Strategy Team

the strategy team

The Strategy Team is a sub-group within the Terror Bytes and the newest addition to the team. These individuals work together to perform various tasks throughout practice and help our fellow teams. They are responsible for calculating the most efficient strategies to score points in the FRC challenges. Additionally, they design, make equipment, keep everyone safe and glamorize the team. It consists of 8 members, each contributing their own unique perspectives and skills.  

Meet the Team:

Brayden "Joey" C.

Karina D. 

Charlotte G. 

Ethan H

Jack J. 

Morelia P-R

Jennifer R. 

Keira T. 

What We've Done

Bling Bling cart

The "Bling Bling" cart is the cart made for the main competition robot, and is currently an ongoing project, being diligently worked on by the strategy team.

🔥Crowd Numbers🔥

The Crowd Numbers are created for fellow team members in the audience to show support for the competing drivers and robots at competitions. They are an ongoing project.


Bumpers are required in this year's challenge, in order to protect the robots and game elements. They are made from plywood, brackets, fabric, and pool noodles.