Hi is there a way to show download progress in a notification in flutter apps, i know there are plugins that handle downloads and show download progress in notifications such as FlutterDownloader plugin.

This is for anyone who does not want to use a package like FlutterDownloader to handle downloads but might want to use http or Dio and flutter_local_notifications to show progress when app is in the foreground.

Show Download Progress In Notification Bar Flutter

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The cross-platform facing API exposed by the FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin class doesn't expose platform-specific methods as its goal is to provide an abstraction for all platforms. As such, platform-specific configuration is passed in as data. There are platform-specific implementations of the plugin that can be obtained by calling the resolvePlatformSpecificImplementation. An example of using this is provided in the section on requesting permissions on iOS. In spite of this, there may still be gaps that don't cover your use case and don't make sense to add as they don't fit with the plugin's architecture or goals. Developers can fork or maintain their own code for showing notifications in these situations.

From Android 13 (API level 33) onwards, apps now have the ability to display a prompt where users can decide if they want to grant an app permission to show notifications. For further reading on this matter read -permission. To support this applications need target their application to Android 13 or higher and the compile SDK version needs to be at least 33 (Android 13). For example, to target Android 13, update your app's build.gradle file to have a targetSdkVersion of 33. Applications can then call the following code to request the permission where the requestPermission method is associated with the AndroidFlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin class (i.e. the Android implementation of the plugin)

Notification icons should be added as a drawable resource. The example project/code shows how to set default icon for all notifications and how to specify one for each notification. It is possible to use launcher icon/mipmap and this by default is @mipmap/ic_launcher in the Android manifest and can be passed AndroidInitializationSettings constructor. However, the offical Android guidance is that you should use drawable resources. Custom notification sounds should be added as a raw resource and the sample illustrates how to play a notification with a custom sound. Refer to the following links around Android resources and notification icons.

If your application needs the ability to schedule full-screen intent notifications, add the following attributes to the activity you're opening. For a Flutter application, there is typically only one activity extends from FlutterActivity. These attributes ensure the screen turns on and shows when the device is locked.

Initialisation can be done in the main function of your application or can be done within the first page shown in your app. Developers can refer to the example app that has code for the initialising within the main function. The code above has been simplified for explaining the concepts. Here we have specified the default icon to use for notifications on Android (refer to the Android setup section) and designated the function (onDidReceiveNotificationResponse) that should fire when a notification has been tapped on via the onDidReceiveNotificationResponse callback. Specifying this callback is entirely optional but here it will trigger navigation to another page and display the payload associated with the notification. This callback cannot be used to handle when a notification launched an app. Use the getNotificationAppLaunchDetails method when the app starts if you need to handle when a notification triggering the launch for an app e.g. change the home route of the app for deep-linking.

On iOS and macOS, initialisation may show a prompt to requires users to give the application permission to display notifications (note: permissions don't need to be requested on Android). Depending on when this happens, this may not be the ideal user experience for your application. If so, please refer to the next section on how to work around this.

Here, the first argument is the id of notification and is common to all methods that would result in a notification being shown. This is typically set a unique value per notification as using the same id multiple times would result in a notification being updated/overwritten.

The details specific to the Android platform are also specified. This includes the channel details that is required for Android 8.0+. Whilst not shown, it's possible to specify details for iOS and macOS as well using the optional iOS and macOS named parameters if needed. The payload has been specified ('item x'), that will passed back through your application when the user has tapped on a notification. Note that for Android devices that notifications will only in appear in the tray and won't appear as a toast aka heads-up notification unless things like the priority/importance has been set appropriately. Refer to the Android docs ( -up) for additional information. The "ticker" text is passed here is optional and specific to Android. This allows for text to be shown in the status bar on older versions of Android when the notification is shown.

If you are trying to update your code so it doesn't use the deprecated methods for showing daily or weekly notifications that occur on a specific day of the week then you'll need to perform calculations that would determine the next instance of a date that meets the conditions for your application. See the example application that shows one of the ways that can be done e.g. how schedule a weekly notification to occur on Monday 10:00AM.

If you have set notifications to be shown periodically on older iOS versions (< 10) and the application was uninstalled without cancelling all alarms, then the next time it's installed you may see the "old" notifications being fired. If this is not the desired behaviour then you can add code similar to the following to the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of your AppDelegate class.

As the plugin class is not static, it is possible to mock and verify its behaviour when writing tests as part of your application.Check the source code for a sample test suite that has been kindly implemented (test/flutter_local_notifications_test.dart) that demonstrates how this can be done.

awesome_notifications plugin is incompatible with flutter_local_notifications, as both plugins will compete each other to accquire global notification resources to send notifications and to receive notification actions.

So, you MUST not use flutter_local_notifications with awesome_notifications. Awesome Notifications contains all features available in flutter_local_notifications plugin and more, so you can replace totally flutter_local_notifications in your project.

At Awesome Notifications, we believe that notifications should be transparent to developers with all available features, simplifying the many different hardware and software resources available on different devices. This way, developers can focus on what to do instead of how to do. To achieve this, we adopt the philosophy of showing notifications with all available features requested, but ignoring any features that are not available on the device.

For example, if a device has LED colored lights, we will use them for notifications. If it doesn't have LED lights, we will ignore that feature but still show the notification with all the other available features. We follow the same philosophy for Notification Channels: if there is no channel segregation of notifications, we use the channel configuration as default. If the device has channels, we use them as expected.

Permissions give transparency to the user about what you intend to do with your app while it's in use. To show any notification on a device, you must obtain the user's consent. Keep in mind that this consent can be revoked at any time, on any platform. On Android 12 and below, the basic permissions are always granted to any newly installed app. But for iOS and Android 13 and beyond, even the basic permission must be requested from the user.

The chronometer field is a Duration type that sets the showWhen attribute of Android notifications to the amount of seconds to start. The timeoutAfter field, also a Duration type, determines an expiration time limit for the notification to stay in the system tray. After this period, the notification will automatically dismiss itself.

On Android, you can display a progress bar notification to show the progress of an ongoing task. To create a progress bar notification, you need to set the notification layout to ProgressBar and specify the progress value (between 0 and 100) or set it to indeterminate.

To update the progress of your notification, you can create a new notification with the same ID. However, you should not update the notification more frequently than once per second, as doing so may cause the notifications to be blocked by the operating system.

Note that in this example, the showProgressNotification function creates a loop to simulate progress by delaying a fixed amount of time between each simulated step. The _updateCurrentProgressBar function is called at a frequency of one call per second and updates the progress value of the notification. The locked parameter is set to true to prevent the user from dismissing the notification while the progress bar is active.

Defines the notification's importance level as a hierarchy, with Max being the most important and None being the least important. Depending on the importance level, the notification may have different behaviors, such as making a sound, appearing as a heads-up notification, or not showing at all.

Fix: This error happens when the flutter dependecies are not copied to another target extensions. Please, remove the old target extensions and update your awesome_notification plugin to the last version available, modifying your pod file according and running pod install after it. ff782bc1db

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