One of my favourite things to do is sing in the forest, and songs often come to me in the magic between the trees. This mantra is a combination of Sanskrit and "Gaia," a name for Mother Earth, inspired by my deep connection to nature.

And so, if you recognize and resonate with this intention, this affirmation of the health and harmony that is the true essence of all that is, I invite you to take this mantra into your own heart.

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Your voice has an angel healing quality as you were singing this beautiful mantra. You could feel the loving energy of the mantra. For a moment, as I heard you sing the words, I could hear Mother Earth also singing with you! As the song continue, I felt I was there, and slowly other souls were walking and singing this mantra all around this forest! Embracing its loving healing connection with Mother Earth!

Sing along with David and the Kirtan Choir to this beautiful mantra melody by Sangita Wyslich. Jay Shri Ma / Kali Kali Ma / Jay Shri Ma ~ Ananda Ma / Durga Devi / Jagatambe Shri Ma. A mantra to the Goddess in her many forms.

The best time to chant this mantra is in the mornings. If you can take time out chanting this mantra anytime around 4 am to 6 am, it will be very auspicious. Before chanting Om Shri Anantaha mantra, take a bath and make yourself comfortable in a peaceful environment.

Chant the mantra for 108 times imagining the divine form of a higher power (your belief in your choice of God, it could be the universe, a collective consciousness, Mother nature, any positive energy as long as you believe in it.) Now, chant this mantra with focus and devotion to slowly reveal its benefits in your life.

Our creation is that guru (Brahma-the force of creation); the duration of our lives is that guru (Vishnu-the force of preservation); our trials, tribulations, illnesses, calamities and the death of the body is that guru (devo Maheshwara-the force of destruction or transformation). There is a guru nearby (Guru Sakshat) and a guru that is beyond the beyond (param Brahma). I make my offering (tasmai) to the beautiful (shri) remover of my darkness, my ignorance; (Guru) it is to you I bow and lay down my life (namah).

By reciting this mantra with a sincere heart, you will see that the power that enlightens is all around you at all times. The mantra asks for the ability to see the guru in all names and forms, and even to acknowledge, love and serve the guru who you cannot see, who is beyond all visible forms. The guru is your own self, the inner guiding light.

The most potent prayer is the last line of the mantra in which we ask to have the good sense to be humble enough not to miss our chance to recognize the guru when they do appear. Only if we can let go of our self-cherishing, our pride, our need to be recognized and our yearning to be given credit for the things we do, can we ever hope to encounter the guru, that which brings enlightenment to our soul.

Om shree matre namah is a Sanskrit mantra chanted to honor the divine mother. It may be repeated alone or with other mantras honoring the various forms of the feminine divine. In general, mantras are chanted silently or aloud to calm and focus the mind. In yoga, mantras are often used in meditation to awaken higher consciousness.

This mantra is chanted considering Ganesha as a Guru more than a God. Ganesha is the embodiment of various skills with excellence. This expertise can be gained only with deep concentration and superior abilities.

A mantra is an ancient rhythmic chant that is practiced for mental, spiritual or emotional healing. The powerful sounds of a mantra are composed to fulfil a certain intention, both for the chanter and the listener.

The oldest mantra is said to be more than 3000 years old, and mantras are found in various cultures across the world, including Hinduism and Buddhism.

Mantra meditation is the practice of deep focused listening to a mantra in a meditative state to fulfil a certain intention. Mantra meditation is an excellent tool to raise one's vibrations, overcome suffering and strengthen one's powers of attraction.

The healing power of a mantra lies in its sounds. Each mantra has been composed in order to create a certain response from the mind, body and spirit.

A mantra, when practiced repeatedly with complete surrender, has the ability to heal in the following ways:

 * It swiftly detaches the mind from all current overwhelming thoughts and emotions.

 * It elevates one's vibrations, creating a vibrational shield of positivity and clarity.

 * It strengthens the powers of intuition and attraction.

 * It soothes all pain and suffering with its deep sounds.

 * It improves mental faculties like memory, concentration and creativity.

 * It is an enhancing additional tool that can deepen the experience of most other spiritual practices.

 * It grants these benefits to both the chanter and the listener of the mantra

Chanting a mantra is one way of receiving the benefits of that mantra.

