Shuma Tsurumi

Assistant Professor, Hokkaido University


ResearchMap  ResearchGate

Research Areas

I study the developmental mechanisms of visual perception and attention using psychophysics and neural measurement.

I am interested in the neural mechanisms of consciousness and visual awareness, that is how humans perceive and recognize the outside world.


2024. 6 Yuki Miyazaki (Chukyo University) had an oral presentation examining the impression to sanitary mask in Japan, UK, and USA at The Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology. I'm contributing to this work by translating the Questionnaire asking the impression of sanitary mask in English into Japanese as co-author.

2024. 5. I had a Poster presentation at VSS(Vision Science Society)

2024. 3. I had a conversation with Michael and Mami on a podcast called Bilingual News. You can access the episode here.


2024. 3. Our paper, Suetping Lee at Japan Women's University as the lead author, examining the attentional blink in 5- to 6- month-old infants was published in Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.

               We can access here

2024. 2. I talked about the visual illusion in infants at Illusion of the Fortnight. The recording video is here.

2023. 12. The Guardian featured our recent study demostrating the misbinding in infants. 

2023. 12. Our paper examining the development of feature-binding mechanisms in infants aged 4- to 8 months was published in Proceeding of the Royal Society B.

               We can access here

2023. 11. We (Jun Kawahara and Shuma Tsurumi) presented a poster on the impact of mask-wearing on human facial attractiveness at the Psychonomic Society. The evaluation of attractiveness is based on motivation rather than conventional attractiveness assessment.

2023. 9. Our paper, Assoc. prof. Yuki Miyazaki at Fukuyama University (current affiliation: Chukyo University) as the lead author, examining the effects of wearing an opaque or transparent face mask on the facial expressions between Japanese school-aged children and adults was published in Perception

               We can access here

2023. 5. Poster presentation at VSS (Vision Science Society)

2022. 11. Undergraduate student (I collaborate with her study) won the award at the conference of Japanese Psychological Research. Congratulations !

2022. 10. Assistant Professor at Hokkaido University.

2022. 7. Our paper examining the infants' visual attention using feature-based selection by newly-developed anticipation task was published in Experimental Brain Research Link[pdf]

2022. 6. Poster presentation at VSS (Vision Science Society)

2022. 4. Our paper examining the development of upper visual field bias for faces during infancy was published in Developmental Science

               We can access here[Press Release: EurekAlert!]

2021. 12. I won the presentation award in the conference of The Japanese Psychonomic Society Link

2021. 12. Poster presentation at the 40th conference of The Japanese Psychonomic Society Link

2021. 11. I talked at the 40th conference of The Japanese Psychonomic Society: Young Researchers Association as a finalist Link

2021. 6. Talk presentation in the round table session of The Japanese Society of Baby Science.

2021. 5. Our paper showing the attentional blink in infants less than a year was published in Cognition

              Everyone can download this paper here [Press Release: EurekAlert!; AlphaGalileo; Asia Research News]

              Chuo university introduced our paper in university's HP Link

2021. 5. Poster presentation at Vision Science Society 21th Annual Meeting Link

2021. 1. I won the presentation award in the conference of The Japanese Psychonomic Society Link

2020. 7. Poster presentation at ICIS (International Conference of Infant Studies)

2020. 2. I reported my research life in Chuo University in ChuoOnline Link

2019. 11. I won the presentation award called "The Best Presenter" Link

2019. 7. Talk presentation at APCV (Asia Pacific Conference on Vision)

2019. 7. Our paper revealing infants' neural activity to yawning was published in Scientific Reports

             Everyone can read this paper here [Press Release: EurekAlert!]

2019. 6. Our paper showing the infants' rapid identification of individual face was published in Journal of Experimental Child Psychology  Link

2019. 5. Poster presentation at Vision Science Society 19th Annual Meeting Link