Hidy Shirota

Department of Chemistry, Chiba University


Hirsch Index: 45 (Google Scholar)


Ph.D. 1998, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies

M.Eng. 1995, The University of Tokyo

B.Eng. 1993, Okayama University

A.Eng. 1991, Suzuka National College of Technology

Professional Appointments

Professor, Chiba University, 2023-Present

Associate Professor, Chiba University, 2006-2023

Research Associate, The State University of New Jersey, Rutgers, 2003-2006

Research Associate, The University of Tokyo, 2000-2003

Postdoctoral Associate, The State University of New Jersey, Rutgers, 1999-2000

Research Associate, The University of Tokyo, 1996-1999

Memberships of Professional Societies

Chemical Society of Japan

Japan Association of Solution Chemistry

Spectroscopical Society of Japan

EMLG-JMLG (European & Japanese Molecular Liquid Groups)

American Chemical Society

 Society of Polymer Science, Japan

Japan Society for Molecular Science


2022: Academic Award for Encouragement (Ube Industries Foundation)

2019:  Academic Award (the Japan Association of Solution Chemistry )

2017: Commendation for Excellent KAKENHI Reviewers (JSPS)

2009:  Nanohana Award for Science (Chiba University & The Futaba Foundation)