The Short-Term Course on Cyber Security is a part of WCSF’s Cyber Awareness program 2021 which is a global initiative to support emerging trends in cyberlaw, cybercrime and cyber security. Increasing the level of cyber awareness through education and training can be an effective way to encourage the adoption of security tools, which leads to a safer use of technology.
This course aims to educate people about the importance of the Cyber domain and Information Technology in the digital age. As technology is evolving rapidly, so human beings are & during this expedition all are facing a lot of obstacles in all senses. This course will provide basic grounding in concepts such as cybercrime, digital privacy, online fraud and cyber forensics.
Adv. Megha R. Ahuja
Prof. Sizwe Lindelo Snail Mtuze
Mr. Mahipal Singh Sankhla
“What are Cyber Crimes” by Adv. Megha Ahuja (Program Head, WCSF) on 17th September 2021.
“Cyber Terrorism, Online Fraud and Digital Privacy ” by Prof. Sizwe Lindelo Snail Mtuze (Managing Director, Snail Attorneys at Law) on 18th September 2021.
“Cyber Forensics and Investigation” by Mr. Mahipal Singh Sankhla (Assistant Professor, Vivekananda Global University) on 19th September 2021.
Registration Details
For Registration, please fill the google form: https://forms.gle/sSV56YAtEEWdWK8M9
Seats are limited; once all the slots are full, registration will be closed.
Registration Fees: No registration fee.
Participation certificate will be provided to all the attendees.