A man putting the magazine into the gun releasing the slide opening a large metal door then firing 1 suppressed gun shot the man yells then the man finishes him off with 1 more. This all takes place in a Quarry.

Sound of the Mossburg 500 Pistol grip 20inch (near sawed off) tactical shotgun pumping a round into the chamber. Its that classic pump shotgun sound that says, hey i mean business. Youve all heard this sound before im sure.

Shotgun Shot Sound Download

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Sound of the Mossburg 500 Pistol grip 20inch (near sawed off) tactical shotgun pumping a round into the chamber ejecting the round and then putting another round in. Its that classic pump shotgun sound that says, hey i mean business. Youve all heard this sound before im sure.

On PC doom, I listen to the heavy weapons guy when he's attacking and it sounds like it's using the shotgun sound effect. Same goes for the spider mastermind. I think this is wrong and could do with being changed.

How might I change this so that they are using the pistol/chaingun sound effects? I remember a while back reading a topic on a forum, it might have been on here, about changing what attack the monster uses.

The spiderdemon uses the shotgun sound because it's using a super chaingun that does much more damage. It shoots 3 pellets per shot, instead of one, just like the shotgun guy. We can assume it's shooting bigger bullets, more bullets or even shotgun shells.

The heavy weapon dude uses the shotgun sound because its shots last 4 tics, like the player's, but there's an extra "target checking" tic after every two shots, which makes their attack sounds a bit slower than the player's. At one point, the Eternity engine had made this change. Complaints ensued because the heavy weapon dudes sounded weaker than the player, and it was changed back to the shotgun sound. With the shotgun sound, their chaingun sounds beefy enough without altering game behavior (the speed of the monster's attack).

To be honest, I didn't notice they used the shotgun sound till long after I started playing DOOM II. To me, these days, such a difference is just another of the game's usual quirks and not a problem.

I've attached a little DeHackEd patch that gives the heavy weapon dude the attack sound and rate of the player. Note that it's incompatible with the usual game behavior, so it's not usable when watching recorded demos or when playing online with people not applying the patch. It makes the heavy weapon dudes a little bit more deadly than usual. It also doesn't work with Doom95 (no DeHackEd support.) Apply it by creating a modified DOS executable file with DeHackEd or otherwise load it with the -deh parameter in the command line with source ports (plus equivalent ways to load DeHackEd patches in these engines, as applicable.)

My theory is that the spiderdemon was just given the shotgun guy's weapon that fires on full-auto, and that the heavy weapons dude is modified from the spiderdemon. Behavior of the HWD is some proof of this. (Only stop firing when target is out of line of sight)

tag_hash_107__________ said:

My theory is that the spiderdemon was just given the shotgun guy's weapon that fires on full-auto, and that the heavy weapons dude is modified from the spiderdemon. Behavior of the HWD is some proof of this. (Only stop firing when target is out of line of sight)

Not really, because the code that tells what sound to use for the spiderdemon's attack seems to be the shotgun guy's code, and the heavy weapon dude has a separate copy of that code for itself, with a slight difference. If the coders copy pasted code from the spiderdemon to the heavy weapon dude, it was just the "refire" code, and they edited it a bit (changing "if (P_Random () < 10)" to "if (P_Random () < 40)"). I'm not sure how the amount of pellets or bullets is defined... maybe the "int i;" line in the A_SPosAttack code? From p_enemy.c:

void A_SPosAttack (mobj_t* actor){ inti; intangle; intbangle; intdamage; intslope; if (!actor->target)return; S_StartSound (actor, sfx_shotgn); A_FaceTarget (actor); bangle = actor->angle; slope = P_AimLineAttack (actor, bangle, MISSILERANGE); for (i=0 ; ihealth target) ) {P_SetMobjState (actor, actor->info->seestate); }}void A_SpidRefire (mobj_t* actor){ // keep firing unless target got out of sight A_FaceTarget (actor); if (P_Random () < 10)return; if (!actor->target|| actor->target->health target) ) {P_SetMobjState (actor, actor->info->seestate); }}

I replaced the shotgun sound for a mod a few weeks ago, and I was surprised to hear chaingunners using the sound replacement. I think it's DSSHTGN... 

