Senior Economist at Amazon
Associate Member at Toulouse School of Economics
Research Interests: Econometrics, Applied Microeconomics, Matching Markets
“Identification in discrete choice models with imperfect information,” with C. Gualdani, accepted Journal of Econometrics. [arXiv]
“Identification and estimation in many-to-one two-sided matching without transfers,” with Y. He and X. Sun, Econometrica, 2024, 92(3), p.749-774. [Paper, arXiv]
Partial Identification in Matching Models for the Marriage Market, with C. Gualdani, Journal of Political Economy, 2023, 131(5), p.1109-1171. [Paper, arXiv]
Working Papers
“Identification in One-to-One Matching Models with Nonparametric Unobservables,” TSE Working Paper, n. 18-897, March 2018. [Paper] [Reject and Resubmit at Quantitative Economics]