However, it might be quite a difficult task to master the pronunciation of a mantra, especially if it is in a language that is foreign to you.

In that case, you can always gain the same benefits of a mantra by practicing mantra meditation. Simply put, mantra meditation is the practice of focused listening to a mantra while being in a meditative state.

Comparing the two, chanting and meditation, you should choose mantra meditation if you are at all in doubt or in difficulty regarding the pronunciation.

That's because not pronouncing the mantra right hampers its power drastically.

That said, even though it can at times be complicated to learn chanting, it is worth the effort. 

Chanting a mantra is an intensely satisfying, liberating experience that you must try to gain.

You only have to answer three important question to figure out if mantras and mantra meditation will work for you:

Are you ready to move past your suffering and conflicts?

Are you ready to set a strong intention of well-being and give it your sincerest focus?

Are you ready to devote some time and attention to the practice of raising your vibrations every day?

If your answer to these questions is 'Yes,' then mantras will certainly work for you, and guide you on the path of your desired life.

Although a mantra is an excellent tool for soothing our suffering and uplifting our lives, it is not an alternative for any medical treatment or therapy.

It is important to remember that while medication, treatment and medical therapy support our physical healing, mantras do the job of aligning our mind and our consciousness to derive the most from such healing.

We love mantras, and we want them to soothe as many lives across the world as possible.

While mantras have been around since as early as 3000 years ago, we bring them to the world in a new, enhanced, and easy-to-practice way.

Mahakatha offers all of these mantras on YouTube for patrons to listen and enjoy for free. However, for our listeners who feel inspired to make these mantras a part of their daily lives, we offer the complete, uninterrupted audios. 

We also put together albums that align with specific intentions, that can benefit a beginner and an experienced practitioner alike.

Above all, our patrons have been kind in considering the purchase of our productions as a way of supporting us, and enabling us to create more such healing content.

ARPANA [arpa]:

An offering to God or to the Guru made with a pure intention, loving attention, focus, and surrender. This offering can be tangible, such as flowers, incense, fruits, or money, as well as intangible, such as mental worship, the repetition of mantras, or selfless service.

BHASMA [bhasma]:

Ash from a sacred fire ritual (yajna), charged with the power of mantra. Bhasma is used to draw three horizontal stripes on the forehead and other parts of the body, representing the three qualities of nature (gunas) reduced to ash by spiritual practices and the power of grace. See also GUNA(S); SPIRITUAL PRACTICES; YAJNA.

GURUDEV SIDDHA PEETH [gurudev siddha peeh]:

The foundational Ashram of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda and the Siddha Yoga path, located near the village of Ganeshpuri, in Maharashtra, India. Initially constructed in 1956 for Swami Muktananda at the command of his Guru, Bhagavan Nityananda, and established as a public trust in 1962, Gurudev Siddha Peeth is also the location of the samadhi shrine (final resting place) of Swami Muktananda. See also ASHRAM; GURUMAYI CHIDVILASANANDA; SAMADHI SHRINE; SWAMI MUKTANANDA.

JAPA MALA [japa ml]:

Beads strung on thread or metal wire and used to support a seeker in practicing mantra repetition (mantra japa). With each repetition of the mantra, one bead is moved with the fingers. See also MANTRA.


A state on the west coast of central India, where Gurudev Siddha Peeth, the Siddha Yoga Ashram, is located. Many of the great poet-saints lived in Maharashtra, and the samadhi shrines (final resting places) of Bhagavan Nityananda and Swami Muktananda are there. See also BHAGAVAN NITYANANDA; GURUDEV SIDDHA PEETH; SWAMI MUKTANANDA.


A name of God. Silent repetition or audible chanting of the divine name is considered to be the most effective means of redemption in Kali Yuga, the present age. Chanting the divine name and mantra japa (mantra repetition) open the heart to the love and joy contained within it. See also MANTRA; YUGA.

VARNAMAYI [varamay]:

One of the four main categories of the manifestation of awakened Kundalini. It may include the awakening of previously dormant vocal powers in the seeker, the spontaneous uttering of mantras, creative literary inspiration, and intuitive wisdom. See also KUNDALINI; MANTRA. 17dc91bb1f

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