String Parents Association

Welcome to the Stevenson High School String Parents Association (SPA) website!

We invite you to learn more about our organization and how we support the Stevenson High School Orchestra and Guitar programs. If you need more information, please email us at

Strings Awards Concert


STRINGS AWARDS CONCERT, Thursday, May 5, 2022, 6 PM at the Performing Arts Center. Admission is free!

Enjoy the ONLY combined Guitar and Orchestra concert of the year!

Come join us for this annual event, honoring our Seniors and celebrating all the Strings students from both Orchestra and Guitar.

The students in these year long classes are excited to perform great music featuring "Music from Coco", "Phantom of the Opera", "One Direction", "Encanto" and "Toy Story"! Come see Stevenson Senior Linda Wang performing the Paganini violin concerto No.1!

It's sure to be a evening of wonderful performances!

Performance to be streamed via the SHS Fine Arts Vimeo page:


Interested in VOLUNTEERING? Please click on this link:

Volunteer for SPA

We are looking for volunteers for next year's String Parents Association Board and Committees. Please share your talent and time for a great cause! Click here for more information.

Questions? Email us at

Upcoming Events

Welcome Stevenson Strings Students and Families!

Here's a quick summary of the events, activities and volunteer opportunities with the String Parents Association! Questions? Email us at

  • Stevenson Strings Field Trip - Friday, April 22, 2022 - Watch this space for possible chaperone opportunities!

  • Baroque Ensemble Concert - Sunday, April 24, 2022 - Chicago, IL - Details TBD!

  • Stevenson Strings End of the Year Awards Concert - Thursday, May 5, 2022 - Combined Guitar and Orchestra Performance - PAC

  • Join SPA this year! Annual membership is STRONGLY encouraged. More information on benefits here.

Donate to SPA now!

Click here to learn about the important work we do!

Are you a SPA member?

We invite all families and supporters of first year SHS Strings students to join SPA and strongly encourage all families to renew their memberships on an annual basis.

Not only do you support all the SPA activities, consistent membership allows your Strings student to be eligible for Trip Donations from SPA as well as the opportunity to apply for the SPA scholarships in their Senior year.

Click on the green button up on top or here to be directed to the SHS Patriot Store.


Stay tuned for more SY 21-22 updates!