Soft Meditronics Group


Multifunctional nanomaterials

Fabrication of functional nanomaterials (metal nanowires and metal nanoparticles) for the multifunctional nanocomposite materials.

[Current Works]

Soft bioelectronics

Flexible and/or soft bioelectronics (sensor, stimulator, microchannel, and actuators) to reduce mechanical mismatches between tissue and electronics.

[Current Works]

Biomedical applications

In vivo biomedical applications for the clinical translation of the nanomaterial-based bioelectronics.

[Current Works]


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Phone: +82, 054-478-4691

Kumoh National Insutitute of Technology, G137

61 Daehak-ro (yangho-dong), Gumi, Gyeongbuk 39177, Korea

경상북도 구미시 대학로 61, 국립금오공과대학교 글로벌관 G137호