access the API by passing it as an authorization header, as in the example of searching for images to the right.Further examples in this documentation assume that you put the token in the SHUTTERSTOCK_API_TOKEN environment variable, but you can also store the token in a variable in your code.Specifically, the cURL and Node.js examples are designed to use the environment variable and PHP assumes that the token is in the code.The CLI requires that you put the token in the SHUTTERSTOCK_API_TOKEN environment variable.

You can run up to 5 image searches in a single request with the POST /v2/bulk_search/images endpoint.The API returns a maximum of 20 results for each search.To use this endpoint, pass multiple searches in an array in the request body.Each search in the array has the same parameters as an individual image search.

Based on the location, the API changes rankings to provide more appropriate results.For example, searches for the term "football" return images of different sports depending on the location.Search results are raised or lowered in relevance based on how well they relate to the location.

You can also filter results by the country that the contributor lives in with the contributor_country parameter.For example, to show images from contributors in France, set the contributor_country parameter to FR.To hide images from contributors in Germany, set the contributor_country parameter to NOT DE.To filter multiple countries, send the parameter multiple times with each country code.You can use this parameter with NOT or without NOT, but not with both in the same search.

To search for images by aspect ratio, specify the ratio as a positive decimal of the width divided by the height.For example, to search for images with a 4:3 aspect ratio, set the aspect_ratio parameter to 1.3333.The search endpoints calculate aspect ratio to four decimal places and return only images that exactly match this decimal aspect ratio.

Images with a higher aspect ratio are wider and images with a lower aspect ratio are narrower.Images with a landscape orientation have aspect ratios greater than 1 and images with a portrait orientation have aspect ratios less than or equal to 1, such as 0.75 for an image with a 3:4 aspect ratio.

Images do not always exactly match a standard ratio.Because of a difference of a few pixels, images that have a ratio of approximately 3:2 can have decimal aspect ratios of 1.4998, 1.5, or 1.5001.To search for images that have an aspect ratio of approximately 1.5, set the aspect_ratio_max parameter to 1.5005 and the aspect_ratio_min parameter to 1.4995.

To disable either type of restriction, set one or both of these parameters to false.The image and video search endpoints support both parameters.The recommended images and similar images and videos endpoints support only the safe parameter.

To upload an image for reverse image and video search or keyword suggestions with computer vision, use the POST /v2/cv/images endpoint.Then, use the upload ID that this endpoint returns to get similar images or videos from the GET /v2/cv/similar/images or GET /v2/cv/similar/videos endpoints.The API returns up to 200 images or videos that appear visually similar to your image.

To get suggested keywords for an image, upload a base64-encoded image to the POST /v2/cv/images endpoint as with reverse image search.Then, use the upload ID that this endpoint returns to get suggested keywords from the GET /v2/cv/keywords endpoint.You can also use the ID of an existing image in the Shutterstock collection.In this case, the suggested keywords may not be the same as the keywords in the image metadata.

To get suggested search keywords from a block of plain text, use the POST /v2/images/search/suggestions endpoint.Then you can use those keywords to search for media items that are related to the text.

Shutterstock.AI predicts which assets will perform best based on what you're trying to achieve.You pass a goal for the media, which includes a target industry and an objective, and the AI returns images that best satisfy this goal.

The API uses Shutterstock Predict to determine which assets will accomplish the specified objective for the specified audience.The response from the API sorts images based on how well they satisfy the objective for the target industry.

To help explain how it ordered the images, the AI lists features that are visible in the images, such as "Person" and "Automobile."It also shows how well images with those features perform for the specified goal compared to other images.Analyzing these features is part of how the AI determines which images satisfy the goal.The features are listed only in English.

The top-level insights object shows the top features that the AI thinks perform best for the specified industry and objective.The percentile_performance field shows how well images with a certain feature perform compared to images without the feature.These percentages depend on the audience and industry in the request, so if you use different audiences or industries, the API returns different features and percentages.These features are not the same as the categories that the API uses to classify images via GET /v2/images/categories.

For example, the truncated response in the right-hand column shows that images with the "Automobile" label perform better than 98.7% of all other images for the goal specified in the request.These percentages may change as the AI learns over time.

To preview the media, use the URLs in the assets section of the search response.Each result includes one or more thumbnails and previews.Images include watermarked previews in different sizes, videos include thumbnail images and low-resolution watermarked preview videos, and audio tracks include versions with voice-overs.You can embed these previews on web pages or link to them.

Image search results and responses to the GET /v2/images/{id} endpoint include thumbnails and previews in multiple sizes.The response includes the dimensions of each image.Which sizes appear in your response depends on the type of your account.

The thumbnails and previews come with image IDs (also known as the "whitestrip") embedded on the images.The API response provides the dimensions of the image without the whitestrip.To show the image without the whitestrip, limit the display to the dimensions in the API response.For more information, see Removing the ID from preview versions of images.

To request a license and download media, pass the media ID and the subscription ID to the appropriate endpoint.For example, to license images, use the POST /v2/images/licenses endpoint, as in the example in the right-hand column.You can use the defaults for the size and format or specify values; the example specifies JPG images.

If you access editorial media from non-editorial endpoints, you can find editorial media by searching with the GET /v2/images/search endpoint and setting the license parameter to editorial.Then use the POST /v2/images/licenses endpoint to license them as you would license non-editorial media.

Editorial images have the is_editorial field set to true.To license these images, you must acknowledge the editorial agreement as part of the licensing request.You must include "editorial_acknowledgement": true in the request, as in the example in the right-hand pane.

If you access editorial media from separate editorial endpoints, use the GET /v2/editorial/images/search or GET /v2/editorial/videos/search endpoints to find the media.Use the POST /v2/editorial/images/licenses or POST /v2/editorial/videos/licenses endpoints to license and download the media, as shown in the example in the right-hand pane.

You can use the licensing sandbox API to test your application's licensing, downloading, and license history code for images, video, and audio and verify that your subscription is working.Editorial licensing is not available in the sandbox.To use the sandbox, change the base URL of your requests to you are using the JavaScript SDK, use the setSandbox method, as in the example in the right-hand pane (requires SDK version 1.0.11 or later).

For example, if you make requests to the the POST /v2/images/licenses endpoint in the sandbox, requests to the GET /v2/images/licenses endpoint return information about those sandbox requests. In the sandbox, the license history endpoints return information only about sandbox licenses, not licenses that you created with the main API. The API stores license history in the sandbox for at least one week and then resets it.

For example, you can pass the ID of a sandbox image license to the POST /v2/images/licenses/{id}/downloads sandbox endpoint. If the license ID matches a license that you created in the sandbox and the license permits redownloads, the redownload endpoint returns a 200 OK code and a link to a preset sample file.

You can use the appropriate endpoint, such as GET /v2/images/licenses, to see your licenses.Then, if your subscription permits redownloads, you can use the license ID to request a new download URL from the POST v2/images/licenses/{license_id}/downloads endpoint, as in the example in the right-hand column.

You can create collections of a single asset type, which are custom lists of a single type of Shutterstock asset, including images, videos, and audio tracks.You can create any number of collections and access them through the API or at collections will be deprecated, so use catalog collections if your account has access to them. 2351a5e196

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