Shubham Singla

Dogs make me smile every time


Mr Square

I'm a big fan of racing games, the graphics, high level of details, heightened sense of speed that these games offer excites me and made me realize the software engineering is not all about Fibonacci series, its much beyond than that. One day I was searching for some practical applications of Sine wave and about game engines on YouTube and found Unity. After that I crawled the Unity website and decided to give it a try, this is the story behind Mr Square.

C Graphics

I'm an Electronics engineer and came to know about C Graphics accidentally, I was in Data Structure lab and we had been asked to make a program in C but I was not interested because I can't work for hours like a nerd for that boring black screen and it's the reason why I didn't chose CSE. After that I started looking for programs saved on that PC then I saw clock, moving electrons, cool animations coded in C Graphics and these were amazing. Then at home, I explored the "help" option of Turbo C, it gave me the brief understanding of various fundamental shapes. That's how I created these three programs.

Native Mobile Apps

A native mobile app is a smartphone application that is coded in a specific programming language, such as Objective C or Swift for iOS or Java for Android operating systems.