Caller ID - Spam Call Blocker 

Privacy Policy

Caller ID & Spam Call Blocker ("we" or "us", "App") privacy policy. By downloading, installing, accessing, or using the App, you consent to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this Privacy Policy, which include the collection and processing of your Personal Information (as defined below). If you do not agree to any provision herein, you are not permitted to download, install, access, or use the App. In such a case, you must promptly and permanently delete the App and any associated components from your systems and devices, and discontinue all usage. It is important to note that you are not legally required to furnish us with any Personal Information. By providing us with Personal Information, you acknowledge and affirm that you do so voluntarily, for the purposes outlined herein. Furthermore, you recognize that we may retain this Personal Information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy and any relevant laws and regulations.

We retain your information for as long as you use our app and for a reasonable period of time thereafter. We may also retain your information for legal or audit purposes.

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. We will notify you of any significant changes by posting a notice in the app or sending you an email.

We take commercially reasonable efforts to maintain the security of the Service and the information you submit to the Service, including your Collected Information, and preventing unauthorised access to your information, including your Collected Information, through the use of industry-standard technologies and reasonable internal procedures, including transmitting your data using modern security measures such as encryption.

In addition, we enable the display of Caller ID - Spam Call Blocker data only based on a phone number which has already been obtained by a user, e.g.: by an incoming call.

We make good faith efforts to store your information in a secure operating environment. However, we cannot guarantee security. We cannot be responsible for the acts of those who gain unauthorised access to or abuse our Service, and we make no warranty, express, implied or otherwise, that we will prevent such access. You understand that all information, including Collected Information, collected through our website or in connection with the Service is at your own risk and is subject to the provisions, disclaimers, and limitations of liability in both this Privacy Policy.

In the event that we become aware of any accidental or unauthorised access to your information, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to notify you of such.