
Hi! I am an Innovation and Project Manager at StromDAO GmbH where I am responsible for managing R&D projects, and leading consortiums related to citizen-based energy communities, decentralized energy storage and flexible systems, smart grids and open energy management systems. Before that, I was Innovation Manager at OLI Systems GmbH where I was in charge of drawing technology roadmap for OLI ecosystem in local energy & flexibility markets, peer-ro-peer (P2P) energy transactions, smart grids, smart homes, and electric vehicle (EV) charging strategies. From October 2019 to December 2021, I was postdoctoral scientist at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). My approach to make a green and sustainable societies drives me to research in power & energy systems. Thus, my professional activities address application of mathematical optimization & modeling on power systems, and decision making under uncertainty for individual & multi agent systems.  In this way, my research interests include designing business model for local energy & flexibility markets, planning & operation of integrated energy systems, game-based energy trading markets, and application of machine learning algorithms on price & demand forecasting.

E-mail: amin.shokri@stromdao.com

StromDAO GmbH



[16th February 2023]: Published! My first book entitled "Trading in Local Energy Markets and Energy Communities: Concepts, Structures and Technologies" has been published in Springer. The Book is available [here].

[1st December 2022]:  Invited as a member of Steering Committee of International Conference on Future Energy Solutions (FES). The FES23 is held in Vaasa, Finland, on June 12-14, 2023.

[29th November 2022]: I have been an invited speaker in the "OpenEMS 2022" conference.  Interested ones can find my presentation entitled "Energy Communities with OpenEMS a conceptual perspective" [here].

[26th October 2022]: Published! Our paper entitled "Intelligent Bidding Strategies for Prosumers in Local Energy Markets Based on Reinforcement Learning" has been published in IEEE Access. The paper is available [here].

[26th September 2022]: Published! Our paper S. Talari, M. Khorasany, R. Razzaghi, W. Ketter, and Amin Shokri Gazafroudi, "Mechanism design for decentralized peer-to-peer energy trading considering heterogeneous preferences", Vol. 87, Sustainable Cities and Society, has been published [here].

[15th September 2022]: New Role! I joined StromDAO GmbH as Innovation & Project Manager and Renewable Energy Evangelist - RE².

[24th June 2022]: Published! Our paper entitled "Two-Layer Game-Based Framework for Local Energy Flexibility Trading" has been published in IEEE Access. The paper is available [here].

[30th May 2022]: Published! Our paper Amin Shokri Gazafroudi, M. Khorasany, R. Razzaghi, T. Morstyn and M. Shaife-khah, "A framework for participation of prosumers in peer-to-peer energy trading and flexibility markets", Vol. 314, Applied Energy, has been published [here].

[24th June 2022]: Published! Our paper entitled "Evaluation of Hierarchical, Multi-Agent, Community-Based, Local Energy Markets Based on Key Performance Indicators" has been published in MDPI-Energies. The paper is available [here].

[1st January 2022]: New Role! I joined OLI Systems GmbH as Innovation Manager.

[10th December 2021]: Published! Our paper entitled "Iterative Game Approach for Modelling the Behavior of Agents in a Competitive Flexibility Trading" has been published in IEEE Access. The paper is available [here].

[9th December 2021]:  Invited as a member of Technical Program committee of DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics. The 11th DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics is held in Freiburg, Germany, on September 15-16, 2022.

[17th November 2021]: Published! Our paper entitled "Peer-to-Peer Electricity Market based on Local Supervision" has been published in IEEE Access. The paper is available [here].

[15th November 2021]: Published! Our paper Amin Shokri Gazafroudi, F. Neumann and T. Brown, "Topology-based Approximations for N−1 Contingency Constraints in Power Transmission Networks", has been published in International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. The paper is available [here].

[12th October 2021]: Accepted! Our paper Amin Shokri Gazafroudi, F. Neumann and T. Brown, "Topology-based Approximations for N−1 Contingency Constraints in Power Transmission Networks", has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. The paper is available [here].

[28th September 2021]: Published! Our conference paper entitled "Mathematical Model for Agent-based Local Energy Exchange Engine (D3A)", presented at SEST'21, Vaasa, Finaland is available [here].

[6th August 2021]: Published! Our paper Amin Shokri Gazafroudi, M. Khorasany, R. Razzaghi, H. Laaksonen and M. Shaife-khah, "Hierarchical Approach for Coordinating Energy and Flexibility Trading in Local Energy Markets", Vol. 302, Applied Energy, has been published [here].

[28th July 2021]: Accepted! Our paper Amin Shokri Gazafroudi, M. Khorasany, R. Razzaghi, H. Laaksonen and M. Shaife-khah, "Hierarchical Approach for Coordinating Energy and Flexibility Trading in Local Energy Markets", has been accepted for publication in Applied Energy. The paper is available [here].

[9th July 2020]: Published! Newly published book chapter entitled "Local market models" in "Local Electricity Markets".

[13th of June 2021]: Initiated! Iran Local Energy Market (ILEM) Committee at Iran Energy Associatrion (IEA) has been initiated. My pleasure to be as a member of ILEM Scientific Committee!

[6th May 2021]: Published! Our paper M. Khorasany, R. Razzaghi, and Amin Shokri Gazafroudi, "Two-stage Mechanism Design for Energy Trading of Strategic Agents in Energy Communities", Vol. 295, Applied Energy, has been published [here].

[4th May 2021]: I have been an invited speaker in the "Smart Cities & Communities" course hold by Prof. Shafie-khah, University of Vaasa.  Interested ones can find my presentation entitled "Energy Sharing in Smart Distribution Networks" [here].

[28th April 2021]: Accepted! Our paper M. Khorasany, R. Razzaghi, and Amin Shokri Gazafroudi, "Two-stage Mechanism Design for Energy Trading of Strategic Agents in Energy Communities", has been accepted for publication in Applied Energy. The paper is available [here].

[22nd December 2020]:  Invited as a member of Technical Program committee of DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics. The 10th DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics is held in Freiburg, Germany, on September 16-17, 2021.

[11th December 2020]: Released! 2nd post released in E4E media entitled "Electricity trading smart grids".

[11th November 2020]: Released! 1st post released in E4E media entitled "Home energy management system".

[10th November 2020]: Great pleasure to be invited as a Jedi member for Energy Singularity Odyssey Momentum Event !

[1st October 2020]: Call for papers (Frontiers in Energy Research)!  Energy Flexible Buildings in Local Energy and Flexibility Markets. I am a guest editor for this special issue. Don't miss its submission deadlines!

[31st August 2020]: Let's see the contingency analysis for German transmission network based on single line outage.

[8th June 2020]:   Pleased to announce the release of PyPSA-Eur v0.2.0.

[20th May 2020]: The University of Vaasa will host 4th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), 6-8 September 2021, Vaasa, Finland. I am a member of Technical Program Committee for SEST'21.

[30th April 2020]: Published! Newly published book chapter entitled "Islanded microgrid management based on blockchain communication" in "Blockchain-Based Smart Grids".