I'm a project research associate at Department of Mathematical Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo (seconded from NTT). I belong to MAEDA Artificial Intelligence in Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery Project. I'm also a visiting scientist at the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, Sequential Decision Making Team.
I'm interested in discrete/continuous optimization, learning theory, and algorithmic game theory.
March 2020, Doctor's Degree of Informatics, Kyoto University
Thesis: “Online, submodular, and polynomial optimization with discrete structures”
Advisor: Shin-ichi Minato
March 2016, Master's Degree of Information Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo
Thesis: “Solving quadratically constrained quadratic programming via multiparameter eigenvalues”
Advisor: Akiko Takeda
March 2014, Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering, the University of Tokyo
Thesis (in Japanese) : "大規模最小化問題に対する並列的貪欲ブロック座標降下法とその応用"
Advisor: Takayasu Matsuo
Work Experience
April 2020–Now. Project research associate at the University of Tokyo (seconded from NTT)
April 2020–Now. NTT Information Network Laboratory Group
April 2016–March 2020. NTT Communication Science Laboratories
2018 年度 NTT コミュニケーション科学基礎研究所 所長表彰(奨励賞)
IEICE TC-IBISML Research Award 2017(2017 年度 IBISML 研究会賞)
Exercise course of geometry (2020–2024 Autumn, University of Tokyo)
Short exercise course of numerical methods (2020 Spring & Autumn, University of Tokyo)
Short exercise course of discrete methods (2022–2024 Spring & Autumn, University of Tokyo)