Anyway, if you want to separate the chaingunner/shotgun noises, you would have to create a new monster that looks and acts exactly like the chaingunner. You could do this with DehackED, or zDoom. I know nothing about DehackED, except that it involves replacing frames and such. zDoom has a DECORATE feature, which allows you to easily create new monsters. Using zdoom.org, you can find instruction on how to create a new monster that is the chaingunner, except it uses a different attack noise.

If that paragraph was too dense, tell me... I'm working on explaining things better.

The spider mastermind is using a rapidfire shotgun. I can't say anything for the chaingun guy, i just conjured that his chaingun sounds different because he was firing from a different angle and a long distance. Kinda like in Wolf3d, the nazi's weapons sounded different even though they were technically the same thing. Also even though I haven't actually heard the chaingun guy using the pistol sound for his chaingun, I can assume he wouldn't appear half as threatening if he was using that sound.

Love the gun and was over the moon to find a unique varient with the firerate boost, but for some reason its firing sound is like a suppressed weapon, which is a shame. Part of why I loved the Breach is that it sounded like a howitzer, but this sounds like a staple gun.

A sound level meter or an app like Decibel Pro can help you measure noise levels and protect you from potential hearing damage or hearing loss. You can easily download the app on your phone or Ipad and get instant sound level readings wherever you need them.

Another option is to load the DLSMusicDevice on the input of the channel strip ( General Midi device - Quicktime Synth). Program change 127 is a gun shot. Each note on the keyboard will generate a slightly different gunshot tone.

Here's why: A gunshot produces a loud burst of sound, causing a concussive energy that rattles the eardrum, the little bones in the inner ear and the cochlea, a fluid-filled, snail-shaped organ with thousands of tiny hair-like structures that convert sounds from the outside world into electrical impulses the brain can understand. More on how we hear.

While most noise-induced hearing loss results from continuous exposure to loud sounds, even a single gunshot blast can cause permanent damage. Terry said everyone within earshot of gunfire should make it a habit to wear hearing protection.

The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) says hearing damage occurs with noises of 85 dB or louder. Higher caliber guns produce a louder sound than their small caliber cousins; however, any shot fired next to an unprotected ear can be damaging. According to USA Carry, a .32 LONG fires a 152.4 decibel (dB) blast while a .44 S&W Magnum blast registers 164.5 dB.

According to Dr. William Clark, Ph.D. senior research scientist in charge of the NOISE LABORATORY at the Central Institute for the Deaf in St. Louis, the damage caused by one shot from a .357 magnum pistol, which can expose a shooter to 165 dB for 2msec, is equivalent to over 40 hours in a noisy workplace.

Krammer adds that sound pressure levels for the various pistols and ammunition tested yielded an average mean of 157.5 dB, which is greater than those previously shown for shotgun and rifle noise levels.

There was also a greater range, from 152.4dB to 164.5dB, representing 12 dB difference, or more than 10 time as much acoustic energy for the top end of the pistol spectrum. It should be noticed that this figure of 164.5 dB approaches the practical limit of impulse noise measurement capability inherent in most modern sound level meters.

The above averages are for all types of ammunition used in these firearms, and should be considered fairly representative. No wonder we hear numerous reports about hearing loss as a result of firearms including acoustic traumas that take hearing completely as a result of one shot. Imagine what the noise levels must be when we incorporate muzzle brakes or porting into firearms, or have a gun explode near the ear due to malfunction.

My problem is that sometimes, especially if a golfer gets a nice strike with a driver or 3 wood that the microphone will pick up that swing as many as 5 driving range stalls away. This would be another golfer than the one who's "sound strike" I am trying to capture.

I am looking to solve this problem with a Shotgun microphone. I am hoping that the Shotgun microphone will isolate ambient noise and pickup sound primarily in the direction that the Shotgun microphone is pointing.

I am a total novice so I am not sure that a Shotgun microphone will really even solve my problem. I know that a Shotgun microphone will enhance the sound in the direction it is pointed. My software that picks up decibels of the "swing strike" sensitivity could than be decreased, to pick up higher decibels as the trigger is my current thinking.

Shotguns help, but they do not 100% isolate anything. The main way to "isolate" a sound in the field is with distance. You want to get as far away from undesired noises and as close to desired noises as possible. The difference with a shotgun is that when you aim it correctly, it gives you more flexibility on the distance, but it doesn't completely isolate any sound. 006ab0faaa

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