The first & foremost thing a Shivyog sadhak is expected to do before doing his sadhana is clean all the opening/ body cavities like ears, nostrils, mouth especiall the tongue which is the most dirtiest & infected part of the body, almost 24/7, & the genitals.

Also, when any Siddha Guru comes after you invoke him, he rests in the flame or the jyot of the diya & it stabilises! Does not flicker! You can play the Shivyog Swadhyay in the background, simultaneolsly if you DO NOT have the time to practice both the Swadhyaya chanting & the self healing together. Invoking your Guru is a must if you want to achieve maximum results/ effect in your healing!

Shivyog Swadhyay Mp3 Download

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Then comes the part of using the Mahamrityunjaya Yantra. Many of the shivyog sadhkas are already aware of the fact that Yantras & mantras have been locked of their powers! Siddhas did this to ensure that something as powerful as this science, even if it falls in the wrong hands, should not harm anyone! Or to put it in simpler words, no Tom, Dick & Harry should be able to use it & possibly harm himself or others around him! Shivyog energies Unlock the powers of Siddhankar Mantras & also of Yantras in seconds!

>>>So use it, alwayswith any of the sincere emotions like Unconditional love, Compassion, etc, for healing, they become your rini! Unpe aap ka karz chad jaata hai! So they reciprocate by sending you the same thing back, but with much much more quantity than you originally sent! The sun sends the maximim amount of energy in return! It is full of Photons of all kinds of wavelengths, including Shambhavi! So whenever doing healing by Shambhavi, always do it by Shambhavi Dhyana for maximum benefit/effect! 152ee80cbc

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