Dr Shivang Agarwal

Dr Shivang Agarwal

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur,

NH 62, Karwar, Jodhpur 342037.





Welcome to my webpage. I am currently working as a post-doctoral fellow at the IAB lab, IIT Jodhpur under the mentorship of Prof. Mayank Vatsa and Prof. Richa Singh. I've completed my PhD in computer science and engineering at IIT (BHU), Varanasi, India under the supervision of Dr Ravindranath Chowdary C

My PhD thesis "Effective learning models for pattern mining applications" deals with two pattern mining applications: fingerprint liveness detection and automatic hate speech detection on social media platforms. During my PhD, I worked towards proposing various learning models to address these critical problems. 

Currently, I am leading industry-based research projects that deal with low-resolution face recognition systems under disguise, quality-aware age-invariant face recognition, and AI for social good